Boss Science - Psychopathology of corporate leaders


The Living Force
Boss Science The psychopathology of the modern American corporate leader.
Research suggests that he who climbs quickly is likely more talkative, social, and at the same time more obviously—obviously is the key word—dominant than his peers. “He answers to himself,� as one management consultant puts it. He’s self-referential—“I believe … � is the way he starts most every sentence. He has a talent for manipulating others’ impressions. One way he sometimes does that is by flashing a little anger. “Leadership research shows that subtle nasty moves like glaring and condescending comments, explicit moves like insults or put-downs, and even physical intimidation can be effective paths to power,� reports Robert Sutton, a Stanford professor and author of The No A**hole Rule.
“Managers are rarely promoted based on their talent for leadership,� says Hogan. The challenge is to sort out effective leaders from effective climbers.
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