I was able to attain the following from skimming around google and various youtube videos just now:
In this show, John's guest is Mathew Pauly, computer programmer turned author.
His book, "The Murder of Time", details his experiences with what he believes is part of or the result of MK ultra.
He says that in Nov 2005, he was coerced into a military vehicle and traumatized into a state of dissociation and subsequently programmed. From here, he begins to recount his experiences and how it ties into MK ultra, as well as mentioning project paperclip.
"Operation Paperclip was the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program in which more than 1,500 Germans[1] primarily scientists but also engineers and technicians, were brought to the United States from Nazi Germany for government employment starting in 1945 and increasing in the aftermath of World War II.")
He details that those who suffer childhood traumas are often targeted by clandestine black government groups to be used in their ongoing attack against the common people.
It seems his central goal is to shed more light on the subject of corporate/government corruption and ongoing interest in abject control over our individual and collective free will.
Thanks for the post michaelrc. I find this topic interesting as of late, after being introduced to "Don't hug me I'm scared" by Vigilant Citizen (_http://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/dont-hug-im-scared-media-brainwashing-mkultra/ ) some weeks ago, and as result, I've been interested on the topic of mass hypnosis and mind control via mainstream media, consortist 'journalism' and orchestrated terror events/orchestrated political befuddlement & incompetency.
Pauly's story, I'm certain delves into this, or at least I'm hoping it does, but I'll have to take more time to listen to see for certain.