quote from Menna:
Had expectations didn't think she would put herself in a situation and I told her it bothered me she said she was being nieve and was wrong but I keep obsessing over it
Hi Menna: I could be wrong, but what you write here seems to be a similar pattern to what you wrote before about your former relationship. The tension seemed to focus on your ex-girlfriend's smoking or drinking or some behavior you felt was unbefitting for her to engage in.
I would say that this is a major control issue which, if I am correct, is one I share, and am working really, really hard to let go of.
I joined my local chapter of co-dependents anonymous which is working for me. It helps to hear other people talk about their control issues, and I learn a lot from their struggles as I hope that they learn from mine. It's also a very formal format with very clear rules so there isn't, from what I have experienced so far, there isn't any unconscious acting out or crossing of personal boundaries. There is a lot of respect shown by the group to each member.
I've only been to about four or five meetings, but it's amazing how much my relationship with my daughter has changed. I decided that I want to be happy, and that my happiness does not depend on how my daughter is choosing to live her life. I do love her with all my heart and so I'm letting go so that she can make her own mistakes without inflicting my voice like a chorus of doom in the background, emphasizing every little thing I feel she's doing wrong.
Because, I realize she really isn't doing anything wrong according to her way of thinking. She's just learning her own lessons.
One of the "prayers" that is said at the end of each meeting goes something like this, "Let me stop controlling others, and help me control the one person I can which is myself."
Anyone you're going to meet, Menna, is going to engage in something you don't like. If you really like the person, give her some slack. Would you submit to being controlled by her?
Your dream really seem to give you all the information that you may need. Most telling, I think, is the absence of the word, "left" which would parallel the word "right". When you think you are "right", the dynamics you're engaging in in trying to control someone, (which I may be wrong about), may put you in the position of being "left" or being the one who is leaving thus crashing the relationship by returning to your old thought form of having to be "right".
This woman may not be the one for you - that's something you'll have to decide for yourself. If her behavior is so offensive to you, it seems that she is not the one for you.
But it does seem that the two scenarios you've presented of your relationships with women who will not or can not live up to your standards and expectations may be one that you might want to explore further.
It's very humbling to do this, at least I find it so for me. I can not even live up to my own standards, so how can I expect my daughter to live up to the standards I expect from her? Now that I've let go, she is living up to my standards and more.
I've seen quite a change in the last few months in her, in myself, and in our relationship, and my goal of being happy seems within my reach.
All the best Menna. I hope it all works out for you.