bizarre pregnancy dream


The Living Force
I had a very interesting and somewhat humorous dream last night that I thought I'd share and get some feedback.

The dream was basically about neema and that he was a 'surrogate' to one of his cousin's and his girlfriend (neema's cousin doesn't have a girlfriend in real life - or if he does, I have not met her or know about her). The insemination was very recent and I'd say he was about a month maybe 2 months into the pregnancy. I was taking care of him as usually a man would do for his wife in real life.

For example I remember a part in the dream where we were in our bedroom (which looked nothing like our real bedroom except for the windows and the curtains) and one of the windows was pretty big but was only covered with two curtains that didn't cover the whole window. I told him that I'd get curtains so I can cover the window so he can get sleep and he was resistant, saying he can do it himself. But when he tried, he was fatigued because of the pregnancy so I put the curtains up myself.

That's pretty much all I can remember, except for minor details of talking with his cousin, and things like that. When I woke up, I thought it was probably one of the most bizarre theme dreams I've ever had! Neema laughed when I told him about it.

It could be just a dream, but I was wondering if anyone here could provide another interpretation because I can't see anything deeper in it except that it was a funny/bizarre dream. I've had pregnancy dreams before, where I was pregnant or even giving birth, but never anything like this.
You may be picking up on clues in waking life that neema is in process of a change, one that may require your assistance in ways you've never tried before, placing his needs first, to give him rest to deal with that change.

That's what jumps out at me from this on first reading, and I could be wrong. :flowers:
D said:
I had a very interesting and somewhat humorous dream last night that I thought I'd share and get some feedback.

That is a very interesting dream, but I didn't see it as humorous, rather very symbolic on some levels. Here's my take on it. :)

D said:
The dream was basically about neema and that he was a 'surrogate' to one of his cousin's and his girlfriend (neema's cousin doesn't have a girlfriend in real life - or if he does, I have not met her or know about her). The insemination was very recent and I'd say he was about a month maybe 2 months into the pregnancy. I was taking care of him as usually a man would do for his wife in real life.

Dreaming of "neema" which represents a permanent aspect of yourself or in an "area" of your life that feels "permanent." Then, seeing someone else being pregnant could be that there is "something new developing" in your life...but, it's not yours but for his "cousin" since neema is a "surrogate," which could mean replacing something that is missing.

At this point, I would ask - what quality does this "cousin" have that stood out the most to you, based on your feelings about that person? Because that "quality" could be applied to you. Could it have something to do with the non-existent girlfriend of the cousin or something that they lacked that you could provide (that you could provide it to yourself the same way you did to the cousin, if that make sense)?

D said:
For example I remember a part in the dream where we were in our bedroom (which looked nothing like our real bedroom except for the windows and the curtains) and one of the windows was pretty big but was only covered with two curtains that didn't cover the whole window. I told him that I'd get curtains so I can cover the window so he can get sleep and he was resistant, saying he can do it himself. But when he tried, he was fatigued because of the pregnancy so I put the curtains up myself.

Being in a bedroom involved "private thoughts" or issues that aren't comfortable being shared. And, you're "worrying" about the window not being covered. The "window" in general has to do with a perspective or insight on current issues, and the "bedroom" window could be something that is related to your current private issues and "perspective" thereof. And, the idea of your wanting to cover the window with curtains is attempting to conceal something from others or from yourself.

I basically broke down these clues and imagery down to the basics and pieces back together to bring up a new perceptive about yourself. So, what is your current situation/relationship that you could think of that these things be applied? Could be it related to the recent shooting that brought out something in you that is directly related to your private life (since this dream could be a child-related). This dream tells me that there will be something new developing in an area of your life that is considered to be "permanent" and that sense of permanency will be replaced with a possibility of the "quality" that the cousin have. But, then you were trying to hide this new insight (covering the windows).

Interesting dream, indeed. Anyway, that's just my take and I could be wrong.

It seems that the common interpretation of the pregnancy dreams is that of an internal transformation, something growing inside. For instance I found this _
Whether it concerns you or neema is hard to tell because neema may also represent an aspect of your personality in your unconscious representation. A prudent FWIW though.
Thanks a lot guys, you gave me lots to think and meditate on.

I'm glad I wrote the dream here because I really didn't think there was anything deep in it but all the stuff you all suggested makes me think otherwise and that it's something I need to think on more. I really appreciate it. :flowers:
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