Body Jerk While Sleeping


The Force is Strong With This One
Hey there,

Last night, after working at the computer, I went to bed and had some strangeness. I kept getting the odd feeling that something was moving in the room and closing in on the bed, as well as hearing weird mechanical noises that I’ve never heard before and couldn’t identify. I even sat upright quickly to look around as the feeling was that strong. Finally settled again I began to drift off... I wasn’t quite asleep or awake as I watched a swirling scene of darkness in my mind’s eye, then a face peer through that darkness and sink back into it again, at which point my body did that jerk thing and snapped me out of it. All of this happened over about only a couple of minutes though it seemed much longer. At that exact moment I wondered if it had been an ethereal abduction and the jerking is the soul being put back in.

It was probably just my imagination or a dream and whatever reason sleep researchers have to explain that body jerk, but that thought came to mind and I thought I’d share it.
Have you ever used narcotics in the past?

From what I've researched is that drug abuse is a common cause for some of these symptoms, it's usually from possible permanent brain damage done to the brain.

It can also include feeling like you are falling through the bed, high pitched noises, bright flashes of light even though your eyes are closed.

Are you awake or asleep when this happens?

Sometimes if you fall asleep very quickly you can think are awake but are in fact dreaming.

I have experienced all of the above and have mostly concluded it is some brain damage in certain areas from party drug use in my teens.

I don't have any other issues and it happens rarely, as far as i know it only happens when certain chemicals are lacking in the brain like dopamine and seratonin, which is more likely when you are over tired but not always.

My ideas on ethereal body abductions would be once you are already sleeping, no one here will likely confirm anything to do with this idea and neither can I.

Hi Franco,

Thanks for your input and good suggestions.

My ideas on ethereal body abductions would be once you are already sleeping, no one here will likely confirm anything to do with this idea and neither can I.

Yep, I know. It was just a thought I had at the time that made me go... Hhmm I wonder if... because I like to explore all kinds of possibilities.

I’m pretty sure the incident was just related to my heebie jeebies that night and weird half awake/half asleep dream state. Nope, I’ve never done drugs, and I’m pretty sure I don’t have any brain damage as I’ve had an MRI done a few years ago for other health issues and all was fine.

I was still thinking about it this morning though and remembered that strong electromagnetic fields can induce such things as well if one is sensitive to it. I do have an old clock radio, a lamp, several wall outlets and power cords running directly under the bed where our heads rest, so that’s another possibility. I just checked into getting an EMF detector, but they cost too much for me at this time. So I’ll just have to pay attention and see if it persists.
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