Catherine Austin Fitts interviews the Saker for the Solari Report


The Living Force
CAF interviewing the Saker. The transcript is linked below, as well as to the interview.

I listened to it while stretching but it was interesting to hear about the Saker, and his views in general, since it seems he is anonymous.

- Overall, he talks about his past, growing up in Russia, then Europe/Switzerland, then the US where he lives with his wife. He notices a lot of similarities between Ukraine now, with the USSR as it was being plundered and controlled by the West.
- They both agree that it is as much a spiritual battle as anything else.
- Russians first wanted to be western but after the plunder and now seeing Ukraine, plus an increase in their strength has led to the opposite now; Russians will not become like Ukraine. He sees Ukraine being broken up and no way will parts accept the neo-Nazi's.
- Russia: Half of the country, the financing mainly, is still run by the west and Putin has to make concessions (i think i remember Putin saying this himself, that the central bank was preventing progress)
- Putin was a Foreign Affairs KGB agent and so is perfect for his role now
- Medvedev was initially his opponent, who was also more western oriented
- They have new tank battalions in the works (South Front did a piece on this)
- He sees the US as being unable to cope, particularly due to the dollar. Russia can and will cope if required.
- Russia is orthodox but the younger generation see it more as a concept of Spirituality and 'tradition' in the sense that the west has no tradition and has thrown its morals to the fire
- Sanctions did nothing but forced people to get creative
- UK was admitted to the ACB but that doesn't mean theirs any love between UK and Russia - Putin would never kow-tow to the City of London
- Putin realised the Muslim population was important, especially with Chechnya, this reinforced that Russians need to be cohesive as a nation if they want to survive, and this drove them to do such

Nothing ground-braking as such, but Catherine throws in some gems about the system she was working in and how corrupt it was/is. She says the west lost its (Scottish) enlightenment culture, the Saker says Russia would view it as potentially Masonic inspired.
From what i remember there was no 'where it goes from here' conclusion other than things are heavy right now and the west doesn't have a clue. But that we are at the precipice in some ways.
Dear friends,

Catherine Austin Fitts

Last month I have had the real pleasure to have a one hour long conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts, the president of Solari, Inc., the publisher of The Solari Report and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services. Normally, the Catherine’s interviews are for subscribers only, but she has kindly agreed to make it available for free to our community.

This was the first time I had granted anybody an hour long interview over the phone and I have to admit that I enjoyed it very much. Catherine and I are planning to repeat this on a quarterly basis.

Here is the main page of our interview:

You can get the transcript in PDF format here:

As for the audio, you can listen to it here:

As I said, it was a real pleasure talking to Catherine (thanks A. for putting us in touch!) and I look forward to your future conversations. In the meantime, I highly recommend that you check out the rest of the Solari Reports and the Solari Books.

I hope that you will enjoy the interview as much as I did.

Kind regards,

The Saker
Thanks for sharing itellsya, it's great to see Catherine Austin Fitts and the Saker together. There were a few things that stood out to me in the interview. The Saker starts by talking about the recent history of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, which was basically ruled by Western interest together with the oligarchy and how that strengthened the Russians' view of the West as an imperialistic power while they were in favour of a multipolar world. He then goes into some length describing Putin's background in the intelligence community and how he initially supported and tried to foster a good relationship with the US but slowly lost hope of any alliance since the US kept on acting as a bully and would always take an adversarial stance with the bombings in Yugoslavia, Georgia, and later Ukraine.

He also makes a good point about the future of Europe. The political scene is very fragmented with the EU being basically a colony of the US. The lack of independence and of a strong, united position coupled with the ongoing immigration crisis will eventually lead to the curtailing of civil laws and could bring about semi-martial laws, with limited civil rights and increased police control. Towards the end, he mentions he doesn't see either Israel, Saudi Arabia or the US recognise Iran, not because of the threat of nuclear weapons but due to a different civilisational model, and speculates a possible false flag to lay the blame on them and delay any further negotiation.

For those interested, the Saker published a book last year: "The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world".

My 2 cents.
itellsya said:
CAF interviewing the Saker.

An informative interview I think.

Since Saker seems to be the go-to source for things Russian & Empire, good to know his background (so as to better evaluate his views.)

A hint was given (not strong enough I think) on the primacy of the Zionist agenda. To say Turkey or Saudi Arabia decides anything critical -- is simply missing the point. This is a small play within a larger one. What we perceive as players are puppets I think. The string pullers are those near the apex.

Even that, is a play within a larger play. The play directors are those who created the consortium. This is hard to fully grasp ... but it's important that we try.

That said, there's the grandest of plays. The one involving earth changes, waves, thoughts & emotions. Our chances are best I believe ... if we actively participate in that one.

I could be wrong.

Thanks for the comments sitting and Eboard10 :)

Feel free to add anything, i just wanted to share because i thought they were interesting, and i'll miss stuff because i'm just going from memory. Here are two more:

- the funniest part is when asked about Hillary "a vote for Hillary is a vote for "NO HOPE" and for harvesting.
- the trillions missing in the budget went to the black budget space program
- we're moving towards a multi-planetary civilisation
- she sees some major financial issues this year and for sure next year collapse in certain markets
- on the Clintons: it shows you how corrupt the country is, and how corrupted people are that they're still walking around alive.
- they seem to both support Trump for his disruptive abilities and that he's easier to read
- re: WW3 she believes cooler heads will prevail because those at the top realised during the concentration camps that 'harvesting' is easier and cheaper with wage slaves
- she says a vote for Clinton is a vote for Bill Gates & co - which she says would be THE worst team "Autistic vaccinated children" and more war etc.. "With Clinton there is NO HOPE... Trump is a wild card"
- she says the constitution was something like 6000 years in the making and it just needs to be implemented [i'm reminded of the many 'amendments']
- values required for successful civilisation
- that there's enough wealth in the system to be redistributed to create a better world
- she prefers Bernie Sanders because he's "Honest and has been a public servant"
- John Adams: the revolution was in the hearts and minds and assumptions of obligations to each other

Her ideas for how the world could be run - perhaps a good guest for an STR discussion about 'creating a new world' :D

Catherine Austin Fitts-Criminals Running US Government
Published on 6 Mar 2016

Are criminals running the U.S. government? Catherine Austin Fitts, who is a former Assistant HUD Secretary, says, “Yes. . . . The American government . . . is running the central banking warfare model globally, and it depends heavily on criminal profits. If you look at the general population, the general population supports that. . . . The general population supports that as long as they can pretend they don’t have responsibility for that. If you look at the drug trafficking, the mortgage fraud, stuffing innocent people into prison, that is being implemented one county at a time in 3,100 counties. There are millions of Americans getting paid to put a pretty face to it. . . . The party with the debt growth model is over, and that means the party is over for a lot of people who are unproductive.”

Fitts goes on to say, “I agree with Winston Churchill, and he said, ‘Tell the people.’ If you tell the people what the real problems are and give them the tools . . . the wealth potential with new technologies and where you have rule of law where people believe in an economy where winners are allowed to happen. . . . Wow, it could be incredible.”

Also, this one with Gerald Celente

- Bernie Sanders is that he's a war monger who voted for pretty much all of the wars so far, including the removal of Gaddafi - he's a fraud. he had protesters of the Yugoslavia war arrested.
- Trump was such a nightmare kid that they sent him to military school "that was what our parents threatened us with back then" and yet was given 200+ Million from father
- choices: Hitler (Drumpf) and Hitlery (Killary)
2016 Crash Will be Worse than 2008, History Will Remember This - Gerald Celente Interview
itellsya said:
Also, this one with Gerald Celente

I pointed this out once before.

Celente's forecasting record is spotty -- to put it kindly. (Just look up his forecast for 2009.) That one turned out so wrong that "it's not even wrong."

It's possible he may get it right this time. But I've been around long enough to know luck plays a bigger part than foresight in such matters. (Unless you have a direct line into the City of London. And George Soros seems to have one.)

I could be wrong.

Didn't know Catherine Austin Fitts until now, thanks itellsya for sharing!

Also, I use to read some articles of the Saker on Russia Insider ( Didn't notice he had his own site!
sitting said:
itellsya said:
Also, this one with Gerald Celente

I pointed this out once before.

Celente's forecasting record is spotty -- to put it kindly. (Just look up his forecast for 2009.) That one turned out so wrong that "it's not even wrong."

It's possible he may get it right this time. But I've been around long enough to know luck plays a bigger part than foresight in such matters. (Unless you have a direct line into the City of London. And George Soros seems to have one.)

I could be wrong.


Celente seems to bleat on about the same stuff year in, year out, then he set up this 'Occupy Peace' which to me doesn't seem to be doing much - but i find his commentary worthwhile, such as about Bernie.

What i find particularly interesting is how pretty much all of them go silent on the events of this year; they all seem to think 2016 will be the year of the economic meltdown, but they are shady about any details, probably because, and like you say, there are so many factors involved and they don't want to be shown up.

Fitts i believe said that mathematically derivatives (or some financial instrument) is guaranteed to blow up in 2017, even so, she seems to hint that we won't have that long to wait. Quite a few other speakers are looking to April apparently.
itellsya said:
Celente seems to bleat on about the same stuff year in, year out,

Fitts i believe said that mathematically derivatives (or some financial instrument) is guaranteed to blow up in 2017, even so, she seems to hint that we won't have that long to wait.

Hi itellsya,

I brought up Celente because he can sound rather convincing -- to newcomers. But experience taught me to be wary.

When someone (him) misses so dramatically, on so critical a year (2009), it shows a huge lack of understanding regarding the real workings of financial markets. Hence all subsequent forecasts are suspect ... in my opinion.

That said, he may be right this time (lucky guesses do work out periodically.)

(I take a similarly skeptical view towards a lot of 'non-financial' news writers too. And I know a few in person. As I like to say: news can inform as well as mislead.)

Fitts' knowledge (on finance) is at a whole different level (compared with Gerald.) And I always take her observations seriously.

I could be wrong.


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