Car Crash and Emotions


The Living Force
What would it mean if I was driving a car on a highway say 50-60MPH and I veer to the right loose control and crash into the wall the car spins around and I suddenly wake up. During the veering into the wall part I felt an OH-NO emotion in me it was like I was watching my hands turn the wheel to the right and I couldn't stop it and I suddenly woke up after the crash with that terrified/scared emotion and when I woke up the emotion slowly subsided.
I've had on occasion similar dreams of difficulty controling a reckless drive, and usually take it as a warning to control my machine.

Gurdjieff used the imagery of a carriage with the horses out of control because the driver is asleep.

It may or not be the right interpretation for your dream fwiw.
That sounds like a jolting experience. The dream could represent a "shocking" situation that is "out of your hands."

The imagery of a wall could signify a limitation or an obstacle. And, your watching your own hands doing the driving and going into the wall - that could be something that is "out of your control." Something "forced" you to run into an obstacle.

Could it be something that has happened recently that is "shocking" and a situation that could be out of your control? Or, perhaps it could be warning for the coming days, so that you can be prepare for it on some level?

Anyway, just a thought. :)

For what it's worth.
Menna said:
What would it mean if I was driving a car on a highway say 50-60MPH and I veer to the right loose control and crash into the wall the car spins around and I suddenly wake up. During the veering into the wall part I felt an OH-NO emotion in me it was like I was watching my hands turn the wheel to the right and I couldn't stop it and I suddenly woke up after the crash with that terrified/scared emotion and when I woke up the emotion slowly subsided.

Interesting. This reminds me of my accident. I was driving on three-lane road. About 50-60mph. I too veer to right but winding turned out to be too tight. I suddenly wake up too, but it was too late. I crashed the car on the barriers and spined around. Fortunately, nothing happend to me.

Jerry said:
I've had on occasion similar dreams of difficulty controling a reckless drive, and usually take it as a warning to control my machine.

Gurdjieff used the imagery of a carriage with the horses out of control because the driver is asleep.

It may or not be the right interpretation for your dream fwiw.

I like this interpretation. When I was thinking about this event, I have come to two conclusions. First, time to start drive slower. And second, I referred it to my machine.

The resemblance is striking. I do not know what is the reason for this coincidence. But I have to tell you that you should care for yourself.
Typically what I do is take each element of the dream and then break it down. This is a theme for the most part so we can easily find something like this:

Dreaming about cars and driving is a really rich territory to start understanding some of the fundamentals at work in our lives. The first things to consider are:
- Who’s driving? Who is actually at the wheel in your dream? This often indicates who or what is controlling your ego or conscious mind. Is it you? Then you are probably making conscious decisions about your life. Is it some one else – your mother, father, teacher, boss? Then look at how you have let their values and beliefs in life become your own. So, you may have learned from your mother that a good woman should always pay attention to how she looks, or your father that a man must prove his success through a good job, and this belief is now “driving” you.
- How do you feel about who’s driving? If you are happy, relaxed or exhilarated, that’s great! Even if it’s not you at the wheel, you may be letting your subconscious or intuition drive you, and this part of your self is helping you get where you want. If you aren’t happy with some one else driving, look for how your beliefs may need to change. Maybe your mothers excessive concern for appearance is making you eat unhealthily, maybe your father’s drive to work harder and harder means you never spend any time with the family. If it’s you at the wheel and you can’t control the car, look for where in your life you feel you don’t have the control you want, or where you need to steer your life in another direction. Or maybe you are trying too hard to control thing, and need to relax a little.
- Do you get to your destination, or do you get lost, break down or crash? A safe arrival is often a reassurance we are heading in the right direction in our life, but look for hints that might help us get there faster, or more directly, or more enjoyably. Maybe your dream is saying to slow down and enjoy the scenic route – instead of rushing to a certain goal, maybe you need to enjoy the process! Dreams of delays, crashing or being lost can indicate you need to take a look at your present course of action and see what needs changing. Crashing can mean literally working so hard that your body “crashes” – this is a clear sign to take some rest, or slow down. Crashing can also be related to your emotional state. Maybe you have been in a relationship that has come to a sudden end, or you know one is about to (maybe deep down, but don’t want to admit to it,) or maybe you fear the relationship ending and feel “out of control.” Remember this is not a prophecy of what will happen, just a reflection of your own fears and subconscious beliefs. Being lost in a car is like your soul being lost. Doing dream work can help you find the direction you need to go.
Dreams of cars and driving are often rich in symbols, metaphors and signs. Do you see a green light? This could be telling you to start the thing you are waiting to start. Are you driving in the dark without lights? This could mean you feel in some area of your life you are “driving blind” without all the information you need to make decisions. Are you on an open highway? This could mean you feel free and optimistic about where you are heading in life. Or it might mean you are feeling lonely and seeking the company of a town or people. Are you stuck in traffic? This could mean something in your life is frustrating you and preventing you from reaching your goals. Or maybe it could be an opportunity to get out of the car and walk, to try a new approach. Only you know where this applies to your own life.
Where do you want to go?Car dreams ask us:
Who or what is “driving” us? What beliefs and motivations and behaviours? Do we want to keep them or do they need to change?[/q]
  • Where do we want to go? Are we headed in the right direction on our life? Do we need to change course?
  • How do we want to get there? Do we need to slow down or hurry up? Do we need to take a more scenic route, or stop and pick up something or someone that we may have lost or forgotten?
  • Who can help us get where we want, to achieve our goals?
  • What warning signs (often literally road signs) do we need to pay attention to?
While having a dream about driving can highlight where we feel distressed, confused or out of control, by making small changes in our life we can take the wheel of our own destiny, and drive our own lives forward with happy confidence.

What else do we have?


Walls represent keeping people out of your heart. This is usually due to some early childhood conditioning. In regression I have noticed that this wall is usually fully built by the age three. As a child we cannot reason and live through expressing our feelings as we experience them. We are also highly tuned into the feelings of those charged with our care. Being in a position where you feel you are in the way or unloved starts this process off. The first two years are spent in emotional confusion and then the wall building starts.To bang your head off a wall is a warning of stroke. It signifies this as walls are a common symbol for the heart and circulatory system and the dream is coupling it with damage to the head. Stroke is a circulatory problem that damages your head.
A dividing wall is also about your heart with the emphasis being on how you separate yourself from others. You have erected a dividing wall between you and your neighbor – literally you and others who are close to you.
Glass walls represent a strong psychic or intuitive ability. Literally you have the ability to see when all others can see is the wall. We do not all see it as glass.
Kitchen or bathroom walls indicate the lining of your intestines. If the paper or plaster is falling off the walls it indicates the lining of your intestines is damaged.

Dirty walls indicate that your colon needs cleansing. Toxins from your colon are getting into your blood stream.

You also mentioned right, which may be the right side and emotions. What works for me is to break every image down one by one, see if I can find a theme, then put it all together as a composite. Hope that helps.
Menna said:
What would it mean if I was driving a car on a highway say 50-60MPH and I veer to the right loose control and crash into the wall the car spins around and I suddenly wake up. During the veering into the wall part I felt an OH-NO emotion in me it was like I was watching my hands turn the wheel to the right and I couldn't stop it and I suddenly woke up after the crash with that terrified/scared emotion and when I woke up the emotion slowly subsided.

It could signal that you (feel like you) lack control over your life, and you fear that this will veer you off course dangerously. That it is something you are doing, or will do that will cause this, and you will be powerless to stop it.

Have you made any big decisions recently, perhaps that you are rushing into and ignoring a bad feeling in your gut/back of your mind?

Just my two cents.
quote from Menna:

During the veering into the wall part I felt an OH-NO emotion in me it was like I was watching my hands turn the wheel to the right and I couldn't stop it and I suddenly woke up after the crash with that terrified/scared emotion

I have two responses that came to me: 1st Response:

What comes to mind for me is that sometimes a person can be "right" about something, but by acting righteous in communicating the point to someone else, if the communication is too heated, vehement or intense it can provoke an unpleasant reaction in the other person which can quickly cause one or both people to lose control of their emotions and say things that can wreck the relationship to the point where it's gone so far that fixing it is out of your hands, and in the hands of the other person if he/she wishes to continue the relationship.

2nd response:

Or maybe it could be a love relationship that may or may not be "right for you, but is moving so fast that it feels that you're losing control and can "crash".

Okay, I just thought of something else:

Since there does seem to be an observing "I" in the dream, and it is the work of the "I" to manage the emotions, perhaps this struggle is being acted out symbolically through the driver losing control of the car. I wonder though, why the car veers to the "right" and not the "left". Since the directions are so specific, maybe the absent word "left" is significant to the meaning?

quote from Menna

During the veering into the wall part I felt an OH-NO emotion in me it was like I was watching my hands turn the wheel to the right and I couldn't stop it and I suddenly woke up after the crash with that terrified/scared emotion and when I woke up the emotion slowly subsided.

quote from Zadius Sky:

That sounds like a jolting experience. The dream could represent a "shocking" situation that is "out of your hands."

I'm picking this up too - that some situation not stated in the dream is out of your control.
I feel like everyone here is a psychic lol

I've had on occasion similar dreams of difficulty controling a reckless drive, and usually take it as a warning to control my machine.

I feel that way too. I have a tendency to worry and recent events have made me worry and that leads to stress for me.

The dream could represent a "shocking" situation that is "out of your hands."

[/quote]Could it be something that has happened recently that is "shocking" and a situation that could be out of your control? Or, perhaps it could be warning for the coming days, so that you can be prepare for it on some level?
This is true it is out of my hands - to a certaint extent and yes shocking

First, time to start drive slower. And second, I referred it to my machine.
But I have to tell you that you should care for yourself

Advice I will take

If it’s you at the wheel and you can’t control the car, look for where in your life you feel you don’t have the control you want, or where you need to steer your life in another direction. Or maybe you are trying too hard to control thing, and need to relax a little.
Yes this is true

It could signal that you (feel like you) lack control over your life, and you fear that this will veer you off course dangerously. That it is something you are doing, or will do that will cause this, and you will be powerless to stop it.


I have two responses that came to me: 1st Response:

What comes to mind for me is that sometimes a person can be "right" about something, but by acting righteous in communicating the point to someone else, if the communication is too heated, vehement or intense it can provoke an unpleasant reaction in the other person which can quickly cause one or both people to lose control of their emotions and say things that can wreck the relationship to the point where it's gone so far that fixing it is out of your hands, and in the hands of the other person if he/she wishes to continue the relationship.

2nd response:

Or maybe it could be a love relationship that may or may not be "right for you, but is moving so fast that it feels that you're losing control and can "crash".

Basically I feel like thats it

I'm picking this up too - that some situation not stated in the dream is out of your control.

Yes it is for the most part. Full control.

Thank you all
Now that you all have made it clear. I believe that if I don't slow down and take control of my machine then the relationship will crash. I also think I have found my next lesson or thing to work past. How does one not worry about the things they want to go well that are important to them but cant control? Just having faith I believe to be wishful thinking. I do have to take better care of myself and take back my mind/thoughts. I think I need more confidence and to trust myself as well
It happened similar to me regarding car an emotions around two months back. I dreamt driving a car over several hills with precipices in between trying to going up against a river/cascade that flew with force (like the salmon does) at the end I manage to drive the care to the right side and went out of it and save myself and the others who were with me (but I do not remember them, and did not wrote down this dream either).

I related this dream with the emotions that would become within myself regarding my family business problem at that time. So it was some sort of advisement. It is ongoing the family business problem so I am still working on it. It had helped to understand their motivations, personalities, ways, their mechanicity as well as mine, and to not get involved in emotionally attached expectations.
Menna said:
Now that you all have made it clear. I believe that if I don't slow down and take control of my machine then the relationship will crash. I also think I have found my next lesson or thing to work past. How does one not worry about the things they want to go well that are important to them but cant control? Just having faith I believe to be wishful thinking. I do have to take better care of myself and take back my mind/thoughts. I think I need more confidence and to trust myself as well

If you are talking about the same relationship you have talked about before, my opinion is that a crash is inevitable, and you know this sub-consciously already, which is what your dream was about. But you will figure it out in your own time, right about the time you hit that wall probably ;). It's always so much easier to see the mistakes of others than the mistakes of yourself.

FWIW I've been going through a similar situation, except without dreaming. Recently I have made two mistakes at work that caused some outages. Not thinking, not taking my time before acting. It's easy to cause a big issue with a little mistake at my job. Paste some commands into the wrong window, and boom, down goes the router and a hundred customer connections to the Internet. I have had this lingering feeling for the past few days or so that it is inevitable that I would do this. Like it's just waiting around the corner for me and that is doesn't matter what I do, some sort of 'crash' is inevitable. Probably because I've already reached that point of no return in a certain respect, within some context of my life scenarios.

You talk about faith being wishful thinking, but you already think wishfully without faith, so where does that leave you?
not get involved in emotionally attached expectations.

I have to do this as well - I believe this to be my wall or a part of it

If you are talking about the same relationship you have talked about before, my opinion is that a crash is inevitable

No, since she broke up with me on christmas I have not communicated with her only once when she came to my work with her friends (it was a new job she didn't know I worked there) and I was nice ;D

I am in a new relationship. Had expectations didn't think she would put herself in a situation and I told her it bothered me she said she was being nieve and was wrong but I keep obsessing over it and I know that this is now my problem/fault for doing this.

You talk about faith being wishful thinking, but you already think wishfully without faith, so where does that leave you?

I think faith just by itself is wishful thinking is not enough at some point there has to be actions taken for something to work out. Yes there is the connecting force and that would be the faith portion but there is also ACTIVE and passive. So I believe just having faith that something will work out is not the best way to go about it because at some point you will have to DO either take action or be passive.

Let me rephrase - Faith alone may not be enough
Menna said:
I think faith just by itself is wishful thinking is not enough at some point there has to be actions taken for something to work out. Yes there is the connecting force and that would be the faith portion but there is also ACTIVE and passive. So I believe just having faith that something will work out is not the best way to go about it because at some point you will have to DO either take action or be passive.

Let me rephrase - Faith alone may not be enough

I agree, faith by itself is wishful thinking. If all you have is faith, then that faith is not built upon knowledge, experience, and observation of the reality around you. It could only be based upon what that person wishes were true. So faith by itself is blind.

The role I see for faith is in that 'last mile' so to speak. You observe, learn, think, plan, as much as you can for something, but no matter how much you do know, you can't know for sure that it will work out. But you do it anyway. That's faith to me.
quote from Menna:

Had expectations didn't think she would put herself in a situation and I told her it bothered me she said she was being nieve and was wrong but I keep obsessing over it

Hi Menna: I could be wrong, but what you write here seems to be a similar pattern to what you wrote before about your former relationship. The tension seemed to focus on your ex-girlfriend's smoking or drinking or some behavior you felt was unbefitting for her to engage in.

I would say that this is a major control issue which, if I am correct, is one I share, and am working really, really hard to let go of.

I joined my local chapter of co-dependents anonymous which is working for me. It helps to hear other people talk about their control issues, and I learn a lot from their struggles as I hope that they learn from mine. It's also a very formal format with very clear rules so there isn't, from what I have experienced so far, there isn't any unconscious acting out or crossing of personal boundaries. There is a lot of respect shown by the group to each member.

I've only been to about four or five meetings, but it's amazing how much my relationship with my daughter has changed. I decided that I want to be happy, and that my happiness does not depend on how my daughter is choosing to live her life. I do love her with all my heart and so I'm letting go so that she can make her own mistakes without inflicting my voice like a chorus of doom in the background, emphasizing every little thing I feel she's doing wrong.

Because, I realize she really isn't doing anything wrong according to her way of thinking. She's just learning her own lessons.

One of the "prayers" that is said at the end of each meeting goes something like this, "Let me stop controlling others, and help me control the one person I can which is myself."

Anyone you're going to meet, Menna, is going to engage in something you don't like. If you really like the person, give her some slack. Would you submit to being controlled by her?

Your dream really seem to give you all the information that you may need. Most telling, I think, is the absence of the word, "left" which would parallel the word "right". When you think you are "right", the dynamics you're engaging in in trying to control someone, (which I may be wrong about), may put you in the position of being "left" or being the one who is leaving thus crashing the relationship by returning to your old thought form of having to be "right".

This woman may not be the one for you - that's something you'll have to decide for yourself. If her behavior is so offensive to you, it seems that she is not the one for you.

But it does seem that the two scenarios you've presented of your relationships with women who will not or can not live up to your standards and expectations may be one that you might want to explore further.

It's very humbling to do this, at least I find it so for me. I can not even live up to my own standards, so how can I expect my daughter to live up to the standards I expect from her? Now that I've let go, she is living up to my standards and more.
I've seen quite a change in the last few months in her, in myself, and in our relationship, and my goal of being happy seems within my reach.

All the best Menna. I hope it all works out for you.
That you webglider, just by reading your post I feel more relaxed.

I would say that this is a major control issue which, if I am correct, is one I share, and am working really, really hard to let go of.

Yes if a situation arises and it is out of my control my machine goes haywire.

Anyone you're going to meet, Menna, is going to engage in something you don't like. If you really like the person, give her some slack. Would you submit to being controlled by her?

Very true - why hold the one I like/love on higher standards then people I don't care as much about. I believe because I put my feelings and part of my life plan in a relationship.

But it does seem that the two scenarios you've presented of your relationships with women who will not or can not live up to your standards and expectations may be one that you might want to explore further.

Yes this is a fault of mine. I have high standards of myself in a relationship so I project them on to the one im with. How can I grow with someone if I go crazy everytime they make a mistake? Not good on my part.

Now that I have a clue of what the dream represents thanks to the input and the advice. Now when I think of the situation and the fact that I talked to her about it and she agreed with me - the only problem left over is ME. I can act forgiving but I need to BE forgiving inside and out. I need to work on this for myself mostly and I believe the dream is about me. How I will crash if I don't continue to work on myself/control myself/take care of myself.

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