Can I make a difference?


Jedi Council Member
Hello All,

I think this is the right place to post this.

About a week ago, I gave my support to an organization which sent a email on my behalf, supporting a Bill in the Canadian Parliament, C-440 which would allow war resisters to stay in Canada. I really did nothing more than type my name, email, etc.

In short I received a standard reply email from the leader of the party who put this bill forward. They are an opposing party to the governing one. It is our far left party, of our 3 major political parties.

The letter appealed to ones sense of human rights and so fourth.

To quote their email. "...(this party) have a long history of defending the right of conscientious objectors to seek sanctuary in Canada. Most recently, we supported the efforts of resisters to the Iraqi war to apply as permanent residents and called on the Government of Canada to cease all removal or deportation actions planned for these individuals and their families......We join with the Canadian Council for Refugees and Amnesty International Canada in support of Canada providing sanctuary to U.S. military personnel who chose to take a conscientious stand."

The following is my reply, if I send it. I have no personal experience in this. I see allot of savvy, well educated people on this site, plus I don't know if this a waste of time. Or if I am falling into a program of sorts.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

To The Honorable, Mr.

Thank-you for your email. I appreciate your efforts in supporting conscientious objectors, through Bill C-440 very much.

It is with regret, that I must state that I do not support any incumbent political party. Given the chance(as with a former leader in their party, whom I shall not name at this moment, but did in my reply, the name I mentioned is of a former provincial leader, who destroyed any chance of the party I'm writing to, getting into power in that province, and has since, joined their political rival, nationally. Additionally this person to me is a Rhodes Scholar British Agent scum :evil:), all 3 major political parties have taken great advantage of the people of Canada in one way or another.

As I, and all hard working Canadians get paid for our work, contingent on our performance, I believe that Politicians, and DOCTORS (especially) should be treated in the same respect. The wisdom of our fore fathers has been lost, twisted and/or misused, by those who have been granted the power to rule by the people. Please do not try to convince me otherwise. As I stand upon a footing of true knowledge, and do not pay attention to those puppets in the mass media.

I state.... It is an honor to serve Canada, please discontinue your support of the international banking monetary system, in exchange for a real scientific economic approach of a 'Physical' economic system. One that recognises the true potential of our greatest resource...... The Human Resource.

It is commonsense. You do not bail out toxic debt! I know that the bailout went to paying off toxic debt, 100 cents on the dollar, to foreign banks. Even I, a blue collar person, knows to go into bankruptcy protection, clear out the toxic debt, not pay it off!

This issue, is just the tip of the ice berg for me and many Canadians. We have lost our patience with the incumbent political parties of this wonderful nation.

Canada, once a beacon of light for the world. Now a dark cloak of ignorance has been cast over our powerful positive spirit and must be removed, immediately. Do it for the approximately 30,000 children who will die today and everyday of starvation, in the name of Globalization.

FYI, the term 'free-trade' dates back to the days of Colonial Imperialism, when slave traders such as the East India Company, Hudson's Bay Company and so fourth, wanted to trade freely their goods and slaves, without the interference of foreign governments(foreign only to the Colonial Imperialists home nation's). It seems that big business has received all the benefits of a 'person', yet none of the consequences. This is not what our fore fathers died for in the great wars.

Do it for our native people in Canadian concentration camps, re-marketed as 'Native Reservations'. It is embarrassing for many Canadians who fought in WWII, Korea, Afghanistan, and/or support the holocaust survivors of WWII. Meanwhile, since the holocaust, our government has actively been involved in the genocide of its precious native peoples.

I throw down the gauntlet to the .......Party, as a challenge to take up such a noble cause..... do you, The Honorable Mr. ...., have the courage to take on such a challenge? I pray you do. Many of us are praying for you, to find the courage within your soul, your spirit, your heart!

In days of old, our leaders, 'lead' the people into battle, the time is 'ripe' for such a leader to appear!

Please, Your Honorable Mr. ....., hear our cries, hear our prayers. Look deep inside your soul, ask yourself..."is my granny, really and truly proud of me?"

Please, please, The Honorable Leader of the ......... Party, Mr. ........, I implore you, do not let our cries go unheard, for they will grow and become a Siren from our Souls. Do you hear our Souls Sirens yet? Listen carefully for it, I know if you quiet the whining of the greedy corporate interests for just a moment, you can hear the soft whimpering of those enslaved by their loud confusing rhetoric.

The Honorable Mr. ........, if I was to hear you begin a dialogue on the science of 'Physical Economy', the truth about the international monetary banking system, and the fact that it is rooted in the 'Behavioral Science' of control (similar to that used by the advertising industry) and not 'Economic Science'. If you were to throw your support behind a 'Great Vision' for Canada. I will support AND vote for your party next time..... I promise.

Once more everyday Joe's like me grasp the idea of Physical Economic Science, and its methodologies, such as the positively accurate triple curve method of Scientific Economic Prediction, all the illusions of this pretend economic chaos, will vanish. Credit not loans, scientifically, is our right. Canadians are awakening to this truth.

Great Leaders = Great Symbols

MacDonald = The Railway
JFK = The Moon
Lincoln = The Railway

His name = Take your pick
NAWAPA (North American Water and Power Alliance)
Canadian Space Agency
High Speed Rail
5th Generation, High-Flux Density, Nuclear Power



I really let him have it, I was honest. But the Harold approach has never been a politically correct approach. I feel I could use some advise. And to, I'm vigilant of my Ego. So let it out, as I do not have time to waste.
IMHO, when you write individually to a politician nothing changes, especially if you are just a citizen. They just can have your name on some list.
An open letter in some wide distributed journal could eventually make some people think if you're lucky. Either way you'll have your name in some lists :)
mkrnhr said:
IMHO, when you write individually to a politician nothing changes, especially if you are just a citizen. They just can have your name on some list.
An open letter in some wide distributed journal could eventually make some people think if you're lucky. Either way you'll have your name in some lists :)

The last place I want to end up on, is a list.
In any case the lists keepers know everything. If you want to make a stand, it is better to do it with other people, or at least make people around you think about such issues. IMHO that's worth it.
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