Bush Denies Congress Access to Aides


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush invoked executive privilege Monday to deny requests by Congress for testimony from two former aides about the firings of federal prosecutors.
This goes hand in hand with this on SOTT:
"Bush Overrules US Judicial System, Frees Libby, Can We Say Fascism Now?"

I mean, he's on a roll, why stop now right? All those fascist executive privileges laying around collecting dust, what a waste. Is he going to go crazy with them cuz he's on his way out and has nothing to lose? Or maybe cuz the ground is being laid for something and the waters are being tested? The more he uses these and gets away with it, the smoother the next one is. Not that it isn't smooth already - smooth enough for overt military dictatorship? After all, that's just another group of executive orders, might as well un-dust those also while he's at it..
What is more sinister than him is that congress and the Democrats have done nothing in response. You and I being disgusted is not enough. The folks who supposedly represent us are supposed to speak on our behalf, but they have not. Cindy Sheehan has stated she will run for Nancy Pelosi's seat next term if she does not bring articles of impeachment against Bush. Since we are a supposed republic and subject to being represented by an elected official, perhaps we should back her and send the message to the PTB that way. many have tried to discredit her and make her out to be a nutcase, but she is absolutly right and she and her son have paid the absolute highest price for what has been allowed to go on in this administration.
yup. congress are like rabbits caught in the headlights - completely paralised. the dictatorship is here.

Cindy Sheehan never ceases to amaze me, btw. how on earth does she have the guts and stamina to keep going through all the attacks, and not be personally crushed by the horror of it all, including the death of her son at the hands of these psychos? she's a hero, and deserves any support she can get.
CINDY SHEEHAN... is indeed a Most Amazing Being of Strength and Hope!!!

I met her in person at Arlington West Memorial, which is a "symbolic" cemetary shadowing the other Arlington War Cemetary in Washington D.C. It is set up each Sunday morning in Santa Barbara CA at the beginning of State St. on the beach to the right of the pier. A cross with a name, pic and some personal info is sunk into the sand for each fallen American soldier in the Iraq war.

It was decided upon reaching the 3 Thousand marker that they would not be able to put any more crosses up, there simply was not room or time to get them all in place. As it was, volunteers, usually soldiers from other wars, Desert Storm or Viet Nam, would start setting up the project in the dark wee hours of the morning and barely get them in place before viewing started around 8 or so in the morning. Large Trucks were required to bring all the crosses in.

It is def a Labor of Love and Sacrifice to continually set these crosses up Every Sunday!

It was here that I first met CINDY. I was immediately taken by her Genuine, Warmth, Personal Friendliness, Kindness, Gentleness and Strength.

We hugged. Tears flowed...

We met once early on in the day and then again quite a bit later. Many thousands were there to hear her speech Against the war and the PSYCHOPATHIC Bush Administration. It was a very moving experience. Someone had brought a small portable Stereo and was playing the original version of "IMAGINE" by John Lennon. Yes, there was a solemn atmosphere of extremely Heavy Sorrow. And for me personally, excruciating Emotional Pain as I threaded my way in and out of the crosses reading names here and there of young 18 and 19 year old boys who died [[[IN VAIN]]] before their life had hardly begun!!

She is a natural, wonderful speaker. Her words are at once, quiet, strong resolute, arresting and penetrating. I felt a being who has a Soul! No Organic Portal here.

Still, I noticed that some people (maybe even quite a few) walked by and hardly noticed the whole spectacle. It was just another anti-war demonstration. Strange.

With this setting, the interesting point that I wanted to make was that when Cindy and I got together the second time, after she had been meeting, hugging and shaking the hands of hundreds of other...she said something to the effect of: 'Hi William, nice to see you again". How she remembered my name with all those throngs around her is beyond me.

I felt a very strong, Nurturing, MOTHERLY energy from her.

I won't ever forget the experience.

Here is a link to a web site dedicated to the Arlington West Memorial.

One of the MOST Poignant photos for me is this one: http://www.arlingtonwestsantamonica.org/photos9.html

sleepyvinny said:
yup. congress are like rabbits caught in the headlights - completely paralised. the dictatorship is here.
I don't think that congress is "caught in the headlights," I think that most - nearly ALL - of them are complicit either because they want to be or because they are blackmailed.

sleepyvinny said:
Cindy Sheehan never ceases to amaze me, btw. how on earth does she have the guts and stamina to keep going through all the attacks, and not be personally crushed by the horror of it all, including the death of her son at the hands of these psychos? she's a hero, and deserves any support she can get.
Well, she also needs to wake up to the reality of psychopathy pretty quick. As Pavlov said, every dog has its breaking point. They didn't hesitate to take out JFK, RFK, Wellstone, and God knows how many others. If she ever really became a threat, there are ways...

Also, does she actually think that she could get elected fairly? There are no democratic, fair elections in the U.S. anymore and haven't been for some time. So, if she DID get elected, we would have to wonder why?

Those individuals who think that change can be effected via legal or political processes fail to understand that both the law and politics, by and large, are created and controlled by pathological types, and are set up for their benefit, not the benefit of the ordinary human being. So it is that law and politics are insufficient avenues for counteracting a pathological society that has been created by the efforts and influence of deviants.

Another important thing to remember in regards to seeking solutions via legal or political means is that the cunning of the pathological deviant is far superior to that of normal human beings. Most people are familiar with the idea of the exceptional cunning of the madman, but psychopathy, in its several varieties, has an additional element: the Mask of Sanity.

Recently we saw Cindy Sheehan wake up to the fact that the Democratic Party is just another ideology behind which psychopathy operates only she didn't understand it exactly that way. She decamped and has now, as I understand it, decided that the 911 Truth Movement is the right place to be and trying to effect change by running for office will work. I'm sorry to have to inform her that psychopaths are vectoring the whole show. You didn't really think they would commit crimes like 911 and not cover their backsides by instigating and controlling a "truth movement," AND the Democrats, did you?

Again and again I receive letters from political action groups asking for money and support. I've given money and support and also written endless letters and emails telling them that their "political actions" aren't going to amount to a hill of beans if they do not factor psychopathy into the equation. They were all so sure that getting the Democrats back in control was going to change everything, and the fact is, nothing has changed and we said it wouldn't before and after the election and were attacked for that. All that money and effort wasted. And now people are realizing it even though we have been saying it all along.

Cindy Sheehan doesn't seem to have learned very much from the evidence right before her eyes.

So, I'll say it again - and keep saying it - until the knowledge and awareness of pathological human beings is given the attention it deserves and becomes part of the general knowledge of all human beings, there is no way that things can be changed in any way that is effective and long-lasting. That is the first order of business and if half the people agitating for Truth or stopping the war or Bush or whatever would focus their efforts, time and money on exposing psychopathy, we might get somewhere.

That's what Cindy Sheehan - and everyone else who really wants change - needs to be doing right now. We need to put a LOT of money and effort into exposing pathology in high places so that the masses are fully aware and will stand behind an effort to remove the Pathocrats.
LAURA said:
Well, she also needs to wake up to the reality of psychopathy pretty quick.
Thank you Laura... for taking the time to once again remind us of the basic, real, Root causes of the Iraq war and the PSYCHOPATHIC way this country is now being run in all its varied ramifications, and that the only real solutions to these problems is for the general publilc to Wake Up and be educated specifically in this subject so that a REAL Change can be effected.

It's sad but true, "I did recognize" that for all her zeal and good heart-felt intentions, she did not understand the deeper causes of it all, namely PSYCHOPATHY. I thought about sending her a link to the Cassiopaean website. She will either accept or reject it, but at least she has an opportunity for further growth.
Nordic Healer said:
It's sad but true, "I did recognize" that for all her zeal and good heart-felt intentions, she did not understand the deeper causes of it all, namely PSYCHOPATHY. I thought about sending her a link to the Cassiopaean website. She will either accept or reject it, but at least she has an opportunity for further growth.
I believe that several people besides myself have written to her trying to draw her attention to Ponerology and urging her to stop and learn some things before she goes any further. I know that she has been sent at least TWO copies of Ponerology. So far, she doesn't seem to have a real clue.

In this post here, I have described the problem of Ideologies and I think that, if you read this passage, you will understand the problem.

Lobaczewski said:
It is a common phenomenon for a ponerogenic association or group to contain a particular ideology which always justifies its activities and furnishes certain propaganda motives. Even a small-time gang of hoodlums has its own melodramatic ideology and pathological romanticism. Human nature demands that vile matters be haloed by an over-compensatory mystique in order to silence one’s conscience and to deceive consciousness and critical faculties, whether one’s own or those of others.

If such an ponerogenic union could be stripped of its ideology, nothing would remain except psychological and moral pathology, naked and unattractive. Such stripping would of course provoke “moral outrage", and not only among the members of the union; even normal people, who condemn this kind of union along with its ideologies, would feel hurt, deprived of something constituting part of their own romanticism, their way of perceiving reality. Perhaps even some of the readers of this book will resent the author’s stripping evil so unceremoniously of all its literary motifs. The job of effecting such a “strip-tease� may thus turn out to be much more difficult and dangerous than expected. [...]

An ideology of a ... ponerogenic association is formed by gradual adaptation of the primary ideology to functions and goals other than the original formative ones. A certain kind of layering or schizophrenia of ideology takes place during the ponerization process. The outer layer closest to the original content is used for the group’s propaganda purposes, especially regarding the outside world, although it can in part also be used inside with regard to disbelieving lower-echelon members. The second layer ... is more hermetic, generally composed by slipping a different meaning into the same names. Since identical names signify different contents depending on the layer in question, understanding this “doubletalk� requires simultaneous fluency in both languages. [...]

Thus, if we intend to understand the secondary ponerization process and the contents of human associations which succumb to it, our consciousness should separate that original ideology from its counterpart, or even caricature, created by the ponerogenic process.
The fact is, normal human beings - after centuries of religious and political propaganda - are just not able to let go of their romantic ideals about life. The disturbing reality of psychopathy and its effect on humanity at large is just to horrible to contemplate.

Cindy could do it; she could choose, and she could make some REAL waves with Ponerology in her hand. But will she?

Perhaps she will need a few more people to bring it to her attention before she figures out how important it is. And if, after having it brought to her attention a sufficient number of times, she takes no action in that direction, then we can figure out that Cindy Sheehan may not be what we assume about her.
Thank you LAURA again for your wise words, and for including the quotes from Lobaczewskie's book.

LAURA said:
I believe that several people besides myself have written to her trying to draw her attention to Ponerology and urging her to stop and learn some things before she goes any further. I know that she has been sent at least TWO copies of Ponerology. So far, she doesn't seem to have a real clue.
I was wondering, or at least hoping that You, or someone from this site had already tried to steer her in the right direction. Now I know that has already happened.

LAURA said:
Perhaps she will need a few more people to bring it to her attention before she figures out how important it is. And if, after having it brought to her attention a sufficient number of times, she takes no action in that direction, then we can figure out that Cindy Sheehan may not be what we assume about her.
I will try to write something to her. If she would just start wading through Lobaczewski's book she would be "Startled" to find Clear, Exact answers to be found no-where else. It's a difficult read that can easily loose people who don't really intensely apply themselves to understand what he is explaining in great detail, but the rewards are Life giving. I myself have to read some things over and over and really ponder them to get it. I also go back and re-read, after the passage of time, ( a few days, weeks, months) and that's when many more things fall into place.
Laura said:
I believe that several people besides myself have written to her trying to draw her attention to Ponerology and urging her to stop and learn some things before she goes any further. I know that she has been sent at least TWO copies of Ponerology. So far, she doesn't seem to have a real clue.
. . .
Perhaps she will need a few more people to bring it to her attention before she figures out how important it is. And if, after having it brought to her attention a sufficient number of times, she takes no action in that direction, then we can figure out that Cindy Sheehan may not be what we assume about her.
That she is not what we assume her to be is a possibility, especially if we take in account that - IIRC - she was/is in arrears for bills and taxes.

Another possibility is that she, like so many 'normal people', does not read that much and that PP might be well beyond her level of understanding written word - on top of that, PP is a difficult book to read and understand.

Perhaps the correct way to make her aware of Ponerology may be to talk to her in person rather than sending her books and emails - different people get their information by different means: reading, listening to trusted or authoritative people, manual work, experiencing situations . . .

Also, meeting her in person might help clarify assumptions about "what she is" vs "what she represent to be in public", "her true vs assumed motivations" . . .
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