Book suggestions for recent history of Eurasia


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
After reading this recent SOTT article, and a few others like it, I'm wondering where Niall, Joe and others get a lot of your historical knowledge about Russia, the development of the Russian empire and other empires in Europe, especially British, and the whole "great game" thing. Mainly over the last 300 or so years.

I know this is quite a lot to ask, but I would appreciate a starting point if anyone knows of any good books which are not total disinformation.

It just blows my mind that this whole thing has been going on for so long, and makes me wonder what is special about the Russian people, and why the Western populations seem to select for psychopathy much more frequently. What made the British empire so cunning and evil, vs. the more normal approach of the Russians?
I haven't read any books strictly related to either the Russian or British Empires, but, in case you haven't read them already I would definitely recommend two books that touch on both the history of the region and the subject of psychopathy and how the masses can be manipulated to accept and follow authoritarian characters:

The Thirteenth Tribe: Khazar Empire and Its Heritage gives a good understanding of the origin of the people from the Steppes which later became known as the Khazars and how the Khazarian empire influenced the whole East European region and beyond (think US and Israel) from a cultural perspective up to the last century. Laura touches on this subject in her book 9/11 - The Ultimate Truth and in her Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and the Return of the Mongols online series.

Defying Hitler: A Memoir, which I am currently reading, is a very well written book describing every-day life in Germany from the author's perspective starting from the Great War up till the beginning of WW2 and how all the events that transpired during that period shaped the mindset of the people, allowing Hitler to rise to power.

Perceval said:
I think genetic profile has a lot to do with what the British 'elite' and later the US 'elite' did to the world.

One book you could start with is:

Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War

Thanks for sharing Joe, it's on my reading list now.
Thank you for the recommendations. I am reading the Secret Origins of the First World War bit by bit, and I can't help but be utterly depressed by how the recipe is exactly the same. 100 years and they still use the same exact game plan to destroy countries, and the people still fall for it, and the elite mostly still get what they want. It is eye opening to see. They are not so amazingly cunning and clever after all, it's just that everyone else appears to be operating on 1 brain cell and can't put 2 and 2 together!
Carl said:
Thank you for the recommendations. I am reading the Secret Origins of the First World War bit by bit, and I can't help but be utterly depressed by how the recipe is exactly the same. 100 years and they still use the same exact game plan to destroy countries, and the people still fall for it, and the elite mostly still get what they want. It is eye opening to see. They are not so amazingly cunning and clever after all, it's just that everyone else appears to be operating on 1 brain cell and can't put 2 and 2 together!

I KNOW! It really is freakin' unbelievable. When it comes to authorities, most people have some SERIOUS problem with just calling something what it is! :headbash:
I recently asked the author of the for book recommendations on Central Asia, I received the following list:

Lutz Kleveman's "The New Great Game: Blood and Oil in Central Asia"

Ahmed Rashid's "Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia"

Sibel Edmonds "The Lone Gladio"
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