Blue UFO Spotted Over LA


Jedi Master
Ok, so I was outside the other night and witnessed this happen in the sky above me. Just found a video of it and wanted to share it here for some possible insight. The U.S. Navy is saying this was an unarmed missile test-fired by the U.S. Navy.

For all I know it could be. But one of my friends said on his way to my house he watched the light stop in mid-air for a moment and then proceed.

Here's the video:

and the report:
While some of them are almost indistinguishable - missiles and comet fragments - I think the reports on this one suggest a comet fragment. Interesting that LAX airport has announced nighttime flights only into and out of the airport to avoid passing over the Pacific Ocean just the west of the airport because the U.S. military has activated airspace there, Reuters reported.
Interesting indeed, as well as the event. I've never seen anything like that before. The sky was stained blue for quite some time after, whatever it was, had faded out/passed.
I was a hundred miles away from LA and my vision of it was the same as the video, it looked large and appeared to be right over my head, so I guess that makes it pretty high. Not a low flying crop duster as was the speculation. I watched as long as I could, and did notice that something visible was continuing after it flamed out. It kept moving on the same trajectory, but was a lot less bright. You can see on the video that something came out of the front. Can meteors travel that slow ? After disintegrating would a meteor leave a piece just plunking long in the atmosphere ? At this point I'm thinking it was man made.
I saw this as LA residents were tweeting about it. Really interesting.. The day of the event I recall three different explanations from "officials" stating it was either a test missile from the airforce, navy, or a fragment of a comet. So to me it seemed like no one really knew what was going on and was scrambling for a quick explanation. I mean how do we go from a missile to a comet fragment?
Video of amazing fireball over California

I saw this video about a week ago, it already has 9 million views and its really quite beautiful and astonishing at the same time. It starts off as just a moving dot in the sky with a trail, then it turns blueish and kind of explodes. Afterwards it just looks like there's some kind of dust cloud. The camera that the guy is using is really good so you can really see the details.

Not too sure if any of you guys have seen this yet but wanted to share just in case you didn't.. just I thought it was cool to see :)
Re: Video of amazing fireball over California

Just realized there was already a post made about this that I previously commented on but completely forgot about! Whoops! :zzz:,40002
I'm a little late arriving on this, my training wheels slowed me down a bit.

I just want to add that there is no possible way this could be a trident missile. Like we design our nuclear missiles for early detection launch so that our subs can then be more easily located and eliminated. So I don't think that explanation is remotely sensible.

This object was seen my friend in San Diego, and at the same time as far north as Oregon and as far East as Nevada.
Basically the Western Seaboard. I don't think the Saturn V Rocket was visible from a thousand miles away, so I seriously
doubt a Trident Missile is going to be visible.

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