Can we please do away with the totalitarian Pledge of Allegiance? Sott


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Can we please do away with the totalitarian Pledge of Allegiance?
Fri, 02 Sep 2016 00:00 UTC

Spike Lee Compares Colin Kaepernick To Muhammad Ali!

Kaepernick fallout: Santa Clara cops threaten not to staff 49ers games
' The Santa Clara Police Officers’ Association called Kaepernick’s criticism of police and his decision to sit during the national anthem in pre-season games “inappropriate workplace behavior,” '
Sounds like suppression of free speech. What's really inappropriate is having some officers dictate to citizens that they can't protest peacefully.

Heya...seeing a common theme in the anti Kap posts - that b/c Kap is a millionaire he is too rich to protest. That's just ignorant about activism and racism as well. Money doesn't protect you from racism and its possible to have unselfish motives even if your are rich. Shocker.
“You’re too rich to complain” attack on Kaepernick represents a really limited imagination and a sad view of humans as having no capacity for anything more than selfishness — one that I would argue says more about you than it does about the activists who are better people than you. Santa Clara police included.

You think Kaepernick is maybe misplacing his anger, not channeling his thoughts in the best way, etc etc
Then the Santa Clara cops do something like this. And then you realize that Kaepernick is doing the right thing after all and the Union is showing its true colors. And this is why, even though there are great people who serve on the police force, nothing ever changes institutionally unless you decide to stand up and break the walls down

So much for freedom of speech and freedom of thought especially if it doesn't mirror one's thinking. Instead launch ad hominem attacks, call him un-American and demand he change. Although I don't know anyone who is qualified to say who is un-American and who is an American. As far as change if anybody asked me to do that I'll have a short answer for them just like everyone else.

Thanks for posting this CA. I think it's very relevant and the timing of this article with what Kaepernick is doing is on point.

It's funny (and sad) how people so blindly REact to something like not standing during the national anthem, but fail to respond to actual murder or injustice inflicted upon others. I think Kaepernick knows this and that's why he is doing what he's doing - just to get a reaction and start a dialogue. I never really thought about the "pledge" in the terms of what the article suggests, but I think they're right. Blind patriotism and obligatory obedience. Yikes!
CNS said:
Thanks for posting this CA. I think it's very relevant and the timing of this article with what Kaepernick is doing is on point.

It's funny (and sad) how people so blindly REact to something like not standing during the national anthem, but fail to respond to actual murder or injustice inflicted upon others. I think Kaepernick knows this and that's why he is doing what he's doing - just to get a reaction and start a dialogue. I never really thought about the "pledge" in the terms of what the article suggests, but I think they're right. Blind patriotism and obligatory obedience. Yikes!

Yeah CNS it is a real mixed bag of nuts that they call being non patriotic.

It all seems to bring about a very quick knee jerk reaction if one sides with, what he is doing. Just more and more division within a country that is imploding emotionally, spiritually, and soon financially.

Fumy how people forget the past :
Why is this not surprising - a blast from the past:

Stephen A. Smith Says The NFL Was Paid To Have Players Stand During The National Anthem To Help Military Enrollment…Before 2009 Players Stayed In Locker Room During Anthem–Then The NFL Got $5.8 Million From DoD

(vid embed doesn't show up)

Gotta luv phoney paid patriotism - gotta get those enlistments ups > running out of cannon fodder.

More people should be protesting the phoney patriotism > war, death & destruction based on lies and all on the taxpayer's dime - (figure of speech > it's in the trillions).
JEEP said:
Why is this not surprising - a blast from the past:

Stephen A. Smith Says The NFL Was Paid To Have Players Stand During The National Anthem To Help Military Enrollment…Before 2009 Players Stayed In Locker Room During Anthem–Then The NFL Got $5.8 Million From DoD

(vid embed doesn't show up)

Gotta luv phoney paid patriotism - gotta get those enlistments ups > running out of cannon fodder.

More people should be protesting the phoney patriotism > war, death & destruction based on lies and all on the taxpayer's dime - (figure of speech > it's in the trillions).
Wow, that is a good catch. I remember the DoD had big problems getting recruits before 2009, so obviously they found a way to kindle the cannon fodder spirit. Not to mention that the gutting of the economy and the lack of jobs has played a role to in filling the ranks.
c.a. said:

Interesting comparison between someone who hasn't yet taken power and someone who was at the ascendancy of their power. The impression it's meant to give is that they are one and the same. If Hitler had behaved as we see him here, before being in a position to enforce his rule, would he have even got there? I don't think so. I think he got to be Fuhrer by stealth rather than theatrics.

It's strange, but I associate Killary more with evil than Trump. Perhaps because she is stealthy. Well, evil should be shouldn't it? It's the thing that because it is ignored, gets power.
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