Can Psychos 'Graduate' From PreAdamic to Adamic?


Jedi Council Member
:/ Just had this thought... they are hardwired that way to greater or lesser degrees in each, same as all of us here in Purgatory.... but given the variance in intellect and experiences, can't they also 'graduate' like any other PreAdamic? perhaps with a more innate bent towards STS to begin with? as most Pred's are usually considered neutral or rather positive innately like most animals in nature. I suppose this would be on the those C's comments on how many Dracos are STO? extremely few... as their natures are so hardwired, that stepping out of that mindset would seem rather difficult especially if you have no such inclination to do so.... which leads to the usual aging aspect of most empires... or the active element that set it up... they tire... get accostumed to local fare, norms.... no longer on the run, actively fighting to secure the realm... they get lazy... or simply have no opponents... so that energy has to go somewhere.... focus on something... perhaps for those more isolated than most of their kin involved in the larger imperial domains and all the lovely challenges they offer...
It's an interesting question. If the "pre-Adamics", as Mouravieff calls them, acquire the potential for individuated souls by their contact with Adamics, and if 2D creatures acquire their potential for pre-Adamic type souls from their contact with either Adamics or pre-Adamics, why wouldn't a really nasty pre-Adamic also acquire some potential to move up the ladder in terms of coherence of STS nature?

Well, one thought that comes to mind is this: perhaps you have to be at the level of real Free Will, i.e. having a potential soul to turn one way or the other?

For all we know, the genetic psychopath, as a "defective OP", is simply a machine with an essence similar to that of 2 D creatures? Maybe a bit more advanced, but hard to say how.

On the other hand, I really don't see a strong argument against it. Maybe someone else will.
Cassiopaeans said that OPs eat energy of the higher centers from the souled humans. This can means that they may use that creative energy, which they can not generate by themselves but are able to utulyzing, previously robbed from sould beings, what allow them (psychopaths) to create structures and organize reality toward their disorted instinctual center on which their being is based.

For the souled beings it means that they can see part of themselves in the psychopatic figures, this can make them hope and trust in psychopaths.

This can be perceived in the entire society, where normal people allow for rulling them by psychopaths. The exit from such situation is to redirect energy from creative centers for the work and bulding structures of the normal human beings, instead allow passively consuming the energy by psychopaths.

Living under such conditions, always placing human beings between situation when they do things by themselves and utylizing energy from higher centers or if not, then always appear an OP being who capture the energy and utylizing in their own way.

Assuming that OP beings do not really have higher centers for themselves, they cannot develop self in the spiritual way. Their advance can be only measure in how they efectively are in the download and utylizing the energy from the higher centers of other people, this effectivness is determined, probably, because of geneticly determined, body and instinctual center.
OPs were originally involved with the bridge between 2nd density, as in 2nd-density soul pools would use OPs to begin the process of growing a soul
Maybe it depends on what they have the capacity to perceive and what they choose to do with it. Like James Fallon - he's putting in an effort to act with more empathy, even if he's not feeling it - like he said 'I don't care'. And maybe that is a way of 'paying all in advance'.

Does psychopathy exist in animals? If it does, it is rare or taken care of pretty quickly. We addressed something similar in one lecture when I was studying dog training and behavioural psychology. Most human or dog aggressive dogs are seen as having fear or anxiety issues, but there are those examples where the dog just likes to fight and win. Kind of like in George Simons 'Character Disturbance'. A lecturer also told the story of a behavioural consult he was called out on once where the a bitch had had a litter off puppies that were not old enough to leave the bitch, but they were tearing both each other and their dam apart. By the time the lecturer got to the consult, a number of puppies had already died from their wounds and the dam was badly injured. He temp tested the remaining pups and his advice was euthanasia.

I've met one such puppy and I really wondered about how it would turn out. It was aggressing regularly to the people who owned it and the other dogs in the house and it was not a fearful or anxious pup - it was offensive aggression when ever it didn't get it's own way with anything. This pup was calm as custard and seemed to not have those social niceties that assist in the coherence of a group. It could easily stare down the other dogs in the house that were both larger and older than it.
I remember reading somewhere that psychopaths could possibly serve a useful purpose in society if they were under control. They could do dirty jobs that people of consience struggle with, because they don't care about things that we do care about. Undertaker, the homicide beat, first responder, that sort of thing.
I remember reading somewhere that psychopaths could possibly serve a useful purpose in society if they were under control. They could do dirty jobs that people of consience struggle with, because they don't care about things that we do care about. Undertaker, the homicide beat, first responder, that sort of thing.

Endescent, so you would fancy being treated or rescued by a psychopath in a medical emergency or a road accident?
(Chances are there are quite a number psychopaths working in that field anyhow)

Psychopaths in law enforcement (homicide beat) will quickly make deals with the local mob to increase their own income and survival rate.

I can't see them serving a useful purpose for society - rather using society to serve a useful purpose for them.
I remember reading somewhere that psychopaths could possibly serve a useful purpose in society if they were under control. They could do dirty jobs that people of consience struggle with, because they don't care about things that we do care about. Undertaker, the homicide beat, first responder, that sort of thing.

I believe that comment came from Fallon's book "The Psychopath Inside". I saw it as a self serving attempt to justify psychopathy.
Maybe it depends on what they have the capacity to perceive and what they choose to do with it. Like James Fallon - he's putting in an effort to act with more empathy, even if he's not feeling it - like he said 'I don't care'. And maybe that is a way of 'paying all in advance'.

Maybe that's what would need to happen eventually, you'd need to start to feel the effects of your actions or mode of being viscerally in order to start to develop a soul or conscience? I guess it depends on why someone is putting in an effort to act with empathy. If he's doing it because he thinks he'll get something in return, then it's not a real 'deep down' reason to do it. It's superficial. Maybe over time, that could lead to developing the actual circuitry to include that in his make-up, kind of like 'fake it until you make it'. But I think a key is to feel what you are doing at a deeper level. I think that gives some sort of insight and wisdom to things, because your actions and decisions mean something more and have consequences that you experience viscerally.

In the Raine, Samenow thread, someone mentioned the similarities in the 'criminal mind' to the 'addictive personality', and when in that state of craving your addiction, you don't care about anything else except getting what you want that'll provide immediate relief and satisfaction. It's all that matters because it allows you to 'feel good' but with a hefty price you don't have to worry about until later - which in a roundabout way, is sort of how a psychopath operates all the time. They are always searching for whatever brings about a 'high' and will do anything to reach it despite any consequences (or the consequences make it more appealing). Although they don't seem to pay the same kind of price later on because they lack the visceral feeling's involved with guilt, shame and regret. But some hardcore addicts, not many, according to Gabor Mate, have pulled themselves up from the most dire of situations despite all that they've done to themselves and others.

But under the 'right circumstances', would a person deemed a psychopath be willing to do the same? The situations are quite different, and don't psychopaths inherently look down on most people? I guess there would have to be a willingness to confront the psychopath and expose the mask, and there would have to be something, anything inside of them willing to stand that 'test'. I think the only way is if a psychopath, knowing that there's something 'off' about them, willingly sought out help. Maybe with Fallon, seeing as he's sort of trying to admit to himself and others what he is, even if his motives are questionable, there may be a chance. Psychopaths must run on a spectrum and some are far worse than others. Otherwise, picture trying to help John McCain grow. :scared:
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