Catfish 2010 (facebook -n- stuff)

This movie is for all of us FaceBook people, and for people in everyday life.

Its not your action packed hero saves the day film, but it does have mystery adventure, and intrigue.

There are no scripts, stunt doubles or fancy shmancy camera tricks, but its all about real people being people.

I have got to recommend this for everyone here. The ending blew me away. What Vince says about catfish, and people, quite an interesting point of view.

if any one does get a chance to see this, does what Vince say, apply to OP's? or psychopaths? or even STO?

im curious as too ya'lls take on it.

here is an imdb review of it and a place to watch it.


I saw Catfish and it was really interesting.

In late 2007, filmmakers Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost sensed a story unfolding as they began to film the life of Ariel's brother, Nev. They had no idea that their project would lead to the most exhilarating and unsettling months of their lives. A reality thriller that is a shocking product of our times, Catfish is a riveting story of love, deception and grace within a labyrinth of online intrigue.

Filmmakers Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost document a story involving Ariel's brother, Nev, a 24-year-old New York-based photographer, and Abby, from rural Michigan who contacts Nev via Facebook, asking for permission to make a painting from one of his photographs.

Try not to watch any trailers before because it spoils it a bit imho.

Some say it's faked but don't think it is, of course I could be wrong.


Well if you have seen it now, it is an interesting tale on how a female manipulator/psychopath (?) weaves its way into the life of Nev by lying very boldly about what her daughter does (painting) and creating many fictional characters to sustain the story and literally hook into Nev, who is a bit of a willing victim imho.

It was interesting to see how after being discovered, she keeps on lying using the "I've got a cancer" trick and so on.

It seems that Nev totally enjoyed the situation after all as the woman keeps stroking is ego and can't even be mad at her.

If you have the time, just watch it. I'd be curious to know what others might think.
This film is really worth checking out. It delivers as a nuanced and powerful exploration of the psychology of facebook. Having always been wary of the network, it reminded me to remain vigilant while spending time there so as not to dive right into narcissism extreme the whole thing seems set up for. Definitely can be a useful tool, but a very easy time and energy sucker.

As to the "fake documentary" allegations, I saw the premier of this in NY and the one of the filmmakers gave a little speech/thank you afterwards. Granted, it was a very brief time to make any sort of real call but it definitely did not seem from this guy likely that this film was fabricated. I think I remember one of the film makers admitting to "recreating" a few moments directly after they happened so as to preserve important moments in the story (and those involved not being actors, these moments seemed pretty clear). This is pretty standard documentary practice, though. To my mind, the question of "real/not real" is best left at the door with this one, as it pulls the focus away from the emotional through line of the thing.
It seems that Nev totally enjoyed the situation after all as the woman keeps stroking is ego and can't even be mad at her.

I don't think he enjoyed situation but he felt sorry about her because of her children and her "having a cancer". She looks like someone who doesn't like her life and wants something "more" so she creates some imaginative world on FB, and she said she wanted to be dancer, so she couldn't accept the reality of her situation. It only shows how far people are ready to go for their desires and illusions, sad story. On the other hand it could all be acting but I don't think she is a psychopath or OP, never heard they have such an artistic and creative talent like she had, more looks like there is this childish dream that she was holding to tightly.

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