Translated from Croatian internet portal
The grandpa cought on picture is probably just feeding the parking meter but he happened to be on the wrong place in the wrong time.
Internet users will remember him as dirty old man just coming out of Peep Show.
Immediatly after new function of Google Maps Service - Street View was released, idle internet users started their search for people in embarassing situations.
For now Street View is limited on to some larger US cities and it remains to be seen if it will be extended to cover the globe.
How does it work? After you click on any street marked in blue, panoramic view of the marked spot will be shown in Google Maps. But unlike usual panoramic views where you can movie only around your axis this time you can move through space.
Seems some of the New Yorkers are not from this planet

The grandpa cought on picture is probably just feeding the parking meter but he happened to be on the wrong place in the wrong time.
Internet users will remember him as dirty old man just coming out of Peep Show.
Immediatly after new function of Google Maps Service - Street View was released, idle internet users started their search for people in embarassing situations.
For now Street View is limited on to some larger US cities and it remains to be seen if it will be extended to cover the globe.
How does it work? After you click on any street marked in blue, panoramic view of the marked spot will be shown in Google Maps. But unlike usual panoramic views where you can movie only around your axis this time you can move through space.
Seems some of the New Yorkers are not from this planet