Bogota - Colombia , Nov. 03 .07


FOTCM Member
This took place this past november 3rd on a tropical country , bogota is right at the center of Colombia , a country right at the top of southamerica it has Caribbean coast line
, it was an "ice-storm" , hail rained stronger than it had ever been registered , hail is actually really common in bogota i was born and lived there for 18 years , now , when i saw this i couldn't help wondering on the reasons , the implications and remembering the movie "the day after tomorrow" , it really looked like if it had fallen in less than a minute i mean the cars are just trapped , of course the traffic that is created when it starts to rain is something to bring to consideration , but the images are thrilling , , it hit a city not prepared at all for this kind of event , the sewer system collapsed in very little time , so the flooding took place very fast , here is a video , these are the reports on a local Colombian news channel , it is in spanish but the images are readable in any language , in any case what the reporters say is that it just was amazing , unprecedented , and so on .

comments on the reports on Colombia's "el tiempo" newspaper website , suggest that there was a certain level of awareness on the regular person concerning climate change , and this being a not isolated event in the world.
Thank you for posting this info and video.

It's just unbelievable. An ice-storm in a tropical country! Of course people KNOW there's something unprecedented happening, despite what the PTB want us all to believe.

Everything in the news is now one big disconnect. People can SEE what's happening -- the weather, the Iraq War, UFOs, the economy, etc -- and it bears no resemblance whatsoever to the "official version." It's like what the psychopath says to the wife who catches him with another woman: "Baby, who you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes...?
It was hard to find English news sources about it in the web, although I saw it on the local newspaper here in France and I was totally surprised, as I'm from Costa Rica which is quite close to Colombia and know how the weather is there. SOTT published an article about it:

Thanks for the links.
Yes, thank you for posting the link.

The Gate Keepers here didn't feel it was News Worthy enough.....not a word about it on the CBS, NBC, ABC Evening News/Lies, and not much more on cable.
My god! I just looked at the video! That was not just a heavy "hail storm" - that was a localized cataclysmic event!
Not surprising that hasn't been widely reported because it is mind-blowingly inexplicable. good link!

pure speculation here but perhaps this example and this and would be the result of a sudden event such as an axis wobble, than a gradual increase in global temperatures as we are lead to believe? just a thought. More unexpected events to follow I"m sure. Things certainly hotting up.

after thought: from about sunday to tuesday this week, most people i met were reporting unusual lethagy and tiredness, self included. it seemed to coincide with the recent exploding comet:,

Perhaps we are now experiencing the knock on effects of more energy in the weather system?
Then, there is the gulf stream, which has had a hard time doing it's thing for awhile now, and what looks to be a building La Nina:
and , i think that three days after that , there was this extremely strong wind , a cyclone-like , it was just weird since bogota is not on the coast line , the wind was so strong that it literally ripped off the roofing from a car dealer building located on the north of the city , it was just too strong , and also a first timer here's a videofrom reuters ; and this reminded me of something that took place just outside the city about a month or tow ago in which a tornado was just beginning to form (!!!) i don't know if it was reported here but in any case here is the video , now this is just getting to be a more and more common type of event and i mean the earth changes cause it was not too long ago that peru was hit by that earthquake.
I you imagine this on a worldwide scale you know now how mammoths and a lot of other animals found in Siberia and Alaska could have been flash freezed.

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