"Barf Bag" Thread?


The Living Force

Maybe we should start a thread for nauseating news items like this front-page blurb (that accompanied the photo linked above):

"President Barack Obama awarded the Medal of Freedom Tuesday to former President George H.W. Bush"

See, just in that short sentence alone, I gagged at the words, "George Bush" ,"highest honor" and "Freedom". But the last sentence is when I almost needed a barf bag:

"Obama praised Mr. Bush's humility and his decency"

On second thought, maybe the thread should be called "Shock and Awful"
JGeropoulas said:

Maybe we should start a thread for nauseating news items like this front-page blurb (that accompanied the photo linked above):

"President Barack Obama awarded the Medal of Freedom Tuesday to former President George H.W. Bush"

See, just in that short sentence alone, I gagged at the words, "George Bush" ,"highest honor" and "Freedom". But the last sentence is when I almost needed a barf bag:

"Obama praised Mr. Bush's humility and his decency"

On second thought, maybe the thread should be called "Shock and Awful"

Hum... why am i not surprised ?
Maybe it's satire? :lol:

Unbelivable lies. Unbelivable that they believe that we would believe this rather blatant in your face lies. Unbelivable that people actually believe this stuff. Unbelivable that they both kept a straight face! Where are the Oscars? Omg, they cant even convince some mere mortals, what chance do they stand with the universe? Unbelivable all round. Cosmic tragic comedy.

I mean seriously, some of the words used are just to ridiculous. Humility and decency have been forever tarnished by association with Bush. I feel sorry for this 2 lovely words. Who had the audacity to put freedom and bush together? OMG! This people are getting away with daylight robbery, pure blatant in your face no need to hide it murder. HOLY COW! I think they think there wont be any retribution. KARMA must have a trillion years worth of retribution with these guys names on it. To bad there friends havent told them about it... Talk about being put out to burn. I wonder if lack of knowledge is admissible in the high court that is the universe?

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