bittersweet love songs, ennui, hopes and dreams of the slave...Detroit


MArshall Mathers aka "Eminem" "Beautiful"

"In 1950 Michigan was 1 of 8 states in the U.S.A. that produced 36% of the world's GNP. Detroit was the greatest manufacturing city in the world"

Smokey Robinson

"That's the way we do it in Detroit".

I feel a locking attachment to Detroit. It is almost like I'm a permanent resident of this area from the 1930s onwards. I'm descended from british isles and french folk, but Detroit is the "homeland" for my soul as it were. The fabulous ruins speak to me like no other thing on this planet. I'm sobbing as I write this. I was born in an old suburb of Detroit and have moved out of it since I was 8. I regret it immensely. I have this odd feeling that I am supposed to be a witness and I failed my duty. And yet, I feel as if I am sort of an outlier at the moment. There is an aspect of me within the city and occasionally I do meet up with it when I get close or in rare dreams.

Detroit is the queen of the World to me. She was both intensely STS and yet so much was STO for a better world. I see it in even the present generation, from Flint to Toledo, "Why can't we make a better world"???. Too many folks set here trying to overwhelm these denied and persistent questions it seems. We are too scared and used. But we are Children of the Lakes, the massive ennui and the Jet Stream.
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