Celestial objects dreams?


FOTCM Member
Yesterday I had (again) a "celestial object dream". I say again because since I was a child, i have from time to time dreams about some activity in the sky. The are mainly two kinds : O look into the skies by night, and then the stars start to move and there is like battle. That was even I ever hear about UFOs!
The second kind is about celestial bodies, like seeing two full moons and so on (a long time ago).
Yesterday, after doing the POTS in my mind (i didn't want to use the audio) I had a dream about me doing something and printing some documents (very boring) and then someone came to talk to me (in the dream he was a cousin but I don't know the person i saw in the dream) and then suddenly i looked into the sky. And I said : look, the moon is strange (it was not a croissant but is was illuminated differently, a little in the north pole and a little to the west). And then the contrast dropped down and it was possible to see the structure of the object. It was not the moon, but something like a gaseous planet. For some reason it shifted into something looking like Jupiter (but flat and faint). I thought "it's coming close, it will disturb the gravitational equilibrium of the earth" (yes, a geek even in dreams). The guy started to run and I told him to prevent everyone that unprecedented earthquakes will start in few minutes. He responded by a funny comment and then I thought that it was already too late for everybody. And I woke up. I almost never woke up during a dream. My heart beating very strong. I never get emotional after a celestial body dream (like seeing galaxies and other stuff in the sky) but this one has been a little scary...
Anybody else has this kind of dreams?
I already mentionned it on the forum but sometimes I dream about little stars in the sky that begins to move and then I realize they are UFO's, they either stay in the sky or come up very close so I can see them very well.
It stopped for a good while but I had two or three (more ?) in the last few months again.

I don't remember if I had many dreams about planets, but once I dreamt about a giant cataclysm with the moon so close to the earth that a black hole had formed into the sea and everything was dragged into it, houses and whales alike, while a long line of people were waiting for something undefined and I spotted Bin laden in the crowd who smiled at me...ah !

I think other members also had such kind of celestial objects dreams.
Hi mkrnhr

I used to have these sorts of dreams as a child all the time! Even before I knew what UFO's where. It would either be stars moving then chasing me...or a storm arriving and the sky getting dark.....or a storm where I had to run from the multicoloured 'snow' that fell from it because it would kill me otherwise.

There is also something in the air at the moment that everyone is noticing. Some sort of atmosphere and many members are reporting strange dreams and increased attacks/stress in there lives. I think its probably related.....
As with all dreams that bring up strong emotions....try looking at the emotions it brought up and asking yourself when you have felt that before perhaps?
It may be that these emotions came from outside or inside....perhaps the emotions represented your feelings about what is going on right now, or they where made in the dream to be fed off? Something to consider.
Goodness, the rapid approaching storms in the drams! Why did I forget those? I had a lot and there were all very spectacular: I see storms coming, they are very low and very fast, and for some reason I know they will kill people, so I run to prevent them. Another classical one is the big tsunami and many people I know (from four different continents) used to have it.
As many members I felt a lot of stress (one night I had like a strong phobia) recently but it seemed to calm down a little. Yesterday however, i had a dream: In this dream i was sleeping (in the same room and the same position as in "reality") and a hand was gently grabbing my hand. It was warm and gentle but for some reason the grab was strange and I rapidly thought that it was not human, so I rejected it and in the dream I felt down from my bed (actually I sleep on a downy bed on the floor so it was not very high lol) screaming :-[
I woke up in the same position (on the floor). Then I slept again and dreamt about shadow people, but these ones are different from the ones I used to see when I was a child (awake, not sleeping), they were flying. Just wanted to note it in case of.
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