black triangle experience


Padawan Learner
Three years ago I was driving my daughter's friend home from a high school football game. My daughter was fourteen and her girl friend was fifteen at this time. We were traveling east on a country road, at the end of this road one stops to make a left or right turn. Turning left, heading north for three miles leads to the small town that my daughter's girl friend lives at.

My home is located on this country road which sits back to the north approx two miles before it ends at the left/right turn. We had just passed my house when I saw a very, very bright white shining light in the sky and it was very low. I commented to the girls that it could not be a star of any sort that it was way too low. When we arrived at the stop sign at the end of this road, the white light came down suddenly, I made my left turn going slowly watching 'it'. It came down low above the field to the east of the road and slowly moved toward our car as I was driving slow. It crossed the road, right over my car. The sun roof was open and the car flashed white light for a second. Then it stopped and hovered over the field to the west.

I stopped the car and we just stared at it. I remember saying to the girls, 'we know what it is not', 'this is not a plane, a helicopter or anything I've ever seen. It was a shiny black, white lights under it were dim and there was a faint humming noise. I suddenly felt nervous, as if it wanted to be seen by us, that it was looking back at us. I put the car in gear and left very quickly. It stayed stationary behind us.

I dropped my daughters friend off at her house in town and made the decision to go home the same way we came into town,,, as I said we live on that road. Now I could have taken another route, a longer one but I did not. So we are driving down the same road going south. And there it sits. Now I'm feeling very nervous so I sped the car up. It started to fly right beside us over the field parallel to the road staying with us, I was running seventy miles per hour. I look over at my daughter and she is terrified.

As I slowed down to make the right turn going west, I told my daughter 'don't you dare show or feel any fear at all, that's what that thing wants us to feel. If we are taken you fight with all your strength and then some, never show fear. As I drove west after the left turn, I refused to go so fast, I refused to be intimidated.

'It' started to go higher up into the sky while still running parallel to my car. By the time I reached my driveway and pulled in it was way up in the sky and climbing. My tear faced daughter ran into the house and I walked to the end of the driveway in anger shouting every filthy name at 'it' that came to mind. I soon stopped the shouting and watched 'it'. 'It had by this time ascended so far into the sky that it appeared as far as the stars away, as a shining white light, but the shocker was that it was heading toward another light, an orange light with a glowing type tail/trail behind it as it moved to meet the white light.

And then there was nothing, the lights disappeared. For the next few days my daughter refused to discuss the incident with me and I was determined to find out exactly what it was. So I hit the Muffon site. Now the pics I saw of triangles on the Muffon website (or subsequent sites) look very different that the one I saw. The triangles in the pictures are Very angular, a true type triangle. What I saw was not angular, it sides were rounded, longer from front to back. So I wrote a vague email to a man named David M. at Muffon, sharing my sighting but was not detailed. I requested additional info. He returned my email requesting exact location and more details, also asking if I wanted to become an investigator. I don't know really why but it set off warning bells in my head. I had read about LKJ experience with Muffon, so I never returned the email.

I think about this experience off and on at times. I can say for fact that there was no 'missing time'. I avoid driving at night. Sometimes when I'm out in the yard at night I get the creeping feeling that 'it' is close lurking around,, paranoia perhaps. I don't dwell on this, I think its probably a distraction created to possibly take me off track from research, study, the work. Somewhat like B infulences and/or Pk activity.

[Modified by moderator to fix paragraphs.]
Thank you for sharing Kimber. FWIW I've seen 2 ufo's, although I didn't feel they were after me. At least you have verification as to what Laura has been expressing. I wouldn't focus on the negative aspects, but instead continue on in the work. See this as an opportunity to grow. Good luck!
Thank You moderator for adjusting the paragraphs, as I have not posted enough to modify my posts. I would like to add a few additional comments.

Based upon my research involving triangular crafts, I have come to the conclusion that this craft not per say 'Alien'-(I've read Jessup) in origin-vs-4d craft manifesting itself in 3d, as in LKJ's experience. Apparently there exits two types of crafts of triangular design. (or more). The more angular craft as in a sharp triangle is usually sighted around or in the vicinity of air force bases. ie- today's sott page article and a sighting at Scott AF base in southen IL. a few years back, to name a few.

Notice that there have been no reports of the saucer type craft in many years? I have read extensively about saucers and many theories of their origin. It could be possible that the triangle is the replacement for the saucer. My experience with the triangle and its actions left me with a certainty that we were being 'toyed' with. Its actions attempted to inspire fear, and manipulation, very human like.

Now, what I saw was the more rounded oblong triangle, it had the capability of rapid ascent to the earths outer atmosphere, where it met something really bizarre. I've read alot about the foo fighters, and articles involving the poles, everything LKJ has written on this topic in addition to the C's comments in reference to 'inner earth' and also all the disinfo books claiming kinship, the refuges from mars thing. It appears factual that the triangle is not concerned that it is seen, even goes out of its way to be seen. Its agenda? maybe the possibility of creating a familiarity with the public, as is our saviors when things start going boom on a wide scale. This is just my opinion.
Kimber said:
Notice that there have been no reports of the saucer type craft in many years? I have read extensively about saucers and many theories of their origin. It could be possible that the triangle is the replacement for the saucer. My experience with the triangle and its actions left me with a certainty that we were being 'toyed' with. Its actions attempted to inspire fear, and manipulation, very human like.

Actually, there have still been saucer sightings. The one that springs instantly to mind is the high profile one sighted over O'Hare airport in 2007. There have been many other less notable ones listed throughout recent years as well.

Of course, there are so many variations of shapes and sizes, not to mention the morphing shapes that it's quite astonishing. John Keel's work on this is most instructional as well.
Kimber said:
Now, what I saw was the more rounded oblong triangle, it had the capability of rapid ascent to the earths outer atmosphere, where it met something really bizarre. I've read alot about the foo fighters, and articles involving the poles, everything LKJ has written on this topic in addition to the C's comments in reference to 'inner earth' and also all the disinfo books claiming kinship, the refuges from mars thing. It appears factual that the triangle is not concerned that it is seen, even goes out of its way to be seen. Its agenda? maybe the possibility of creating a familiarity with the public, as is our saviors when things start going boom on a wide scale. This is just my opinion.

you may like to read John Keel's books, especially "Operation Trojan Horse" and "The Eighth Tower". they offer an entirely new perspective on the issue of UFOs, aliens and other "paranormal" phenomena, allowing the reader to find a way among the mass of disinformation involved. see this forum thread.

mod edit: corrected link
very sorry for the invalid URL in my previous post. here's a working link:
lostinself said:
very sorry for the invalid URL in my previous post. here's a working link:
Thanks lostinself, it works now. ;) You'd put http twice.
Hi lostinmyself, thank you for the thread link. I read the entire link. Very good content. I realize now, that I need to allot more of my time to reading all the valuable topics and threads in this forum instead of most of my free time reading books.

Anart, hello. Yes, you are correct that there have been reports of saucers shaped crafts reported. I failed to be precise enough in my wording. To clarify: the recent saucer shaped craft reported is different from that reported in the 60's 70's era. Also I spoke from my own frame of reference. My mother and I (I was seven) saw the 'classic' flying saucer in 1973. Your reference to the O'Hara sighting brings to mind that a short time afterward the sightings at O'Hara, there were many reported sightings at the St Louis Lambert airport.

People reported all sorts of sizes and shapes. It never made the newspaper-Post Dispatch, to my knowledge. I was told this by a local deputy sheriff who was originally from that area that apparently still kept in touch with police officers in N. St Louis. I have Dolan's new book as well as all of Keels on my book list as soon as I replenish my book funds. Both are distinguished truth seekers.

Their work is truly a gift to people who are striving for clarity, knowledge and objective awareness.

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