breaking pipe


FOTCM Member
I don't know if it is just a coincidence, or just paranoia from me. But yesterday I was cleaning my pipe before to smoke, and it broke down.
I just thought that it meant something but i just didn't figure it out until this morning, because "breaking its pipe" in french ("casser sa pipe") is one expression for dying.
Now I don't know if it really means something or if it it just a coincidence. What do you think?
That's too funny Johnno.

But still these things can be indications to our mindset and surroundings, like Laura's panhandle breaking; 'get a handle'. Last year I was in a dreadful situation, a campfire setting with a lot of chaotic people, unknown to me, which had me almost paralyzed with fear, I could not speak, some hard vectoring going on, at some point I dropped my pipe in the grass and it broke, I took it (in retrospect) to be an indication of loss in communication due to letting in a primal fear 'disconnect' by being uncareful about my conduction.

Maybe these symbolic messages, if they are in fact anything, have to be connected to an event, a thinking. What was your setting mkrnhr?
Thinking symbolically, two things some to mind.

A pipe is a conduit or channel; a conductor; a means of conveying a substance, ususally a liquid or gas, from point A to point B. So, given that your pipe broke, is there a broken connection in your life? Something is no longer coming to you (point A) from another place, either internal or external (point B)?

A pipe is an instrument used for smoking. Smoking requires fire, a slow smouldering fire that is repeatedly re-ignited by the smoker. Has a fire gone out within you? Have you neglected to 'fan the flames' internally, or perhaps externally, so to speak?

Just some thoughts, fwiw :)
well, i'm still around too :D
The thing is that i while cleaning the pipe i was thinking about the dream work and i was wondering why since it has been mentioned in the forum i could not remember the dreams. my thought was "it there anything i'm doing wrong". this kind of thoughts. So maybe a dream conduit broken or something?
I used to do dream work and even kept a journal, and at the time, it did not seem to yield anything significant to my everyday life. I then paid little attention to my dreams and soon didn't really remember any. I also remember a quote from Edgar Cayce that basically said, if your sub-conscious doesn't have any important messages for you, you will sleep and not recall dreams. I took this to heart.

The problem I had with most of the dreams, was trying to figure out exactly what they meant. However, when I was most in need of understanding, I had a powerful dream, and there was no question as to the message. I had encountered my first psychopath and hadn't fully understood what I was dealing with. The dream, showed me outside said psychopaths house, being invited in. I was reluctant, but finally agreed, stepped inside and the place was teaming with snakes!!! I hate snakes and this dream hammered home - these folks are hardwired and damaging to even have as an aquaintance. RUN!!!

So I only pay attention when I remember one, which is not often. Maybe you're not doing anything wrong, mkrnhr. Maybe there are no messages? As for the broken pipe, I'm not sure how signifiant it is, especially since you didn't know a pipe is a conduit or channel at the time it happened. I would think a message to yourself would be given in terms you would understand. OSIT.
Maybe just time for a new pipe, mkrnhr? Titanium perhaps?

I was wondering if these things break in part because of the intensity of the person utilizing? Seems natural.

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