Bush 'to reveal Iraq troop boost'


FOTCM Member

2 Jan 07
By Justin Webb
BBC News, Washington

US President George W Bush intends to reveal a new Iraq strategy within days, the BBC has learnt.

The speech will reveal a plan to send more US troops to Iraq to focus on ways of bringing greater security, rather than training Iraqi forces.

The move comes with figures from Iraqi ministries suggesting that deaths among civilians are at record highs.

The US president arrived back in Washington on Monday after a week-long holiday at his ranch in Texas.

The BBC was told by a senior administration source that the speech setting out changes in Mr Bush's Iraq policy is likely to come in the middle of next week.

Its central theme will be sacrifice.

The speech, the BBC has been told, involves increasing troop numbers.

The exact mission of the extra troops in Iraq is still under discussion, according to officials, but it is likely to focus on providing security rather than training Iraqi forces.

The proposal, if it comes, will be highly controversial.

Already one senior Republican senator has called it Alice in Wonderland.

The need to find some way of pacifying Iraq has been underlined by statistics revealed by various ministries in the Iraqi government, suggesting that well over 1,000 civilians a month are dying.
This is a striking example of George Bush just not getting it. As I wrote on THIS THREAD

It used to baffle me that people who can command literally billions and trillions of dollars can be so stupid. Surely they should know that Saddam, dead, executed by them, is a far more potent mythical symbol for focusing their resistance than he ever was alive.

It's kind of like the stupidity of the Shoutwire crowd who acted the same way.

I mean, how stupid can people get?

Well, there IS a reason for it. Lobaczewski refers to it as "negative selection". In the following passage where he talks about Kaiser Wilhelm, note how similar George Bush's behavior is to the Kaiser.

Lobaczewski said:
Characteropathies reveal a certain similar quality, if the clinical picture is not dimmed by the coexistence of other mental anomalies (usually inherited), which sometimes occur in practice. Undamaged brain tissue retains our species' natural psychological properties. This is particularly evident in instinctive and affective responses, which are natural albeit often insufficiently controlled. The experience of people with such anomalies grows out of the normal human world to which they belong by nature. Thus their different way of thinking, their emotional violence, and their egotism find relatively easy entry into other people's minds and are perceived within the categories of the natural world-view. Such behavior on the part of persons with such character disorders traumatizes the minds and feelings of normal people, gradually diminishing their ability to use their common sense. In spite of their resistance, people become used to the rigid habits of pathological thinking and experiencing. In young people, as a result, the personality suffers abnormal development leading to its malformation. They thus represent pathological ponerogenic factors which, by their covert activity, easily engenders new phases in the eternal genesis of evil, opening the door to a later activation of other factors which thereupon take over the main role.

A relatively well-documented example of such an influence of a characteropathic personality on a macro social scale is the last German emperor, Wilhelm II. He was subjected to brain trauma at birth. During and after his entire reign, his physical and psychological handicap was hidden from public knowledge. The motor abilities of the upper left portion of his body were handicapped. As a boy, he had difficulty learning grammar, geometry, and drawing, which constitutes the typical triad of academic difficulties caused by minor brain lesions. He developed a personality with infantilistic features and insufficient control over his emotions, and also a somewhat paranoid way of thinking which easily sidestepped the heart of some important issues in the process of dodging problems.

Militaristic poses and a general's uniform overcompensated for his feelings of inferiority and effectively cloaked his shortcomings. Politically, his insufficient control of emotions and factors of personal rancor came into view. The old Iron Chancellor had to go, that cunning and ruthless politician who had been loyal to the monarchy and built up Prussian power. After all, he was too knowledgeable about the prince's defects and had worked against his coronation. A similar fate met other overly critical people, who were replaced by persons with lesser brains, more subservience, and sometimes, discreet psychological deviations. Negative selection took place.
That is exactly what Bush has done: negative selection. He has surrounded himself with persons with lesser brains, more subservience (or greed), and most definitely pathologies. And these are the people who he "trusts." He's got access to billions - trillions - of bux, and he listens to Cheney and Condi!!!

Lobaczewski described the outcome precisely:

Lobaczewski said:
The following questions thus suggests itself: what happens if the network of understandings among psychopaths achieves power in leadership positions with international exposure? This can happen, especially during the later phases of the phenomenon.

Goaded by their character, such people thirst for just that even though it would conflict with their own life interest, but they are removed by the less pathological, more logical wing of the ruling apparatus. They do not understand that a catastrophe would otherwise ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.

If such and many managerial positions are assumed by individuals deprived of sufficient abilities to feel and understand most other people, and who also betray deficiences as regards technical imagination and practical skills--faculties indispensable for governing economic and political matters--this must result in an exceptionally serious crisis in all areas, both within the country in question and with regard to international relations.

Within, the situation shall become unbearable even for those citizens who were able to feather their nest into a relatively comfortable "modus vivendi".

Outside, other societies start to feel the pathological quality of the phenomenon quite distinctly.

Such a state of affairs cannot last long. One must than be prepared for ever more rapid changes, and also behave with great circumspection.
And so it is: such a state of affairs cannot last long...
Yes indeedy. Since I am 99.99% certain that the Bush gang stole two elections fraudulently, and the dissatisfaction in the U.S. is mounting sky high, for Bush to fail to realize that the American people ARE SPEAKING to him and telling him that his decisions stink, and to listen to the same gang and actually decide to send MORE TROOPS when 80% (or more) of Americans want the troops home YESTERDAY, is probably going to be his fatal error.

Because, of course, it is not going to change anything in Iraq other than to make it worse.

There is no point in asking why Bush and Cheney and Condi can't see this; Lobaczewski has described that as well:

Lobaczewski said:
The pathological authorities are convinced that the appropriate pedagogical, indoctrinational, propaganda, and terrorist means can teach a person with a normal instinctive substratum, range of feelings, and basic intelligence to think and feel according to their own different fashion. This conviction is only slightly less unrealistic, psychologically speaking, than the belief that people able to see colors normally can be broken of this habit.

Actually, normal people cannot get rid of their characteristics, with which the Homo sapiens species was endowed by its phylogenetic past. Such people will thus never stop feeling and perceiving psychological and socio-moral phenomena in much the same way their ancestors had been doing for hundreds of generations.

Any attempt to make a society subjugated to the above phenomenon "learn" this different experiential manner imposed by pathological egotism is, in principle, fated for failure regardless of how many generations it might last. It does, however, call forth a series of improper psychological results which may give the pathocrats the appearance of success. However, it also provokes society to pinpointed, well-thought-out self-defense measures based on its cognitive and creative efforts.

Pathocratic leadership believes that it can achieve a state wherein those "other" people's minds become dependent by means of the effects of their personality, perfidious pedagogical means, the means of mass-information, and psychological terror; such faith has a basic meaning for them. In their conceptual world, pathocrats consider it virtually self-evident that the "others" should accept their obvious, realistic, and simple way of apprehending reality. For some mysterious reason, though, the "others" wriggle out, slither away, and tell each other jokes. Someone must be responsible for this- -pre-revolutionary oldsters, or some radio-stations abroad. It thus becomes necessary to improve the methodology of action, find better "soul engineers" with a certain literary talent, and isolate society from improper literature and any foreign influence. Those experiences and intuitions whispering that this is a Sisyphian labor must be repressed from the field of consciousness.

The conflict is thus dramatic for both sides. The first feels insulted in its humanity, rendered obtuse, and forced to think a manner contrary to healthy common sense. The other stifles the premonition that if this goal cannot be reached, sooner or later things will revert to normal man's rule, including their vengeful lack of understanding of the pathocrats' personalities. So if it does not work, it is best not to think about the future, just prolong the status quo by means of the above mentioned efforts.
Yup, Bush and gang are deep in denial. And, as Lobaczewski says, the outcome is inevitable:

Lobaczewski said:
Goaded by their character, such people thirst for [global power]. They do not understand that a catastrophe [will] ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.
Laura said:
Lobaczewski said:
Goaded by their character, such people thirst for [global power]. They do not understand that a catastrophe [will] ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.
Poor old Bush, the Neocon germ. Maybe his only mistake was being born.

I wonder if they've got their pretend Iranian assassin cued up yet, or if they're still trying to manufacture his 'background'?

You know, I was going to say, that if they wanted to get really 'cute' with numbers then all they need to do is the same thing to the 43rd president that they did to the 34th (just not in Texas?). Accept according to the internet, I can't figure out who the 34th president was, Kennedy or Eisenhower? Somebody must have lost count somewhere...
The Iraq troop boost or surge or whatever despicable name one chooses to call it, I think may be the beginning of the real war, the one they really want. I think all the Iraq stuff is just positioning for the real target - Palestine/Israel. I am looking at Bush's decision as a choice for war. The real war, the one they have wanted all along. I don't think Bush even knows what a dupe he is. He is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing, escalation, wider war, war in Israel/Palestine. Somewhere in there we will probably see martial law imposed in the U.S. George may get to remain president beyond his term yet if he keeps choosing the path of death as the path for his own illusion of self preservation.

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