Bishop fined for Holocaust denial


The Living Force

Bishop fined for Holocaust denial

16 April 2010

Regensburg – Renegade British Catholic bishop Richard Williamson was fined $13 500 by a German court on Friday for Holocaust denial in a case that has deeply embarrassed the Vatican.

The court in this southern German city convicted Williamson of inciting racial hatred for stating in a television interview aired in January 2009 that only "200 000 to 300 000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps".

Ummmm.... how could that incite "racial hatred"??? I don't get it. Jews aren't a race, they are a religion.
Laura said:
Ummmm.... how could that incite "racial hatred"??? I don't get it. Jews aren't a race, they are a religion.

Yeah. Besides, he didn't deny the Holocaust; he just said that the numbers were wrong.

(I guess I better shut up before someone comes along and asks me to pay 13 grand... :whistle: )
I wonder how many people identify Jews as a religion instead of a race.

I think there has been intentional blurring of the lines between religion and race - the concept of Jews as a people seems do this.

I wouldn't be surprised, for example, if most Americans considered Jews as a race, but that shouldn't surprise considering the public education system.

As well, I think Jews perpetuate it among themselves with the idea of discouraging the marrying of non-Jews, which could be seen by many as a means of keeping their "race" clean.

I get the sense that hate crimes mostly involve racially motivated hate, even though most laws incorporate many other categories of human identification.

How many other fines have been levied like this with such mislabelling like this, I wonder.

In Argentina Williamson was "officially expelled" by the government under the same charges. Curiously, I have seen the interview in question and he never "denied" the Holocaust. What he said is that the "holocaust" has been altered and constructed as it is needed for political purposes.

This government has ended the historical neutrality of our country regarding foreign conflicts and took side with the sionist policy, issuing capture orders of Iranian government representatives regarding the bombing of Israel embassy in Buenos Aires.

Legal processes has been started as soon as 2003 and there was not a single proof connecting Iranian representatives with the bombing. Moreover, there was not a single credible proof even of a bombing car, apparently the explosion occurred inside the building.

He said it is urgent for the Western side of the world to revise and destroy the myths regarding this important historical event, a real tragedy for the entire humankind, not only for Jews.
Regensburg – Renegade British Catholic bishop Richard Williamson was fined $13 500 by a German court on Friday for Holocaust denial in a case that has deeply embarrassed the Vatican.

The court in this southern German city convicted Williamson of inciting racial hatred for stating in a television interview aired in January 2009 that only "200 000 to 300 000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps".

I wonder what the response would be for someone who claimed that not 6 million but 10 million Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps.

Would that be Holocaust denial as well?
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