Bush - Stoned? Drunk? Medicated? Retarded?


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Bush - Stoned? Drunk? Medicated? Retarded? Presidential Tester for the Pharmaceutical Industry? You Decide........
Submitted by BuzzFlash on Wed, 07/19/2006 - 3:06pm. Reader Contribution

by Ruth Lopez


Bush is fried. He's either drinking, smoking pot, medicated, or some combination of all of them. Either that or the man has taken a one-way trip to crazy town.

Watch his gibberish at the G8, especially the bizarre stuff about how long the plane flights to various countries are. If you take out the comments of the other leaders (because they actually sound intelligent and not like drunken bar talk) and just read what Bush says, he sounds just like someone who is more than half looped.

"Gotta go home. Gotta do sumthin tonight. Get ona plane. Go home. It's a long flight. How long is your flight? That's a long flight. Your country is big. His country is big too." Retarded or stoned, you decide.

This is the kind of mindless bar drivel that drunks who can't shut up drone on with. They just keep running their mouths, totally disconnected from the non-verbal clues of the people around them.

Watch the press conference where Bush couldn't stop talking about the pig roast. It didn't matter what anyone asked him, he just kept saying whatever his addled brain was looping on, in this case, the pig. Typical stoned behavior. It reminded me of the time Bush went to Canada and couldn't get off the subject of the mouth one of the Canadian Prime Minister's staff members! "You've got a purty mouth." Not once but several times. "You've sure got a purty mouth." And, "Your mouth is prettier than my Scott's mouth." (The poor guy's name was Scott.) Who does this? Outside of bars or institutions, I mean.

Watch Bush's body language at the table with Blair talking over his shoulder. Bush is sitting, almost slouched back in his chair, like a guy at a barbeque on his second or third 6 pack, chomping on his food with his mouth open, and making minimal effort to intelligently keep up his end of the conversation by occasionally throwing in something he mistakenly thinks is sufficient.

Watch the body language of the other leaders and the way they react to him. With the exception of Blair, they act very restrained and controlled around Bush, maintaining a public facade of geniality while holding back from actually being engaged with him. What seems to be obsequiousness from Blair may actually be him simply trying to get through the fog around Bush's brain to penetrate with a little reality without setting him off. Meanwhile, Bush's social modus operandi with everyone, including other world leaders, is to overuse forced jocularity and pretend intimacy to convey a relationship that does not exist.

When he walked up behind the German leader and started giving her an unsolicited shoulder massage, her body tightened up and she actually grimaced. She wasn't enjoying that, she was enduring it. Before that Bush can be seen wandering aimlessly around the room while the rest of the grown-ups were conducting the business they were there for.

This is not normal behavior. Watch him closely sometime when he's having trouble staying coherent and you can see his eyes come in and out of focus. He does it at the table when Blair is speaking to him and he's looking out across the room as he chomps open-mouthed on his food. This is a distinct change from Bush's speech and behavior at other times. In fact, radical variations in his behavior and speech can be seen by watching him when he is unscripted. Sometimes he's coherent, other times he looks like staying coherent long enough to get a sentence out is almost beyond him, (these are the times he seems to get mean-drunk angry when anyone dares to question him), and sometimes he is just off-the-wall bizarre.

I'll say it again; the man is plastered, stoned, or medicated. This goes a long way to explaining how he is so incredibly disengaged from war, disasters and their destructive effects: he is too out of it to relate. Drunks and addicts are incapable of empathy, everything is about them and their next high. When Cheney shot that guy, Bush acted like he had just found out about it days after it happened. Same with New Orleans. Bodies were rotting in the ruins of the city, when Bush had been warned that it could, and likely would happen, happen, and Bush's response was to reminisce about partying.

There are bizarre internet rumors of a personal portable toilet for Bush to use when overseas, (to prevent foreign analysis of his excrement) http://www.rense.com/general72/fexc.htm. Normally I would blow them off as some of the wilder of conspiracy theories, but watching Bush's actions over the last week, I can't help but wonder, to what lengths would they go to hide it if it were true? If he is too incapacitated?

What would they do to keep up the appearance of his functionality? Who could or would step up and do anything about it if he is unfit to serve? The people around him are not people willing to part with the power they have granted themselves, and that's an understatement. And with Bush at the top of the chain and out of the loop, or just plain looped, who is holding anybody below him accountable? His staff? Congress and the Media have abdicated their responsibilities, who will do it?

Hell, they're all trying to give him, and therefore themselves, even more unlimited power than they have already taken. As long as they can keep up the illusion that he's functioning.........you decide.
Our dumb president
By Joseph Hughes

You know, every time the president's intelligence comes up for debate, the right wing is quick to tell everyone that, in fact, President Bush isn't an ignorant moron. What's more, not only is he not an ignorant moron, but he's also not an arrogant boor, his behavior on the world stage not a cause for embarrassment. He's a Yale man, after all, with a Harvard MBA to boot! Well today, I'm calling "bullshit" on the right wing. The president is all of those things ... and more.

The ignorance, the boorishness, the embarrassing behavior were all on display at this year's G8 Summit, which concluded Monday. Between the president's stuffing a roll in his mouth to his use of "shit" in an exchange with Tony Blair to his witless banter with world leaders to his more-than-awkward surprise "massage" of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, our dumb president has never been dumber or more embarrassing. Or, for that matter, more AWOL when the world needs our leadership most. But that's alright, his defenders will say, he's just being himself, being authentic. Great. Our president is an authentic jackass.

It was the "shit" heard 'round the world. In fact, it drew top billing with many news outlets at a time when the world appears to be unravelling as we speak. Bush, who, like Blair, didn't know their conversation was being recorded, called the British prime minister over at the luncheon that closed the summit. "Blair," Bush asked, "what are you doing? You leaving?" When Blair shifted the conversation to trade negotiations, Bush shifted it back, thanking Blair for a sweater he gave the president as a gift, most likely for his recent birthday. Then, the conversation shifted to the Middle East. After a brief exchange, and while continuing to talk with his mouth full of what appeared to be a roll, the president said, "See, the irony is what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit, and it's over."

While using profanity and speaking with your mouth full are by no means nothing new - just ask my girlfriend, who could tell you both have been a part of my daily repertoire for years - I'm not the president. I'm not this nation's top ambassador to the rest of the planet. I'm not the public face of the United States of America. I'm just an average American and a blogger. I write things about people ranging from morons like Brad Stine and Ann Coulter to role models like Edward R. Murrow and Al Gore. I don't have my finger on the nuclear (or the "nucular") trigger. I don't travel in Air Force One, nor do I have a Secret Service detail. And I don't attend summits where I'm expected to, at the bare minimum, act like I've been there before. But Bush is all of these things; I'd just love to be able to dress him up and take him out without him embarrassing himself - or us.

So the president said "shit" and couldn't hold a conversation without stuffing his face. We've all done it. But what's as concerning to me, if not more, was the manner by which the president spoke with his fellow world leaders in an unguarded moment caught on tape. Hint: Like an idiot. When asked by someone, most likely an aide, something about whether or not the president wanted a prepared statement to close the meeting, Bush replied, "No. Just gonna make it up. I'm not going to talk too damn long like the rest of them. Some of these guys talk too long." Then, the president shifted his conversation to, quite likely though the exchange wasn't on camera, Chinese President Hu Jintao. "Gotta go home," Bush said. "Got something to do tonight. Go to the airport, get on the airplane and go home. How about you? Where are you going? Home?" Continuing, Bush added, "This is your neighborhood. It doesn't take you long to get home. How long does it take you to get home?"

Though the reply was inaudible, Bush then said, "Eight hours? Me too. Russia's a big country and you're a big country." As the Washington Post indicates, it's at this point that the president apparently brought someone else into the exchange. "It takes him eight hours to fly home," Bush said, telling a server that he wanted a Diet Coke. "It takes him eight hours to fly home. Eight hours. Russia's big and so is China." Russia's big and so is China? Just gonna make it up? Is he, as Cenk Uygur said, a third grader? Do you feel a lot safer knowing that you voted for a man whose idea of tableside conversation is asking world leaders how long their ride home is and marveling at the size of their countries?

When he wasn't showing his grasp of global geography, the president was busy doing things that would normally trigger a workplace sexual harassment workshop. Cameras captured the president walking behind Merkel and giving her an impromptu shoulder massage. Her look, which mirrors the look of any unsuspecting female in a bar when a drunk gets touchy-feely, was priceless. Bush's look, coincidentally, matched the look of that drunk. I mean, what the fuck? Somehow, I don't see former presidents Bush or Clinton doing this with Helmut Kohl. Nor, also, do I see either Bush or Clinton asking their secretary of state for permission to use the restroom, as this president has in the past. But a massage? Seriously? I know these summits can be tiring, tedious affairs, but does that fact warrant our president acting like the office letch? I doubt it.

Let's face facts: Our president is dumb. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He doesn't know how to act in public. And it's always been that way. It's been more than 70 years since "... the only thing we have to fear is fear itself". More than 40 since "... ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." And, in that time, we've gone from the measured words of true statesmen to "Russia's big and so is China." Let me be the latest to ask: What the hell happened? When did flipping pancakes, taking hunting trips or throwing a football become more important for our presidential candidates than knowing what the hell they were doing? More specifically, when did we, as Americans, decide that that was what we wanted out of our presidents?

I'd sure like to know, because, as I've said before, "Isn't it a tad insane that we care more about whether we can have a beer with our president than whether we think he can save us from a fucking disaster or actually knows the difference between his asshole and a hole in the ground when it comes to foreign policy?" Who cares if the president would be a great guy to have a drink with? Hell, this one isn't even supposed to have a drink. Or, maybe he's not supposed to but he has, which would go a long way to explaining Bush's behavior at the G8 Summit. Either way, he was an embarrassment. And he always has been.
The five dumbest things President Bush has ever said (as of 09/21/2005)


Throughout his four-plus years in office, President Bush has said some stupid things. So many so, in fact, that they've garnered their own term: Bushisms. Some Bushisms fly in the face of standard grammar and usage: "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" Or this gem, "Will the highways on the Internet become more few?" And who could forget this winner: "We ought to make the pie higher."

While Bush has most certainly raised the pie higher when it comes to malapropisms, he has also made statements making him look not only grammatically challenged, but also intellectually stunted. To wit: "You can look inside in the truck, and you don't even have to get in it. That's called technology. And it's working. It makes a big difference."

While the above either leave you laughing or shaking your head, it's the new genre of Bushism - a far more dangerous strain - that isn't leaving the world in stitches.

So without further ado, I present to you five examples of the new Bushism. Call them what you want - ignorant, criminally negligent, insane - but do note that when Bush opens his mouth, you can be sure someone, somewhere, is going to pay the price for his statements.

1. "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." Has there been a more loaded statement than the one Bush made during his State of the Union speech on January 28, 2003? Think of what has happened since then: We've invaded Iraq based on phony evidence like the above. When Joseph Wilson gave lie to the administration's position, the White House actively put partisanship above national security, outing his wife, Valerie Wilson, a covert CIA operative. Currently under investigation, the president's right-hand man, Karl Rove, may soon face indictment. The higher the scandal goes, the worse it looks for Bush. All because of 16 words.

2. "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." When Bush stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003, a large banner behind him read "Mission Accomplished." Nearly 2,000 American deaths later, Iraq is no more on the way toward Democracy than our forces are on their way home. What's more, Iraq is now an international breeding ground - a graduate school, if you will - for terrorism, leading to attacks in Madrid and London, for instance. Mission Accomplished, indeed.

3. "There are some who feel like - that the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is, bring them on." Since Bush made those borderline insane comments on July 2, 2003, 1,700 American men and women have died in Iraq. This kind of cavalier attitude is no doubt responsible for putting our troops in harm's way. It's easy for a bully like Bush - a man with sense of history, no knowledge of the area - to say "bring them on" from the comfort of the White House. It's much, much harder to leave the posturing and tough talk on the high school playground and be the leader most Americans expect out of the Oval Office.

4. "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees." Not long after Bush uttered that statement in an interview with Diane Sawyer on September 1 did its profound stupidity and negligence become apparent. As Kevin Drum pointed out at the Washington Note, everyone anticipated the breach of the levees. In fact, it was Bush administration budget trimming that left New Orleans unprepared as disaster struck. This is a no-doubt-about-it, first-ballot Hall of Fame criminally negligent statement if there ever was one.

5. "... and, Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job" Wow. Where do I start with this affirmation, which Bush delivered on September 2. Let's see: FEMA's Michael Brown waited until after Hurricane Katrina struck to make his (political) move. Further, Brown didn't know about the situation at the New Orleans convention center until it was too late. What's more, he lied on his resume and was sent home from the Gulf Coast before he subsequently resigned. In a climate where everyone's playing the blame game, that Brown - a product of cronyism - and his agency shoulder a hefty portion of the fault is not up for debate. Heck of a job, Brownie!

So what's your pick for the dumbest thing Bush has ever said?
Full Text of Bush's Private Exchange at G-8 Summit


Monday, July 17, 2006; 10:48 AM

President Bush was caught on an open microphone talking with other leaders at the Group of Eight summit in St. Petersburg as they ate lunch before adjourning on Monday. At times the television camera was on Bush, at times it was panning the room. Some of the exchange was hard to hear over the clinking of plates and pouring of drinks. Here's a transcript by The Washington Post:

Someone, probably an aide, asks Bush something, evidently whether he wants prepared closing remarks for the end of the summit:

Bush: No. Just gonna make it up. I'm not going to talk too damn long like the rest of them. Some of these guys talk too long.

The camera is focused elsewhere and it is not clear whom Bush is talking to, but possibly Chinese President Hu Jintao, a guest at the summit.

Bush : Gotta go home. Got something to do tonight. Go to the airport, get on the airplane and go home. How about you? Where are you going? Home?

Bush : This is your neighborhood. It doesn't take you long to get home. How long does it take you to get home?

Reply is inaudible.

Bush : "Eight hours? Me too. Russia's a big country and you're a big country."

At this point, the president seems to bring someone else into the conversation.

Bush : It takes him eight hours to fly home.

He turns his attention to a server.

Bush : No, Diet Coke, Diet Coke.
The Ugly Truth: Our President is an Imbecile

Cenk Uygur


You know it, I know it and the American people know it. But everyone is afraid to say it. They say it privately, but people are afraid of saying it publicly because you will be branded as a liberal, elite, intellectual snob. But believe me, you don't have to be an intellectual to see how painfully stupid our president is.

Just look at the conversation he is having with world leaders at the G-8 summit. Mikes picked up the causal talk between the world leaders. Forget that Bush appears to have three sandwiches in his mouth while talking. Forget that he calls out to the Prime Minister of Britain as if he is Flounder in "Animal House." Forget that he uses profanity. I don't give a shit about those things.

I thought it was ridiculous that people made fun of George H. W, Bush for vomiting on the Japanese Prime Minister. What was he going to do? He had to puke, so he puked. It happens to the best of us, and more importantly, has nothing to do with his intelligence or how capable he is as a leader.

But his son's verbal vomit does have a lot to do with his ability to lead this country and the world. What I found to be the most damning is the least quoted part of Bush's comments. As you read this transcript, remember that this is not a small child talking, but the President of the United States of America:

The camera is focused elsewhere and it is not clear whom Bush is talking to, but possibly Chinese President Hu Jintao, a guest at the summit.

Bush: "Gotta go home. Got something to do tonight. Go to the airport, get on the airplane and go home. How about you? Where are you going? Home?

Bush: "This is your neighborhood. It doesn't take you long to get home. How long does it take you to get home?"

Reply is inaudible.

Bush: "Eight hours? Me too. Russia's a big country and you're a big country."

At this point, the president seems to bring someone else into the conversation.

Bush: "It takes him eight hours to fly home."

He turns his attention to a server.

Bush: "No, Diet Coke, Diet Coke."

He turns back to whomever he was talking with.

Bush: "It takes him eight hours to fly home. Eight hours. Russia's big and so is China."

Russia's big and so is China??????? This guys sounds like a third grader. Do you know anyone who would have a conversation like this with their neighbor, let alone a business associate, let alone a world leader? Who's proud to know that Russia is big and so is China?

Can anyone now credibly claim that Bush is secretly working on a master plan behind the scenes and that he's just playing cowboy for the cameras? I hope the master plan doesn't involve figuring out how long it takes to get to China.

If someone is this ignorant, they're usually embarrassed and try not to talk much. But this guy is so dumb he has no idea how dumb he is. This sounds like a conversation you might have with a child, a mentally challenged child. Johnny, do you know how big Russia is? How about China?

This would all be unfortunate if George was your dentist, or worse yet, your accountant. But he is the leader of the free world. This man makes life or death decisions every day. If you say you're not scared about that, you're lying.

Would you let him do the books for your business? Would you trust your company in his hands for eight years? (No matter how Republican you are, you know you just said no to that question.) Would you trust him to be your kids' guidance counselor and take his advice seriously? If your kids were in the Army and he was their field commander, would you feel good about putting their lives in his hands?

Come on, no one is crazy enough to say yes to that. Yet, he has all of our lives in his hands. The emperor has no clothes. The emperor has no clothes. It's about time someone in the mainstream media said it.

In the old empires, there would be a lot of marriages between the royal families. And from time to time, these inter-family marriages would produce a mentally challenged son who would inherit the throne. This would set the empire back for hundreds of years. I'm not saying anything, I'm just saying. Russia is big and so is China.

The Democrats for a long time have felt embarrassed about pointing out the obvious. The emperor has no brain. This is what I can't understand about the Democrats, they're always playing patty cakes while the Republicans are ripping their face off. John Kerry should have stood at the lectern during the debates and pointed to George Bush and said, "The leader of this country has to be the best and the brightest. If any of you think that he is the best and the brightest America has to offer, go ahead and vote for him!"

The theory is that people would be turned off by that. The theory assumes that people are also idiots and they love their cohorts. That is simply not true. Everyone understands that they have a friend they'd like to go fishing with and a friend they can trust to look after their affairs - and they're not necessarily the same guy. And that your fishing buddy might not be a great choice for President of the United States of America.

Kerry should have embarrassed Bush, made people feel sorry for him. It would have hurt in the short run and given him a temporary downward blip in the numbers, but in the end, when people went into that voting booth, they would have felt pity for Bush - in that scenario, Kerry wins easily. Nobody votes for someone they pity.

Unfortunately, right now we are in the position of being pitied by the rest of the world. We have third grader for a President. And worse yet, the Vice President has him convinced he is the second coming of Winston Churchill. Scared yet?
I just read aloud the first article Laura posted to one of my co-workers. She listened intently occasionally throwing in a chuckle here or there, as if its funny. How does this material get laughed off? No one takes it as a real possibility, i guess it goes to show just how hypnotised most Americans are. They see this as amusing material, its gives them a laugh and then they roll over and go back to whatever it was they were doing. Manipulation at its best.
Laura said:
Bush - Stoned? Drunk? Medicated? Retarded? Presidential Tester for the Pharmaceutical Industry? You Decide........
Or all of the above?

"Bring me a Diet Coke," says the leader of the supposedly free world.


I'd say he's definitely a victim of asartame poisoning. Lots of brain damage possibilites between the diet soda and all his booze years...not to mention the rumors of cocaine use.

Cyre, why anyone would find this man's idiocy funny rather than horrifyng is beyond me. But then, I'm very out of sync with most people these days...so there is much that makes no sense to me anymore...especially the prez.
DonaldJHunt said:
The shoulder massage of Merkel was really bizarre: http://derenegade.blogspot.com/2006/07/ive-had-request.html
No kidding...he really does look drunk or stoned...or both...with that peculiar look of determination on his face that drunks have when they're set on doing something totally stupid and unacceptable that any sober normal person would know is out of line. No wonder she looked so freaked out.
I mean...ugh! Who wouldn't be?
A few months back I caught something I downloaded to put toward a video. I think it came from crooksandliars(.)com anyway I thought it might be worth a gander. http://www.dickeatsbush.com/bushmeth.htm it seems to buffer rather slow. You also have to have something that will play windows media player files.
Maybe Meth was the wrong word but well in my own terminology he appears to be chewing on his face so to speak.
Do you think it was an "honest mistake"? I am not so sure.

Translated from Russian:
The mass-media try to find out the reason because of which the microphone in a lunch hall has not been switched off. One blame is on the organizers of the summit who has admitted the miscalculation, others recollect Soviet KGB and make jokes, that in Russia it is necessary to choose words more cautiously - "there is always someone who can overhear". Meanwhile the journalist of American telechannel Channel 4 has seen teletranslation of a dinner in the slowed down mode and has come to conclusion, that Bush's curses became property of public owing due to a microphone of the president of Russia. In opinion of the TV man, Vladimir Putin's microphone continued to work after the president has left the place.
I think it was a publicity stunt that was intentionally planted.. you know us 'merkans like guys that cuss and show neither wit nor courage :( (sarcasm) I have a video I tossed together, another slow to streamer =\ I pasted it on my blog link. http://www.dickeatsbush.com/bushshit.htm if your able to pause it just as it starts there are a couple frames where it looks like he is being cued - to me. Nice pic keit reminds me of an AIRPLANE btw. :)
-Steve M.
This is why Bush had to be re-elected. So the people with the real power wouldn't have much resistance. I mean, come on. No one like this has any business doing what he is doing.

This scares the hell out of me. Just think what he has gotten us into?

Here a short video where Bush tries to do a neck massage on Merkel.
Notice her reaction.

**Oh, sorry, I've noticed now that it was already published.
Her reaction is priceless, and his reaction to her reaction is just weird - did you notice how he just walks away, like he didn't touch her in the first place - no apology, no acknowledgment at all that he had just committed a major faux pas - what a freak this guy is - I mean, really, he's the uncle no one would want to invite to the family bar-b-que because he'd get drunk and hit on all the wives and girlfriends - eeewwwwwww.
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