This took place this past november 3rd on a tropical country , bogota is right at the center of Colombia , a country right at the top of southamerica it has Caribbean coast line
, it was an "ice-storm" , hail rained stronger than it had ever been registered , hail is actually really common in bogota i was born and lived there for 18 years , now , when i saw this i couldn't help wondering on the reasons , the implications and remembering the movie "the day after tomorrow" , it really looked like if it had fallen in less than a minute i mean the cars are just trapped , of course the traffic that is created when it starts to rain is something to bring to consideration , but the images are thrilling , , it hit a city not prepared at all for this kind of event , the sewer system collapsed in very little time , so the flooding took place very fast , here is a video , these are the reports on a local Colombian news channel , it is in spanish but the images are readable in any language , in any case what the reporters say is that it just was amazing , unprecedented , and so on .
comments on the reports on Colombia's "el tiempo" newspaper website , suggest that there was a certain level of awareness on the regular person concerning climate change , and this being a not isolated event in the world.
comments on the reports on Colombia's "el tiempo" newspaper website , suggest that there was a certain level of awareness on the regular person concerning climate change , and this being a not isolated event in the world.