Bayer selling foreign countries AIDS contaminated medicine


The Living Force
I don't know how recent this video is:


My only reservation about this is, according to my knowledge, that the AIDS virus can't survive for too long outside the human body. That's why I always wonder about these stories of people feeling a prick in night clubs etc. only to discover later that they've been infected with the virus.

And if it's true that the AIDS virus can't survive for long outside the human body, how can it be spread with vaccines and medicine?
I think the answer to that is that (from what was reported over the years) AIDS cannot survive exposed to air for very long. Perhaps some have used the term "outside the body" to convey that, but IMO, it's misleading.
To my knowledge, AIDS is not a disease per se, but is a name given to a collection of illnesses due to poor immunology. (AIDS=Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome). I myself was surprised to learn this fact a while ago; you seldom hear this - always the talk of AIDS-virus.

Contrary to popular belief, AIDS is not new and is not a disease. AIDS is a new name given by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to a collection of 29 familiar illnesses and conditions including yeast infection, herpes, diarrhea, some pneumonias, certain cancers, salmonella, and tuberculosis. (1) These illnesses are called AIDS only when they occur in a person who also has protective disease fighting proteins or antibodies that are thought to be associated with HIV.

Some interesting and provocative videos about AIDS/HIV that at the very least raises some questions:

Deconstructing The Myth Of AIDS (Gary Null)

HIV = AIDS: Fact or Fraud?(20min preview)

The Other Side of AIDS (Robin Scovill, 2004)

Maybe some of the info in these videos are misleading or blown out of proportion, but there's a lot of important stuff too!
aragorn said:
To my knowledge, AIDS is not a disease per se, but is a name given to a collection of illnesses due to poor immunology. (AIDS=Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome). I myself was surprised to learn this fact a while ago; you seldom hear this - always the talk of AIDS-virus.
My understanding of AIDS and HIV is based on what I've read about it too. AIDS is a syndrome caused by the effects of the HIV virus. AIDS is usually diagnosed at a point in time where the HIV virus has completely overwhelmed the body's ability to produce a certain type of cell involved in its immunity, called the T Helper Lymphocyte. This leaves the body vulnerable to all types of opportunist infections and this is what usually ends the life of the person infected with the HIV virus.

HIV has an 'affinity' for cells with CD4 receptors on them which is a type of antigen receptor. Unfortunatly for people infected with HIV, the cell with the most CD4 receptors on it is the T Helper Lymphocyte. The virus can reduce the lifespan of this cell from about 100 days to 2 days. The body is able to respond to this by producing more T Helper Lymphocytes in the bone marrow. On average it takes about 10 years for this process to become completely overwhelmed i.e. it gets to the point where the virus is destroying more cells than the body can produce to mount an effective immune response. This is usually the point where AIDS is diagnosed. I've found this diagnostic criteria for AIDS.

AIDS is diagnosed when an indiviual with HIV develops at least one of these conditions:

1. CD4+ T cell count drops below 200 cells/uL. (normal is 800-1200).

2. Development of one of the following opportunistic infections(OIs):

- Fungal
- Viral
- Protozoal
- Bacterial

(I'm not going to go into details of which are the most likely because there's a lot of them, but as you can see these four families cover a wide range of potentially infectious agents that are usually prevented from becoming infections by an intact immune system - Ruth)

3. Development of one of the following opportunistic cancers:
- Invasive cervical cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), Burkitt's lymphoma, immunoblastic lymphoma or primary lymphoma of the brain

4. Wasting syndrome occurs. Wasting is defined as a loss of 10% or more of ideal body mass.

5. Dementia develops.
So, the HIV virus attacks the immune system which causes AIDS to develop and eventually the person may succum to one of the many infectious agents out there (and in their own bodies).

I have often wondered if the HIV virus may have been introduced into human populations by 'accident' rather than by deliberate design (at least as far as 3rd density level planning goes). I have also wondered why scientific types do not follow this line of enquiry with either the HIV virus or Spanish Flu. Do they fear blame, I wonder - and maybe they are right to do so (thinking of the thalidamide scandal here)? It also confuses me that some elements of the public tend to want to deny that HIV exists, or that it leads to AIDS. To me, there should really be a rational explanation as to why something happens, not a constant attempt to 'rationalise' it along a certain pathway in an attempt to avoid really looking at it. I found these websites to be quite interesting.
AIDS is diagnosed when an indiviual with HIV develops at least one of these conditions:

1. CD4+ T cell count drops below 200 cells/uL. (normal is 800-1200).

2. Development of one of the following opportunistic infections(OIs):

- Fungal
- Viral
- Protozoal
- Bacterial

(I'm not going to go into details of which are the most likely because there's a lot of them, but as you can see these four families cover a wide range of potentially infectious agents that are usually prevented from becoming infections by an intact immune system - Ruth)

3. Development of one of the following opportunistic cancers:
- Invasive cervical cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), Burkitt's lymphoma, immunoblastic lymphoma or primary lymphoma of the brain

4. Wasting syndrome occurs. Wasting is defined as a loss of 10% or more of ideal body mass.

5. Dementia develops.
Yes, and they keep adding knew diseases to the list. I'm not saying that these diseases doesn't harm you - but if you categorize every other disease to be caused by AIDS(even when many with the HIV-virus are feeling quite ok) , and then pump you up with AZT or some other highly toxic stuff - then you're doomed.

It is also interesting to note, that in the underdeveloped and poor countries(like parts of Africa) there is a clear tendency to categorize many deaths as to been caused by AIDS; many deaths which are e.g. just caused by famine or other very poor conditions. This then gives "them" cause to launch massive vaccination programs in those countries. And as everyone knows, those vaccinations are highly suspicious. I have to look up my sources on this - don't want to just throw this at you with any references. I'll get back.

p.s. Couldn't find any "bigger" discussion on vaccines around this forum. Hasn't it been debated - or maybe there's nothing to debate ;)
Found one of my bookmarks concerning this:

Professor Charles Geshekter
Department of History
California State University, Chico


He writes:

AIDS researchers in Africa assume there is a correlation between clinical symptoms (weight loss, chronic diarrhea, fever, a persistent dry cough) and sexual activity. Correlation - whether one phenomenon is found in tandem with another - is not causation. Proof of causation requires that we control all variables in order to isolate one variable as a cause, not merely as an associated factor. The clinical symptoms that define an AIDS case in Africa are expressed in roughly equal numbers among men and women, not because of alleged heterosexual transmission, but because the socio-economic conditions that give rise to the gender equity in the distribution of these widespread symptoms are caused by environmental risk factors to which many Africans are regularly exposed.

Moreover, there may be a correlation between having those clinical symptoms, which attest to an absence of good health, and the likelihood that the patient will generate a positive antibody test result. This does not prove that it was the antibodies (or "HIV") which caused those symptoms. Anyone who has those symptoms, which are due to environmental insults, may cause a positive test result, indicating simply that the patient is likely to be in poor health. To put it another way, the presentation of the clinical AIDS symptoms is likely to predict a positive HIV-antibody result on a single ELISA test. Thus, these AIDS symptoms could be said to "cause" a positive test result.

Poverty-stricken, malnourished subsistence farmers with malaria, tuberculosis or repeated attacks of dysentery are likely to have a considerable amount of cross-reacting antibodies in their systems. Dr. F.J.C. Millard, a physician at a small mission hospital in South Africa’s North Province (formerly Northern Transvaal), described the local conditions in which the incidence of tuberculosis and AIDS were rising: “the area had suffered from neglect during the apartheid years. There is poverty, malnutrition, violence, unemployment, overpopulation, and, most important of all, a lack of education.”
Full article here: _
My personal feeling after researching and intuitively reflecting on this subject for many years is that "AIDS is a 4th Density Disease"... adapted, and given to a 3rd Density race via touchdown points i.e. certain Psychopathic Doctors and Scientists who were either unconsciously Co-Opted, or consciously working with 4th Density STS Beings and their ongoing nefarious plans for planet earth.

Furthermore, I feel the reason AIDS is so baffling and enigmatic is that people constantly try to put it in the category of either Virus, Bacterium or Fungus when in reality it is OUTSIDE these perameters, being neither, but rather belonging to a sufficiently High Frequency Level that we cannot discover with our most powerful microscopes or any other 3rd density method of testing things, its Real Nature.

As has been stated a number of times by others in this forum, and Many Qualified Researchers and Scientists...

NO VIRUS has ever been seen that could be described as thee AIDS Virus.

All that is ever seen is the "EFFECTS" of the AIDS anomaly. The plethora of opportunistic diseases associated with it are brought about via the Destruction it has on the immune system, which then allows for these many opportunistic 3rd Density Diseases to take root in the human body.

I have No proof of what I just wrote, it's mostly info I gleaned from Channeled sources.
From what I have found on the internet, it seems as if it has become possible to detect the RNA of HIV using PCR, and therefore one doesn't have to rely on the ELISA test anymore.
As for being spread with vaccinations, isn't that exactly what is thought to have started this disease, making antibodies for injection using a growth material made out of some infected chimpanzee's liver?
NH said:
I have No proof of what I just wrote, it's mostly info I gleaned from Channeled sources.
Nordic Healer - why would you believe these 'channeled sources'? Understanding as you do the required signal to noise ratio on this forum, why would you mention such supposition and, at the very least, not mention the source?

Considering that HIV and AIDS affects third density beings --- --- --- how is it a 'fourth density' disease? Please provide data to back up these statements, or, in the future, please refrain from posting noise on this forum.
I came across the Gary Null video while looking for something else. It is also known as ‘What is AIDS? Open up a dialog.’

I found this film very interesting. It shows how a kind of mass hysteria can blind orthodox western medical practitioners, and how certain facts and observations are marginalised or suppressed.

The film discuss AIDS medications, particularly AZT and protease inhibitors. Some people who have been HIV+ for 20 years have not become sick. They themselves attribute this to not taking any of the generally prescribed medications.

It appears certain that in the case of AIDS/HIV, big pharma invented a disease by grouping together a number of previously separate conditions.

According to two or three of the experts interviewed in the film, the HIV virus has never been isolated or photographed, although Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director, would like you to believe otherwise. Fauci and Robert Gallo are briefly interviewed in the film.

What I found very interesting was to consider the information presented in the film in the light of Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation.

The author of the article discusses Béchamp’s discoveries and shows how, from a faulty premise, a whole host of destructive medical practices has arisen since the late 19th century, including vaccination, antibiotics, chemotherapy and so on. Béchamp observed tiny particles which he called microzymas. These, he said, are the basis of all living cells. The microzymas are able to mutate, depending on their environment, into bacteria, yeast, fungi and mould. Their environment is our body – also called the biological terrain.

I highly recommend this article to anyone interested health and disease. It offers a very effective antidote to the germ theory of disease which, almost like a religion, permeates western society. It gives a clear explanation of Béchamp’s discoveries, and confirmation of them in the 1940s by the use of the Rife Microscope.

Many thanks to Chachachick for posting the link to this article.

Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation said:
[…] when you look at live blood, you can observe that microorganisms undergo an exact, scientifically verifiable cycle of change in their form. As profound as the change of a caterpillar to a butterfly, this evolution is even more fantastic, since it can happen quite rapidly (sometimes in a matter of minutes!). There are no enemies or specific diseases to fight. There is only the consequence of balance or imbalance. […]

[...] the stresses of our wrong eating habits and way of life "dirty up" our inner environment. Our terrain becomes overly acidic (pH imbalance)--paving the way for unwanted guests. In this unbalanced environment, morbid bacteria can issue from our own cells. These tiny life forms can rapidly change their form and function. Through a process called pleomorphism, (pleo = many; morph = form), bacteria can change into yeast, yeast to fungus, fungus to mold. Microorganisms such as a specific bacterium, can take on multiple forms. This is a change of function as well as shape.[…]

What makes the germ theory so dangerous is that it seems so obviously true. But it is true only secondarily. Bechamp said "There is no doctrine so false that it does not contain some particle of truth. It is thus with microbian doctrines." Béchamp discovered Microzyma (now known as micro-organisms) minute or small ferment bodies--the basic structure of cell life; and that germs definitely are the result, not the cause of disease. Through his experiments he showed that the vital characteristics of cells and germs are determined by the soil in which their microzyma feed, grow and multiply in the human body. Both the normal cell and germ have constructive work to do. The cells organize tissues and organs in the human body. Germs cleanse the human system and free it from accumulations of pathogenic and mucoid matter. We are constantly breathing in some 14,000 germs and bacteria per hour. If germs are so harmful, why aren't we all dead?

Null’s film discusses the biological terrain of certain gay men in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Their recreational drug use, intense partying and sexual activity resulted in a biological terrain that gave rise to AIDS, and considering Béchamp’s discoveries, it is quite possible that the HIV ‘virus’ is the result of, and not the cause of, AIDS. Indeed, one of the scientists interviewed comes very close to stating just that.

Many commentators have suggested that HIV/AIDS was created by government scientists, but Béchamp’s ideas seem to negate that idea, or at least render it unnecessary.

If Béchamp’s discoveries had formed the basis of western medicine instead of Pasteur’s theories, the world would be much healthier. Pasteur’s fundamental viewpoint was that ‘something is out there; it wants to get me, and I’m going to kill it first’. Béchamp’s viewpoint was to observe nature and work in harmony with her.
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