Q: (L) I would like more details about the man you say is the biological father of Jesus. Once again, what is his name?
A: Tonatha.
Q: (L) You said he was an acquaintance of Mary's?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was he selected for some reason to be the biological father of Jesus by other beings or powers.
A: Close.
Q: (L) Can you give us any details about him. What was his lineage, where did he come from, etc.
A: He was a member of the White Sect.
Q: (L) What is the White Sect?
A: AKA Aryans. Andarans.
{We didn't as who were the Andarans, though it did come up again in a later session.}
Q: (L) Was Mary a member of the Essene group?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was this man also a member of the Essenes?
A: No.
Q: (L) This person, Tonatha, was chosen to be the biological father of Jesus?
A: Yes.
{Note that the answer here is a "yes," while the previous similar question that was qualified by "other beings or powers" was "close."}
Q: (L) Why did Mary not marry him?
A: Feelings were extremely transient.
Q: (L) You are saying she was fickle?
A: No. Influenced by telepathic suggestion.
Q: (L) Was she already betrothed at this time?
A: No. Hypnotized level 1.
{This term, "Level 1" comes up over and over again throughout the text when a "predestined mission" is being discussed. So, we might assume that "hypnotized level 1" refers to behavior that is simply driven from the inner self with, perhaps, no conscious understanding of why one is being so driven.}
Q: (L) Did Mary and Joseph, once together, subsequently have other children?
A: No. But Jesus did.