Bush Jeered -- and Rick Perry also Bood and Hissed


The Force is Strong With This One
On March 29th, 2008, I went to my Senatorial Republican Convention in the heart of Austin, TX, and guess who showed up to give an introduction speech...

Rick Perry.

He was bood and hissed by the majority of the crowd! They held it good and long too as to overcome the clapping and cheers.

And then when Rick Perry began talking about what he was going to do to aid the Boy Scouts, people were yelling, "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE FIRST VALUE, AND THAT'S HONESTY!"

As he left the podium, he was bood and hissed again!

The rest of the convention was a circus. The chairman and the parliamentarians were obviously Rick Perry cronies attempting to repel all the newcomers to the party. But the Ron Paulers kept barraging the rules committee with questions of fairness. Motion after motion after debate after debate... There was a lot of ruffled feathers on both sides. Where most other conventions on that day only lasted 4 hours... ours lasted 11 hours.

We may not have gotten as many state delegates as would have liked, but we got a bigger percentage of delegates than the percentage Ron Paul got in the primary vote. We also succeeded in getting several Ron Paul-friendly people elected into Republican positions.

Later I was told that the established Republicans thought we were too loud and expecting too much way too fast.

Oh, just wait until 2 years from now... we'll be even more prepared and even more organized. We nearly have the advantage... we are nearing inch by inch!

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