John G
The Living Force
Due to being a Fleetwood Mac fan, and being into UFOs, Castaneda, etc. via this forum, and given that Bob Welch hangs out at a music forum owned by a friend of his (Audiocandy), I've been chatting with Welch a little and it's interesting. He gets closer to some government connected sources than I would want to get and he's more pessimistic about some things than me (though I certainly can't overly blame him for that) but it's been interesting.
-- John G.
Hypnotized was written by Robert Welsh in the early 1970’s, reportedly after having a very intense dream while living in a house by the name of Benifold where he resided with rest of the then members of Fleetwood Mac. The song was originally intended for the then front man Dave Walker , upon his leaving Welch rewrote the song for himself with some help from Christine McVie. Other influences for this song were Welch’s extreme interest in the writings of Carlos Castaneda, paranormal experiences, and possibly the use of medicinal plants such as Peyote, which is used in the religious ceremonies of the Navajo Indians of the southwest U.S.
The First verse of the song has to do directly with the dream. The dream it appears was about the landing of a UFO in the large field behind the Benifold house. Dreams are a wonderful and mysterious part of the psyche, "Because there’s no explaining what your imagination can make you see and feel".
The second verse is very mysterious, and seems to deal with another landing of a UFO or possibly an abduction. "Now it’s not a meaningless question to ask if they’ve been and gone." There is a story of three men out fishing in a pond when they were supposedly abducted. This may be the "strange, strange pond" he refers to.
The third and final verse was influenced by the writings of Carlos Castaneda and deals with "Astral Projection" which can theoretically be achieved either through hypnosis or the use of Peyote. "Where a man can fly over mountains and hills/And he don’t need an airplane or some kind of engine/And he never will."
The chorus line ties the whole song together "Seems like a dream/(They) got me hypnotized." This can mean anything anyone wants it to mean, of course the literal interpretation, he is talking about dreaming and how it feels like being hypnotized.
Due to being a Fleetwood Mac fan, and being into UFOs, Castaneda, etc. via this forum, and given that Bob Welch hangs out at a music forum owned by a friend of his (Audiocandy), I've been chatting with Welch a little and it's interesting. He gets closer to some government connected sources than I would want to get and he's more pessimistic about some things than me (though I certainly can't overly blame him for that) but it's been interesting.
We all know/intuit/feel that mankind needs a global paradigm shift.Problem is, we are hardwired by nature to be territorial/aggressive/tribal(read;local/familiar)and to compete for a SCARCITY of resources/food/shelter etc.This Darwinian principle is best expressed in something called the "Malthusian" doctrine, named for the philosopher/writer Thomas Malthus.
Malthus proposed that there would forever be a worldwide economic system based on "lack"...i.e. , some would "lack"(the poor) and some
would gain (the rich/the power elites). Human history has ALWAYS been based on this competition for resources,at least since we climbed down from the trees in the resource-rich forest/savvannas where human culture began.
So, #1 ;let's stop placing blame (on Genghis Khan, George Bush, Adolf Hitler, Karl Marx, George Michael/whoever etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum)and let's FIX the old paradigm. The new paradigm would be ;plenty for ALL , WITHOUT "redistribution of resources".
How is this new paradigm shift possible, after 250,000 years of dog-eat-dog human history?
1.By the introduction of (already existing, but highly secret and SUPPRESSED) "over-unity" "free-energy"(zero-point-energy-from-the space-time vacum-flux)systems , and 2.the recognition that although ALL of the worlds major religions, particularly Christianity emphasise "service to others" ("love thy neighbor", "do unto others" etc.)over "service to self" (selfishness/greed, the "moneychangers" etc.) these principles are NOT PRACTICED...but only "lip service" is paid to them. (Mostly, except for occasional flurries of altruistic activity like the earthquake in Haiti for example)
If energy (electricity) was FREE (NO cost, except for the initial equipment to produce it)the worlds oceans could be de-salinated,foods could be grown/processed at greatly reduced cost, transportation, refrigeration, home heating/cooling, manufacturing could be done at greatly reduced cost etc.(Most of the cost of goods/machines services etc is the power necessary to run/mine/extract them).
Why then, if these technologies exist, have they not been utilized, you may (rightly) ask ?Because , the unveiling of this technology would spell the END of the global petro-chemical/energy conglomerates and their corporate hegemonies that run , repeat, RUN...the world.No more Exxon, Piedmont natural gas, Saudi Arabian oil wealth,Shell oil and the financial /banking conglomerates that go with them.(That's why I keep harping on; see "")
The people who currently hold all this global power simply don't want to give it up. Who would ? It's VERY hard to give up Learjets, if you're used to them, me
The thing is,potentially, if "free-energy" technology was unleashed, EVERYBODY could ride in a Lear Jet....or it's equivalent.
I'm afraid though, that this rosy scenario is not going to happen until fossil fuels REALLY totally run out, about 2200-2300 or so, and we have a MASSIVE die-back.(Of medieval black plague half the world's population)
Maybe only then will it be time for a re-think.....
Bob,I could argue for some modified Malthusian doctrine but that wouldn't change the current situation. I could argue some ancient civilization had alien zero point technology (like I could prove that) but that wouldn't change the current situation either and it's not like I need to convince this forum about UFOish things anyways. You even seem to recognize that games are played with oil scarcity and that world leadership pretty much has us where they want us.
If all those world leaders could be replaced with virtual Bob Welch Magic avatars, I would say that things could rather instantaneously start getting better even if there isn't any ready to use zero point technology behind the scenes (I'm totally convinced about the validity of the theory but the engineering could be a problem even behind the scenes).
What to do given that the rosy scenario of free energy isn't likely? One thing might be to actually try and build a true service to others religion, make McMoneagle's prediction come true, for all we know it was a good idea the powers that be actively took steps to prevent (of course remote viewing also isn't totally accurate):
"Beginning sometime between 2002 and 2005, there will
be a concerted effort to birth a new view of religion that is
designed to bring religion and science together again, but
without the emphasis on Christianity. Its primary dogma will
be based on universal rules or laws of the spirit. These new
religious principals will attempt to merge current scientific
belief with current spiritual thinking. This new religion will
address the ephemeral science of soul, or how man's interaction
with reality affects life, health, and well-being. It may
even be called something like The Metaphysical Church of
Science. This will be a rough birth initially, as it will be seen
as threatening in the extreme. However, in its design, it will
allow for individual variations of belief, and preach respect
for those individual variances. By the year 2050, it will have
established a firm base in both--alternative healing practices
as well as in comforting the dying or distressed.
The sign for this church will be the Infinity Symbol, superim-
posed on a circle:
Rather than be threatened by this, other denominations
should take warning from this prediction and begin now to
expand on the issues surrounding unconditional love, as well as
the need to integrate the morality of science into their dogma."
This is what Laura's group is trying to do though it's a start small thing with breathing/meditation classes thing but it has a web page already:
Another thing is I think the 2012ish transition back to Eden is itself a zero point gravity change (for the solar system). Two things perhaps related to that change coming soon are the current low number of sunspots (a required symptom but it's a symptom for other things too) and that flare up of comet 17P Holmes. As you say via your links, it's a big event for this galaxy, even for "aliens" not otherwise concerned about this planet.
Probably some big revelation either planned or accidental would be needed to really wake up the masses. Something alien related that wasn't fleeting or some major bad thing done behind the scenes (like US involvement in setting up 9-11).
-- John G.
John...Science and religion have really already theoretically "merged" in the quantum theory which RIGOROUSLY requires the "observer" (conscousness) as a necessary part of the computation, and in the Alain Aspect confirmation of the "either non-locality/or no real universe" experiments. There are some places, like P.E.A.R at Princeton where this type of "non-linear" research is already taking place...Also Dr Gary Schwartz at U. of Arizona is doing some work along these lines..(viz..his book (s) "The Living Energy Universe"...among others).
(Part of the) problem is that the "official" leadership/elected/corporate/media /ruling classes are lagging FAR behind the curve on all this stuff. They are living in the mental world of the 19th century, or at best early 20th century.As you say , barring some major revelatory shock, it's too little too late to prevent some major s-- hitting the fan.
(BTW, I've met Joe Mc Moneagle at the Monroe Institute in VA ...nice guy...)
As you say though, remote viewers are not always 100% , even when there is a good correlation between many of them viewing the same target.
A new science/religion... religion... is cool....but 1. too slow to effect change and 2. too prone to B.S. and egomania (i.e. "Scientology" whose cosmology resembles somewhat the "ancient reptilians who control mankind" thing ,as their deepest "secret"
Also...we've already got a "service to others religion"... IF we just take the B.S. parts out of Christianity.But that's sure not very likely
But just as "catastrophisim"(sp?) has replaced "slow evolution" in some areas of geology, maybe there will be a "catastrophe" in the mentality of mankind (to the + side)that will indeed "wake up the masses".A mass UFO landing would be nice...The "2nd coming" (which many fundementalist powerbrokers adhere to,"happily waiting for Armageddon" according to Steven Greer)in a very demonstrable way would work..... (BTW , again according to Steven Greer, BOTH these events , a "mass UFO landing" and/or the "2nd coming" can be STAGED by some of those in the supersecret "above-black" projects)
This all calls human credibility into question....CAN we belive what we see ? (Photoshop/CGI/)We SAW the Twin Towers collapse but do we really know HOW ?..Or WHY ?If something on a scale that huge happened again, WHO would we believe for the explanation ? If UFOs appeared in the skies, worldwide, en masse, and the President came on tv and said they're hostile (because that's what HE'S been told) would we all join the Marines to fight them ? If the "UFOs" took out a major US city (even if they were really our black-ops guys appearing to be ufos, hovering, translucent etc. the whole nine yards)...then what ?
Like you said in a previous post, only a psychopath would totally destroy that which he/she intends to conquer. And as you also said, although a small percentage of humans are psychopaths, MANY of them rise to the top of the ruling class. And who CAN stop a psychopath whose time has come ?
Bob, yes my physicist friend Tony Smith did a little collaboration with Stuart Hameroff (also at the University of Arizon in Tucson where I happen to live) of Penrose-Hameroff Quantum Consciousness model fame. I gave a poster presentation at the U of A's Quantum Mind 2003 conference; research for that paper is how I met Tony (via email). Even given how well known Sir Roger Penrose is, he gets tons of criticism for studying consciousness. The powers that be very much seem to want known mainstream physicists to be working with wrong ideas.
From channeling (which of course isn't proof), Einstein was made a non-disclosure for life offer he couldn't refuse for the rest of his life. The government at some point stopped using known physicists and just used their own not known to the public ones. There are clues in a 1938 paper of Einstein's about what he really knew.
Human credibility is a huge problem, even nice people can unknowingly or after coercion spread disinformation.
As for starting a church, it was kind of, as Lindsey might say, an organic thing in that Laura's group got sued for comments made by someone in her forum. It got thrown out but the lawyers advised Laura to make her group an actual church instead of just a non-profit. So somewhat to the shock of the group they became a church and if you are going to do it, you might as well do as well with it as you can. After the logo was chosen (via a crop circle), someone mentioned the McMoneagle prediction.
It's definitely a John the Baptist kind of thing, do some small version of something bigger to come. As a group member said: "It's about being aware of all the reality of the situation because I can't think of any other way that it can happen because our reach is really limited. If we are having some effect, I can only assume it's a mental and psychic thing. And the more that each individual perceives the situation more clearly, and the real truth about it the situation, then that has a greater effect."
I've seen both those scenarios (mass UFO landing and 2nd coming) mentioned in terms of being faked too. From channeing (which of course can be wrong or for different worldlines than we actually end up living through, includes catastrophic comets/earth changes too):
Q: (T) Is the government planning to stage an invasion by
aliens to cause the populace of the world to go into such a fear
state that they will accept total control and domination?
A: Open. But if so, will "flop".
Q: (T) Why?
A: Many reasons: 1. Visual effects will be inadequate and will
have "glitches". 2. Real invasion may take place first. 3. Other
events may intercede.
Q: (T) Such as what?
A: Earth changes.
Q: (T) Am I correct in assuming that some of these hot-shot,
big-wig guys in the government who have plans for taking over
the whole world and making everything all happy and
hunky-dory with them in charge, are just simply not in synch
with the fact that there are some definite earth changes on the
agenda? Are they missing something here?
A: Close. They are aware but in denial.
Q: (T) Are these earth changes going to occur prior to the
arrival of the cometary cluster?
A: No. But "time" frame is, as of yet, undetermined.
Q: (T) Am I correct in saying that if they knew what was really
going to happen that they would still continue with their stupid
little plans to make money and try to control the world?
A: Yes. Greed is a sickness.
Q: (L) Who was the angel who communicated with the
Prophet Daniel?
A: Us.
Q: (L) Who gave John Revelation?
A: The Lizzies.
Q: (L) Who did Paul encounter on the road to Damascus.
A: Spirit of the 6th density.
Q: (L) If the Revelations are from the "bad" guys, are they an
accurate portrayal of the end times?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What was the source of the prophecies of Isaiah?
A: Fiction.
Q: (L) Where did the Jews come from?
A: Atlantis.
Q: (L) Who was Yahweh.
A: Fictional being.
Q: (L) Who was the god that spoke to Moses on the mount?
A: Audible projection of Lizards.
Q: (L) Did Moses at any time realize that he had been duped
by the Lizzies?
A: No.
Q: (L) Yet, the other night you said that Moses is also doing
work with Christ on another plane, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, if he was misled by the Lizzies, how did he get to
be a good guy?
A: Taught afterward.
Q: (L) After what?
A: Plane transfer.
Q: (L) Did Moses die?
A: No.
Q: (L) Who took him?
A: Us.
Q: (L) You keep saying that the return of Christ is a part of the whole as though there is some important thing that I am missing the question to discover. Consider that question asked... tell me what it is I am missing, please.
A: Obvious if you have been paying attention.
Q: (L) And that is...?
A: The transition to 4th density.
Q: (L) Is the transition to 4th density going to happen before the comets or after?
A: After.
Q: (L) Is the interaction of the comets and the planet earth going to....
A: Precede the transition.
Q: (L) Is it going to generate this change in some way?
A: No.
Q: (L) It's not going to have anything to do with electromagnetic interactions which would heighten the atomic vibrations of the planet?
A: No.
Q: (L) So, the comets are going to make a mess of things and then the transition is going to come as Christ comes?
A: Before.
Q: (L) The transition will happen and we will all be standing around glazed in the eyes or whatever, wondering what to do with ourselves, because we are finding ourselves in a new estate we have not been in before, and then Christ comes?
A: More or less.
Q: (L) Now, what is going to happen after Christ comes back and everything is sort of straightening out and he is teaching... is everybody on the planet going to be gathered together in one place to receive these teachings?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is he going to travel around and teach?
A: Technology.
Q: (L) He will teach via the media?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And we are still going to have access to our media, television and radio and so forth?
A: Some.
Q: (L) Are some people at that point in time or just prior to this transition, going to leave in large groups with the Lizzies?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are there going to be large groups of people moving into domed cities on the planet living in "cahoots" with the Lizzies?
A: Close.
Q: (L) In other words there may be areas of Lizzie control on the planet and areas under the control of Christ?
A: Christ does not control.
The above were from 1994, the one below from last year
Q: (L) What's next?
A: How about "Paleochristianity"?
Q: (laughter) (L) Well since you brought it up... (J) You should respond with, "Now that's an interesting question!" (laughter) (L) What do you mean by Paleochristianity? (laughter) (L) Would you define Paleochristianity for us?
A: The knowledge of realms that all men comprehended before the "fall".
Q: (L) Why is it called Christianity? Isn't Christianity strictly related to Christianity as we know it?
A: Oh no! The word was co-opted and everything you know of as Christianity is distorted. For example, the earliest "Christ" was a woman.
Q: (L) Okay. Were the Bogomils and the Cathars - as I have surmised - close to understanding this original reality?
A: They had some very close approximations, but they were still influenced by many of the distorted religious ideas of the time.
Q: (L) Okay, what is the importance of Paleochristianity?
A: The only hope for the survival of your realm and species.
Q: (L) In what sense do you mean that?
A: Unification of aim: survival and avoidance of the destruction hanging over your heads as a consequence of the machinations of psychopathy.
-- John G.
John...Interesting channelled stuff..."L" is "Laura" I assume ?
Bob, yes "L" is Laura.
-- John G.
-- John G.