Broke my ribs again!

The rabbit

The Cosmic Force
A number of years ago i fell down a kind of moat at the side of a house in a french country lane.Boy that was painful.A few day ago our child managed to lock himself into a room and pulled out the door handles .This made it impossible for me to open the door to get him out.I went for the movie way of getting him out i.e. shoulder charging the door ,a few attempts of this and I knew it was not going to work.

On the last attempt the door felt like it kicked back at me and I felt a sharp pain in my heart area. Made me stop and think rather than react :) I removed a door handle and bar from another door , placed it in the door where our child was locked in , and voila the door opened.

A coincidence here is that the last time i broke ribs I was enjoying a period of reading through Plato , and in the last week I have also been reading through the works of Plato. Only done this on these two occasions .Whats that! :)

Took some pain killers yesterday but it has not done much to relieve the pain. In fact im more in pain than i was last time as its in the heart area that im getting the stabbing pains when coughing etc.

It has come at a time when we are in the process of moving from an apartment to a house and my oldest son is visiting. Basically im out of action when we have a deadline to get out of this apartment and much work to be done.

I feel so stupid for not thinking through my options first before instantly going for the attempting to breaking the door down.

Our child was afraid and crying and my only thought was to get him out ASAP.

Other crazy things going on at present getting in the way of our move and making things difficult.

That for another post maybe.

I am taking ibuprofen pain killers presently.If any one has any other suggestions then that would be appreciated. Thanks.
Should teach you (again) that overblown emotional reactions can be deadly not only to you, but to the child in your care. Did you ever think about what might have happened if you had managed to break the door down and the door, with you on top of it, had fallen on the child?

People, ya'll gotta really work on getting a grip on overcharged, inappropriate emotional stuff because it CAN kill you or someone you love!
Laura said:
Should teach you (again) that overblown emotional reactions can be deadly not only to you, but to the child in your care. Did you ever think about what might have happened if you had managed to break the door down and the door, with you on top of it, had fallen on the child?

People, ya'll gotta really work on getting a grip on overcharged, inappropriate emotional stuff because it CAN kill you or someone you love!

Your absolutely right!

I was working with just breaking the lock on the door and all would be sweet in my mind .

I was not in a total panic, but stopping to think of other options first is a definite MUST in such circumstances, because in the end when i had done injury to myself and had to abandon the stupid way , the easiest solution came to mind instantly.And it really was the simple no worry solution.
Away With The Fairys said:
Made me stop and think rather than react :) I removed a door handle and bar from another door , placed it in the door where our child was locked in , and voila the door opened.
A slotted screwdriver would have worked too.

I feel your pain, I really do. I'm still recovering from the same thing, broke ribs can take months to heal. 3 months later and I still have some pain. My doctor said it may take months for the pain to go away as is the case with me.

Lesson learned I hope.

Away With The Fairys said:
I am taking ibuprofen pain killers presently.If any one has any other suggestions then that would be appreciated. Thanks.

Yes, go see a doctor. Broke ribs can lead to pneumonia. My doctor gave me breathing exercises for this reason. I think EE helped me too but others here on the forum did not agree with that, although I think EE helped with getting air into the bottom of my lungs, thus not allowing fluid settling there, which can lead to pneumonia. ;)

I wish you a speedy recovery Away With The Fairys. Please take care, your kids need you.
Away With The Fairys said:
...I am taking ibuprofen pain killers presently.If any one has any other suggestions then that would be appreciated. Thanks.

I don't know what else you might take, but I know something from experience about what ibuprofen can do to a gut. I would say from that that you should take only as much as you absolutely have to, stop taking it as soon as possible or if any additional abdominal pain develops (but you might not be able to tell), and be certain you are 100% wheat (especially) and grain free. What dose are you taking?
Away With The Fairys said:
I am taking ibuprofen pain killers presently.If any one has any other suggestions then that would be appreciated. Thanks.

You could try vitamin C. Keep going until you reach bowel tolerance.
Megan said:
Away With The Fairys said:
...I am taking ibuprofen pain killers presently.If any one has any other suggestions then that would be appreciated. Thanks.

I don't know what else you might take, but I know something from experience about what ibuprofen can do to a gut. I would say from that that you should take only as much as you absolutely have to, stop taking it as soon as possible or if any additional abdominal pain develops (but you might not be able to tell), and be certain you are 100% wheat (especially) and grain free. What dose are you taking?


I am not taking any pain killers now, the relief im getting from pain killers is not that noticable so just living with it. Its actually quite a learning process observing the body under such conditions , what movement will bring on the pain. im quite good at getting oxygen flowing through out the body having worked with breath for many years .

I am making sure no matter what , that the skeleton stays in alignment.

No. I can look at this as a lesson and a blessing. Laura is right ,that door could of hit our child had it opened, maybe the universe intervened in the best way to protect the child. Its actually quite possible . And if so i can only give thanks.

Regarding food consumption etc ive been Paleo for about 2 years now , no wheat , dairy. I eat mainly meat and hardly any carbs.
Endymion said:
Away With The Fairys said:
I am taking ibuprofen pain killers presently.If any one has any other suggestions then that would be appreciated. Thanks.

You could try vitamin C. Keep going until you reach bowel tolerance.

Hi Endymion. Thanks .Im taking vitamin C in pure powder form daily.Have done for over a year.Have upped the dosage slightly. Never had a cold since starting vitamin C.

The danger from broken ribs is of course that if one does not keep good breathing then pneumonia can develop , so as you have suggested I have upped intake.
I hope you are doing better AWTF! And visiting a doctor seems also a good advice.

And how is your kid doing? Cause I had a similar experience when I was a child, the water was running and I couldn't get out of the room, which I still can remember or at least have some pictures of this happening in my mind.
I've had the same experience with having rib's cracked, and broken though nothing serious that required surgery i did have a doctor examine the problem as well.

One time it occurred during fight, which, i neather lost, or won but felt fortunate that the blow that had caused the damage did not hit me in the face, which would been a major problem. Fighting, at best is stupid, unless attacked.

The other time while playing football i was tackled or better said just plain laid out like whole sale carpet, buy an openet that rang me bell pretty good. Don't play against a college athlete, i lost on that one as well. Both times i experienced, similar pain that you described.

The doctor said, it's just going have heal on it's own, and there was not much he could do for me, but did recommend i did not do anything to aggravate the condition. I did not take any meds, and just took it easy until nature did it's thing. The body has an incredible ability to heal of allowed to.

You might consider trying ice therapy, to keep the swelling under control, and to aid in the limiting of the bruising, and just biding your time till it mends. You know, no golf, heavy exercise, and anything requires movements of the truck area of the body. And more important what ever the your physician recommended.

Good luck, it's just going take a little time, patience, and it will more than likely correct it's self.

Better Health Channel
Rib injuries

The ribcage supports the upper body, protects internal organs, including the heart and lungs, and assists with breathing. Rib injuries include bruises, torn cartilage and bone fractures. Older people are more prone to rib fractures because bones thin with age. Flail chest occurs when three or more ribs are broken in at least two places, front and back.

Treatment of rib injuries
Unlike bones of the arms and legs, broken ribs can’t be set in a cast. Treatment aims to relieve pain while the injury heals, which can take up to six weeks (in the case of fracture), and 12 weeks or more if the rib has been torn from the cartilage. Treatment for bruised ribs is the same as for fractured ribs, but with a shorter recovery time.

Options include:
Prescription strength pain-killing drugs
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Avoiding activities that aggravate the injury, such as sport
Icepacks – may help to reduce inflammation in the early stages
Mechanical ventilation (help with breathing) – may be needed in cases of severe flail chest.

Ow. Ouch. Owie. Rib damage hurts.!.!.! Ooh... I understand the physical pain. No Fun. Man, within extreme on the spot situations.... We can make the wrong choice of action.!.!.!.! Ouch...
I hope you and your child are okay. Time for discussion and bonding with 'em. Love 'em, hug 'em and talk with them.
:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
Cheers folks for your kind thoughts.Our son was in the room for less than two minutes , he was standing there with the door handle in his hand when i got the door open.Did not seemed traumatized by it and he asked me to pick him up for hugs and kisses , which of course I did and he got , as always. :)
I remember when I had a fracture in my rib from a car hard it was to breathe and keep breathing deeply! (dr's warining me about pnewmonia and such)... :P

I'm so glad that you are already knowledgable about breathing, you are so far ahead of the game than I was back then.

How wonderful your children have such a protector!

...perhaps parents needs to (as we all do) make sure that the appropriate actions are chosen! How I would have LOVED to have read and interacted with this forum while raising my own child!

Hope you are healing rapidly and happily!
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