I came across the Gary Null video while looking for something else. It is also known as ‘What is AIDS? Open up a dialog.’
I found this film very interesting. It shows how a kind of mass hysteria can blind orthodox western medical practitioners, and how certain facts and observations are marginalised or suppressed.
The film discuss AIDS medications, particularly AZT and protease inhibitors. Some people who have been HIV+ for 20 years have not become sick. They themselves attribute this to not taking any of the generally prescribed medications.
It appears certain that in the case of AIDS/HIV, big pharma invented a disease by grouping together a number of previously separate conditions.
According to two or three of the experts interviewed in the film, the HIV virus has never been isolated or photographed, although Anthony Fauci, NIAID Director, would like you to believe otherwise. Fauci and Robert Gallo are briefly interviewed in the film.
What I found very interesting was to consider the information presented in the film in the light of
Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation.
The author of the article discusses Béchamp’s discoveries and shows how, from a faulty premise, a whole host of destructive medical practices has arisen since the late 19th century, including vaccination, antibiotics, chemotherapy and so on. Béchamp observed tiny particles which he called microzymas. These, he said, are the basis of all living cells. The microzymas are able to mutate, depending on their environment, into bacteria, yeast, fungi and mould. Their environment is our body – also called the biological terrain.
I highly recommend this article to anyone interested health and disease. It offers a very effective antidote to the germ theory of disease which, almost like a religion, permeates western society. It gives a clear explanation of Béchamp’s discoveries, and confirmation of them in the 1940s by the use of the Rife Microscope.
Many thanks to Chachachick for
posting the link to this article.
Louis Pasteur Vs Antoine Béchamp and The Germ Theory of Disease Causation said:
[…] when you look at live blood, you can observe that microorganisms undergo an exact, scientifically verifiable cycle of change in their form. As profound as the change of a caterpillar to a butterfly, this evolution is even more fantastic, since it can happen quite rapidly (sometimes in a matter of minutes!). There are no enemies or specific diseases to fight. There is only the consequence of balance or imbalance. […]
[...] the stresses of our wrong eating habits and way of life "dirty up" our inner environment. Our terrain becomes overly acidic (pH imbalance)--paving the way for unwanted guests. In this unbalanced environment, morbid bacteria can issue from our own cells. These tiny life forms can rapidly change their form and function. Through a process called pleomorphism, (pleo = many; morph = form), bacteria can change into yeast, yeast to fungus, fungus to mold. Microorganisms such as a specific bacterium, can take on multiple forms. This is a change of function as well as shape.[…]
What makes the germ theory so dangerous is that it seems so obviously true. But it is true only secondarily. Bechamp said "There is no doctrine so false that it does not contain some particle of truth. It is thus with microbian doctrines." Béchamp discovered Microzyma (now known as micro-organisms) minute or small ferment bodies--the basic structure of cell life; and that germs definitely are the result, not the cause of disease. Through his experiments he showed that the vital characteristics of cells and germs are determined by the soil in which their microzyma feed, grow and multiply in the human body. Both the normal cell and germ have constructive work to do. The cells organize tissues and organs in the human body. Germs cleanse the human system and free it from accumulations of pathogenic and mucoid matter. We are constantly breathing in some 14,000 germs and bacteria per hour. If germs are so harmful, why aren't we all dead?
Null’s film discusses the biological terrain of certain gay men in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Their recreational drug use, intense partying and sexual activity resulted in a biological terrain that gave rise to AIDS, and considering Béchamp’s discoveries, it is quite possible that the HIV ‘virus’ is the result of, and not the cause of, AIDS. Indeed, one of the scientists interviewed comes very close to stating just that.
Many commentators have suggested that HIV/AIDS was created by government scientists, but Béchamp’s ideas seem to negate that idea, or at least render it unnecessary.
If Béchamp’s discoveries had formed the basis of western medicine instead of Pasteur’s theories, the world would be much healthier. Pasteur’s fundamental viewpoint was that ‘something is out there; it wants to get me, and I’m going to kill it first’. Béchamp’s viewpoint was to observe nature and work in harmony with her.