Broadway Adaptation of "1984" Called "Political Torture Porn"


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The Hollywood reporter has an article on the play's provocative staging, strobe lights and content that has caused some audience members to throw-up, faint, and get arrested for disruptive reactions to the stressful content.

Good gawd! This is art and entertainment? :O Just another sign that we're living in the end of days.
NormaRegula said:
The Hollywood reporter has an article on the play's provocative staging, strobe lights and content that has caused some audience members to throw-up, faint, and get arrested for disruptive reactions to the stressful content.

Good gawd! This is art and entertainment? :O Just another sign that we're living in the end of days.

Well, without actually seeing the play, it is hard to say what is the goal of the people putting this on. But it does sound to me that the producers of this play want to depict Orwell's totalitarian society from 1984 with rather graphic realism.

I would say that is a good thing. That people need to be woken up by our march to that very thing.

In media and entertainment today, there is nothing but fluff and distraction, having this appear on the scene will certainly turn a few heads. IMO.
Hello H2O said:
NormaRegula said:
The Hollywood reporter has an article on the play's provocative staging, strobe lights and content that has caused some audience members to throw-up, faint, and get arrested for disruptive reactions to the stressful content.

Good gawd! This is art and entertainment? :O Just another sign that we're living in the end of days.

Well, without actually seeing the play, it is hard to say what is the goal of the people putting this on. But it does sound to me that the producers of this play want to depict Orwell's totalitarian society from 1984 with rather graphic realism.

I would say that is a good thing. That people need to be woken up by our march to that very thing.

In media and entertainment today, there is nothing but fluff and distraction, having this appear on the scene will certainly turn a few heads. IMO.

I'm not so sure this sort of presentation is a good thing, but I understand what you're saying to some degree. 1984 has been around for over 60 years. The entire premise should be a wake-up call to those who have read it, without graphic violence porn that upsets audience members to the point that some become ill or start becoming violent.

Most of the films or TV adaptations of the story have been tepid or the message corrupted to suit left and right political-leanings. Past productions tend to say it's all about the other side without realizing how both political spectrums are subject to pathological leaders and totalitarianism. That should be the message. It appears this production is using Orwell's story to point fingers at those evil conservatives and Trump to rile up the left once again. The director's quote is quite telling.
NormaRegula said:
Hello H2O said:
NormaRegula said:
The Hollywood reporter has an article on the play's provocative staging, strobe lights and content that has caused some audience members to throw-up, faint, and get arrested for disruptive reactions to the stressful content.

Good gawd! This is art and entertainment? :O Just another sign that we're living in the end of days.
Well, without actually seeing the play, it is hard to say what is the goal of the people putting this on. But it does sound to me that the producers of this play want to depict Orwell's totalitarian society from 1984 with rather graphic realism.

I would say that is a good thing. That people need to be woken up by our march to that very thing.

In media and entertainment today, there is nothing but fluff and distraction, having this appear on the scene will certainly turn a few heads. IMO.

I'm not so sure this sort of presentation is a good thing, but I understand what you're saying to some degree. 1984 has been around for over 60 years. The entire premise should be a wake-up call to those who have read it, without graphic violence porn that upsets audience members to the point that some become ill or start becoming violent.

Most of the films or TV adaptations of the story have been tepid or the message corrupted to suit left and right political-leanings. Past productions tend to say it's all about the other side without realizing how both political spectrums are subject to pathological leaders and totalitarianism. That should be the message. It appears this production is using Orwell's story to point fingers at those evil conservatives and Trump to rile up the left once again. The director's quote is quite telling.

The timing is interesting considering, Orwell was born on June 25 1903.

7 Fascinating Facts About George Orwell
Author George Orwell was born on June 25, 1903. We remember the author of 'Animal Farm' and '1984' with a look at some fascinating facts about his life.
Orwell and other names
A watched man
Difficulties publishing Animal Farm
Helped by Hemingway
Orwell and Huxley
Orwell's list
Last chance at life
I haven't seen the broadway adaptation, but we went to see a new interactive play called 'Seeing You' - it's different from the traditional theater as the audience moves around throughout the piece and sometimes interacts with the actors. The point of the piece was to give a sense of what it was like to live through WW2 as civilians. The characters were real, and the content was pretty stunning.

The point being, you can shock people with history without getting all torture-porn-esque.
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