Cayce about H2O


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I stumbled upon this Cayce reading (900-286) where a part is about water (H2O):

  1. (A) Again the indication to the entity of the necessity of that study and of further information through self - not only in that as of the statistics, or rather the direct action, but that as is necessary from those same forces that would be enacting, or the impelling forces as come through from that condition experienced by the entity where it passes from the material to the spiritual plane - yet living on in that manner in which the forces are only changed in their way and manner of expressing themselves, as may be seen in the combination, or the lack of a combination of any various and many various elements, or as the illustration as has been given: Certain combinations make H 2 O, and always make that, yet H 2 O may be changed into many various forms, carrying many other elements, both of the vegetable and of the mineral, or even animal kingdom, within itself. So Man, that of the higher beings, wherein carrying that force within itself of the Creative Energy as may be made One WITH the Whole, finds in its transmutation from the material of life to that of the spiritual life, carrying with same those same effects as may be seen through that which it has builded within itself. Hence finds in its various ways and manners the different forms of expressing to mankind.

Make me think about the session where the C's say H2O is an interface.
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