It's possible that some people are familiar with this little test, but just in case you are not, here it is. :)
Take a look at the following image and follow the instructions. Personally, I think that our emotional states may vary, sometimes from day to day. But just like the "color test", it can be useful in recognizing our current emotional state.
In my case, the first choice was 15, the second was 2.
Take a look at the following image and follow the instructions. Personally, I think that our emotional states may vary, sometimes from day to day. But just like the "color test", it can be useful in recognizing our current emotional state.
The author of this test is British psychologist Pip Wilson, an expert in working with people with a disturbed behavior and experience learning and development of the emotional intelligence.
This is one of his famous and appreciated “Blob Tree” tests which were initially intended for children of school age in order to check how they get along at school. But, it later became clear that it is also very relevant for adults.
This test helps a person to recognize and strengthen his/her rights and lead them to the desired emotional condition and even to some extent, strengthen their position in the society.
Each one of these little men on the tree has a different mood and each one of them has a different position.
To start, think about which one of them looks mostly like you.
After that, choose a little man that you would like to look like.
So, who are you and who would you want to be?
Maybe it’s one and the same little man…
Explanation of the results from the testing
If you’ve chosen the positions 1, 3, 6 or 7, it characterizes you as a motivated person who is not afraid of any obstacles in life.
If you chose one of the following numbers: 2, 11, 12, 18 or 19 it means that you’re a communicative person who is always willing to offer any kind of support to his/her friends.
Choosing the little man under the number 4, defines you as a person with a stable life position, a person who wants to accomplish numerous successes without overcoming difficulties.
Number 5 – you’re always tired, weak, you have an insufficient life strength.
If you chose number 9 – you’re a cheerful person, who likes parties.
Number 13 or 21 – you’re reserved, often exposed to inner worries and avoid often communications with people.
Number 8 – you like to withdraw in yourself, think only about you and dive into your own world.
If you chose 10 or 15 – you have a normal adjustment in life and you’re in an optimal condition.
Number 14 – you’re falling into an emotional failure and you’re most probably exposed to an inner crisis.
Position number 20 is mostly chosen by people with high self-confidence. You’re a natural leader and you often want people to hear your opinion only.
You chose number 16?
You feel a bit tired of supporting someone, but have you noticed?
In this picture, you’re hugged by number 17 – in this case, you’re prone to assessing yourself as a person surrounded by attention.
In my case, the first choice was 15, the second was 2.