Blizzard kills more than 30K dairy cows


The Living Force
LUBBOCK, Texas - Dairy producers in West Texas and eastern New Mexico are continuing to assess how many animals died in the winter storm last weekend, but the number will probably climb to more than 30,000, an official with a dairy group said Thursday.

Blizzard kills more than 30K dairy cows in Texas, New Mexico; number could climb higher

12/31/2015 - Texas Association of Dairymen executive director Darren Turley said an estimated 15,000 mature dairy cows died in the storm's primary impact area — from Lubbock west to Muleshoe and north to Friona which is home to half of the state's top-10 milk producing counties and produces 40 per cent of the state's milk.

An agent with New Mexico State University's extension service told Turley the area around Clovis, New Mexico, lost an estimated 20,000 dairy cows.

The number of younger animals killed by Winter Storm Goliath in each state could be just as high as the mature cows, he said.

There will be less milk coming from the region for a while, Turley said,

The snow was just one part of Goliath. It was the wind that led to drifts as high as 14 feet, where many animals died. Wind will push animals into a fenced corner where they can suffocate in snow drifts.

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime (storm)," Turley said. "It's a bad deal for producers."

The losses will affect production for about year, he said.

During the storm dairy employees and tanker trucks from reaching farms. Hundreds of loads of milk ready for processing were wasted. Some cows normally milked twice a day went almost two days without being milked, which dries up the cows' milk supply, Turley said.

"The ripples from that are going to depend on how fast those animals' milk production comes back," Turley said.

The Texas producers are working with state environmental officials to find ways to dispose of the carcasses. Some counties are allowing producers to put carcasses in their landfills.

Andle van der Ploeg, owner of Mid-Frisian Dairy near Clovis, said Thursday that he lost just 10 animals, but feels great sympathy for producers he knows who lost hundreds of milk cows.

"It was unbelievable," he said.

Texas Goliath impact will bring total to 40,000 lost Southwest dairy cattle

December 31, 2015 - Four days after what is possibly the worst storm on record for cattle in the area, operations are returning to normal. The storm rolled into the Clovis, N.M., and Lubbock, Texas, region Saturday evening and was gone by Monday morning.

But the 22” inches of snow paired with wind gusts, some reaching over 60 miles per hour, was too much for many cattle. It also proved impossible for some dairies to continue operating at the time. The uncharacteristic weather was to the extreme for the High Plains region.

Dairy Herd Management reached Turley by phone on Thursday in his Central Texas office. Their area also received snow, but nothing like West Texas, Turley explained. One Lubbock area farmer recalled that he was in his 34th year of dairying there and occasionally started milking late due to weather, but never missed one. Last weekend, that farmer told Turley he missed 1.5 days of milking. Turley said many farms missed one or more milkings on Sunday, with some also missing Saturday evening or Monday morning.

At some locations, the National Guard came in to shut down roads, ensuring no milk was moved from one area to another. Turley expects a small bump in price due to a lack of milk and cheese being delivered, but losses from storm deaths, lingering health issues, and future losses – potentially big as snow melts and makes for muddy conditions – will be far greater.

News was slow to come from the region Monday as producers got to work clearing snow – stuck mostly in feed lanes, head locks, and fences – and power outages rolled through the area.

“It’s a dire situation,” Turley said. “It’s going to be a long time to recover, both emotionally and financially.”

Turley told Dairy Herd Management that with most mature cow loss numbers in, and youngstock losses still being reported, he expects dairy cattle losses in the high 10,000s or even above 20,000 in Texas alone, which would match the range reported on the New Mexico side of the border on Monday by’s Anna-Lisa Laca.

The Texas Association of Dairyman (TAD) is getting in touch with state and federal leaders for assistance. But in addition to the possible 40,000 dairy cattle lost in the region, beef cattle feedlot numbers will take quite a hit as well.

New Mexico State University reports 25 dairies and 63,000 milk cows in Curry County and 32 dairies and 60,000 milk cows in Roosevelt County, according to the Clovis News-Journal. In Texas, the region affected is home to about 142,800 cows or 36% of Texas’ milk cow population, Turley estimated.

That huge loss will make any indemnity program trying to make a real impact to the afflicted farms hard to achieve, Turley said. He noted most of the dairy cattle losses in Texas will come from just three counties.

The Clovis News-Journal reported that while Southwest Cheese of Clovis operated at just 10% of normal delivery on Monday, 90% of deliveries arrived on Wednesday.
I expect we'll be seeing more of this sort of thing and food will be getting scarce at some point.
Same type thing happened to midwestern beef cattle herds a couple of years ago:

I'm of the 'small is beautiful' mindset. If a lot of people have very small (near domestic level) herds, perhaps it would be easier to round up the critters into safe shelter quickly. I think it could bring more food security to have the animals widely distributed in this way. Also, it is likely the animals would get better care at family level than they would on industrial feed lots.
I read a story of how people had to tie big hold ropes between house and barn to brave the winter storms while caring for their sheltered critters in midwestern winters. I can relate to the dangerous winter winds after living through 4 Chicago winters. Brrrrr.
Additional photo's of the snow blizzard:

Unusual blizzard snow storm Goliath engulfs Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico

The unusual blizzard snow storm Goliath engulfed parts of the Southwest and southern Plains Sunday.

Extreme weather across the country killed at least 23 and brought blizzard conditions to areas. New Mexico’s governor declared a state of emergency. About 33 million people were under some sort of winter weather warning tied directly to the storm.

At least 3 feet of snow was recorded near Bonito Lake, while at least 2 feet fell near Edgewood, Sedillo and San Antonito.

Numerous road closures in the state: Interstate 40 was closed for 390 miles in New Mexico from Albaquerque to the Texas/Okalahoma border, U.S. Highway 82 closed from mile marker 17 to mile marker 191 in the state.

Snow drifts were already as high as 8 feet in Clovis.

Winter storm Goliath in Oklahoma

As the storm moved into western Oklahoma Sunday, the state department of transportation cautioned drivers of icy roads and bridges, from Beaver County, south to Harmon and Tillman Counties, east to Garvin County and north to Grant Count.

To add to Oklahoma's problems, they experienced a strong earthquake on New Year's Day.

Another Strong Earthquake Shakes Oklahoma

Jan 01, 2016 - EDMOND, Oklahoma - Another strong earthquake shook many Oklahomans awake, again, near Edmond, Oklahoma, in the early morning hours of New Year's Day.

The U.S.Geological Survey has revised the latest earthquake magnitude to 4.2. Initial reports listed the quake a magnitude 4.4.

It was centered five miles northeast of Edmond at 5:39 a.m. At one point, the city of Edmond reported 4,400 customers were without power following the earthquake.

This strong earthquake follows a magnitude 4.3 tremor earlier this week.
The storms rolling through Texas last year(2015) have been down right epic. Any chance of rain and it ends up being a huge event where people, animals, and plants die. Not only that but these huge rotating storms that look like a hurricane on the radar keep up strength and move all the way up north through multiple states. You can see when looking up at the sky that the clouds are sometimes moving in three different directions. The first few times I saw this it was scary but it happens so often now it seems normal. The hills around us have offered protection from the worst of these storms, but I have lost count how many times we have received phone calls from friends and family making sure we are alright.

The clouds themselves look different and the way we normally see storm patterns. I woke up last night wide awake around two and could not get back to sleep. So I got up to smoke a cig. The sky had black looking clouds to the south but had a very bright orange glow in the sky like you would see at sunrise. I am assuming that atmospheric conditions were bouncing lights from the city making them visual but in the five years of living in this location we have never been able to see light like that from the cities. When not cloudy we can see the stars at night very clearly.

I normally pine my winter days away hoping for spring to arrive soon but if this monster sized el nino thing keeps up, I am afraid we will be in for a doozy come the fluctuating temps of spring. I don't know tornadoes and Goliath blizzards don't sound like much fun either. :/
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
The storms rolling through Texas last year(2015) have been down right epic. Any chance of rain and it ends up being a huge event where people, animals, and plants die. Not only that but these huge rotating storms that look like a hurricane on the radar keep up strength and move all the way up north through multiple states. You can see when looking up at the sky that the clouds are sometimes moving in three different directions. The first few times I saw this it was scary but it happens so often now it seems normal. The hills around us have offered protection from the worst of these storms, but I have lost count how many times we have received phone calls from friends and family making sure we are alright.

The clouds themselves look different and the way we normally see storm patterns. I woke up last night wide awake around two and could not get back to sleep. So I got up to smoke a cig. The sky had black looking clouds to the south but had a very bright orange glow in the sky like you would see at sunrise. I am assuming that atmospheric conditions were bouncing lights from the city making them visual but in the five years of living in this location we have never been able to see light like that from the cities. When not cloudy we can see the stars at night very clearly.

I normally pine my winter days away hoping for spring to arrive soon but if this monster sized el nino thing keeps up, I am afraid we will be in for a doozy come the fluctuating temps of spring. I don't know tornadoes and Goliath blizzards don't sound like much fun either. :/

When I first came across the article and posted it, I was thinking of you - Horseofadifferentcolor! Did you get any effects from this Blizzard in your area? How are your animals fairing with the sudden changes in weather? Hope everything is OK?
Thanks for thinking of me angelburst29. It really has been a hell of a year for Texans weather wise, but up on our hill we have not had any problems at all. No hail, flooding, tornadoes, high winds, or blizzards, just a bunch of rain. We have not even froze yet even though we have had several freeze warnings. I have a horse that hates getting wet and dirty, muddy chicken eggs, and lost a prized rare aloe from all the rain but that is it. We have been watching in amazement at the radar every time these massive storms come through and open up around us a few miles out and then close back in after they go around us. We have a very unique microclimate where we are located in the central hill country. Of course this a disadvantage during times of drought.

I really try to soak in all the news going on around me, because being as lucky as we have been with these massive storm cells it is easy to go on with our day and not really see how devastating 2015 has really been for Texas. I do worry a lot about our members in north and south Texas.

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