Blue Whales return for the first time in 40 years.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
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Decades after a ban on hunting the world's largest animal, the creatures have made their way back to waters off Alaska and Canada

Contains inevitable global warming spin - re-occupation of past traditional waters could be put down to it. But, if the population has perhaps recently increased, why should they have not eventually find their way to their previous ancestral haunts?

I've just checked in my Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats and they give an average age for a Blue Whale of about 45 years but it also states "Ageing results for baleen whales not always consistent and this species may live longer". So perhaps if there are some older surviving individuals I would not be surprised if they retained memories of areas of the ocean they used to visit. (But for whatever reason had not been there in a long while).

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