Chattering chips enliven Tokyo stroll

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Dagobah Resident

By YURI KAGEYAMA, AP Business Writer Mon Mar 5, 2:31 PM ET

TOKYO - Downtown strollers looking for directions, store guides or historical tidbits will be able to get an earful without talking to anyone — thanks to 1,200 computer chips embedded around Tokyo's Ginza shopping district.

The information can be heard through earphones that pick up signals from chips stuck in cement, lampposts and subway-station ceilings. The 1 billion yen ($8.7 million) government-backed Tokyo Ubiquitous Technology Project spans several blocks.

University of Tokyo professor Ken Sakamura says the effort gives a glimpse into the future, when such chips will become so widespread that government offices and private businesses will use them to zap information to passers-by.

"This project is to build an infrastructure for the 21st Century," Sakamura said during a demonstration Monday.

Similar experimental efforts are under way elsewhere in Japan.

During a tour, reporters wearing the earphones and a portable media player strolled around the shopping district. The player, which is worn around the neck, also features a small video screen.

In front of Mitsukoshi Department Store, a voice explained how a statue of a lion has long been the store's trademark. Cross the street to Nissan Motor Co.'s showroom, and the gadget automatically switched to a chip at the showroom.

"Welcome to Nissan Ginza gallery," says a woman who appears on the video screen.

By pushing buttons on the device, the user can see additional information, such as a map or a historical photo.

U.S. cities have expressed interest in the technology, Sakamura said.

Japan is hoping the technology can be used to help to guide the elderly, the blind and the handicapped through city streets, Sakamura said.

It also sees potential in the service — now available in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean — to help tourists get around, he said.
and to market the living crap out of them in real time to make them part with their money.
rs said:
University of Tokyo professor Ken Sakamura says the effort gives a glimpse into the future, when such chips will become so widespread that government offices and private businesses will use them to zap information to passers-by.
Of course, the above REALLY means "government offices and private businesses will use them to zap information FROM passers-by."

With RFID chips slated to appear in every article purchasable ("This is only helping us with inventory, really!"), and your data uplinked from the point of purchase, you will be happily and automatically tracked along these sensor grids, with very little effort. You won't even need to carry those suspicious ID cards for this to work.

Be seeing you.
It has been known that military technology comes to civilian use after 10 to 20yrs. i.e this technology must be decade old, the current technolgy may be to track rfid or may be to track frequency resonance vibration etc.
Yep - debit cards in the States are already issued with the rfid chip (no choice involved) - I'm the lucky owner of a couple of those - just walking around broadcasting my information to the world - of course, in many ways, that's always been the case. It's just more blatant now.
You could always microwave everything you buy to disable the RFID chips, or build one of these:


If you do this to your debit cards, they'll probably fail to work, as ATM machines will deny you access if it can't read the chip (not installed in most places yet, but getting there).

If you "clear" your clothing, and leave home without the cards, you could enjoy a carefree evening. ;)

Here is a good resource about RFID. Very much worth the read (they're even putting them in tires):


anart said:
Yep - debit cards in the States are already issued with the rfid chip (no choice involved) - I'm the lucky owner of a couple of those - just walking around broadcasting my information to the world - of course, in many ways, that's always been the case. It's just more blatant now.
Wrap them in heavy thin foil ;)
mark said:
anart said:
Yep - debit cards in the States are already issued with the rfid chip (no choice involved) - I'm the lucky owner of a couple of those - just walking around broadcasting my information to the world - of course, in many ways, that's always been the case. It's just more blatant now.
Wrap them in heavy thin foil ;)
Great idea! You could do the same for your shoes, too. It would be ---*** BLING ***---.


Actually, they already sell wallets that shield cards from RFID readers.
Azur said:
Actually, they already sell wallets that shield cards from RFID readers.
Thats clever, how do we get one of these? And how do they work?.... What about handbags and purses?
if they are going to use a tiny tiny chips , how do you know where the chip is to disable unless we microwave the entire unit or coverup the rfid. will the microwaving the clothes ( even for seconds ) safe for cloths ?.
The problem I see is not necessarily what they will do with these chips right now, but what will they do with them when laws begin to officially change. As things are right now, their ability to overtly control is limited by pesky "official laws" and while they are abusing them left and right, it is not nearly as rampant and it is far more confined than it would be when laws are officially changed as they were in Nazi Germany. Right now they lie and manipulate and murder millions, but officially they are still forced to present a "mask of sanity" and talk about freedom and democracy and this limits what they can do, confines their actions to remain outside of "official" domain. There are billions of us, much fewer of them (the governments and psychopaths in general) - so while they will use the chips to control people deemed "threats", this will be limited (like Guantanamo) for the time being. Sure they have their media and all other systems corrupted and ponerized and designed to control us, but again, it is limited in what they can actually do and to what scale because they have to hide this and deny it, they have to pretend otherwise, and they have to continue to act like all is normal and at least to SOME DEGREE maintain normalcy to maintain this illusion.

This is why I think that the biggest problem with these chips will not be right away, but when laws are literally changed due to various "terrorist emergencies" as they did in Nazi Germany, and THEN suddenly the chips are massively used to control on an official level - when literally new government agencies are created for the sole purpose of controlling everyone in a completely overt, official, and legal manner which will be deemed "necessary".

I understand the argument that "Well if you're not doing anything wrong what have you got to worry about?". This argument is applied to things like the Patriot Act, it is applied to government phone tapping, it is applied to everything that involves giving more powers to the government and taking privacy and powers and freedoms from citizens. This argument is also applied to putting chips into everyone that will track them, identify them, and be used for all license and monetary transaction purposes. As things stand now, the chip will not be so horrible and and frankly, most people will most likely be fine with it. The government will not use it in a massive and rampant way to control - they will simply gather information, and they will mostly observe and only interfering in covert, limited number of cases which in comparison with the total population will really be relatively small. So yes, right now, if you are not doing anything wrong, in most cases, you really have nothing to worry about and this argument to a large degree applies. But what happens when a national emergency causes laws to be changed? What happens when you are suddenly forbidden (it is officially made to be illegal) to read books that the government deems dangerous, talk to certain people that are deemed dangerous, go to certain places, say certain things, buy and sell certain things, all those things that are defined as threats to the state in light of a terrorist emergency? Suddenly you discover that this chip is a perfect tool for total control of absolutely everyone. All Hitler had was his secret police - and that was horrible enough and kept most people in line - although some found ways to evade and hide things and fight back against the Nazi tyranny - that's how the book Political Ponerology was conceived. But secret police ain't got nothing on this chip - Hitler would be salivating at just the mere possibility of such a device, and not in his wildest dreams could he imagine having so much control over every man, woman, and child.

Yes, right now, we might not experience a serious issue with such chips, with the Patriot act, with telephone spying etc. It'll be just "there" and most of us won't really see any problems in our lives. But neither did a single German experience a problem when Hitler was overthrowing their government and putting his own lackeys in their places. And since they didn't instantly experience any infringement on their rights or freedoms at the time (other than that one little right about choosing their government which they didn't really care about anyway) - they didn't think much of it. I mean who cares whose face you see in the oval office as long as he does the job well? What Germany seemed to overlook is that it was simply preparation, and when their laws began to change, it was already too late to go complain to anyone because all the government leaders are replaced with nazis - including the complaint department.

Let me try to draw an analogy here. You're walking down some alley with a group of friends at night armed to the teeth and suddenly you are surrounded by a group of people you don't know. But each one of you has a gun so you're ok. The group asks you and your friends nicely for all your weapons and say that this will benefit you in many ways. First, you will be relieved of having to carry them around because they are heavy. Second, the group can surround you and protect you from enemies on all sides as you walk down that dangerous alley because they were trained in professional armed combat and can see much better than you can. You and your friends think it's a reasonable suggestion and happily hand over all those machine guns and all other weapons you had. The group thanks you and does exactly as they promised - surrounds you and walks with you protecting you and your friends on all sides. But then suddenly the group informs you that you are being attacked by enemies. So this group, who now has all your weapons, gets in a very tight circle around you to protect you and tells you that they cannot let you or any of your friends move, nor can you leave this circle, nor can you talk because it will compromise your position and security - and also theirs. Suddenly you hear a shot coming from outside the circle (you cannot see outside because the group has you surrounded) and one of your friends is shot. Suddenly you reliase the group must be serious. But they cannot actually show you exactly who shot you because of course that would mean compromising you and them, and so you'll just have to trust them that it's the enemy that they speak of. Of course, due to your state of panic and no proof of what's really happening, you had no way of knowing that in reality it's one of their buddies who they hired to shoot your friend to make it look like you're under attack by enemies so that you trust your newly-found protectors. Unfortunately, they are now your captors as well because you gave them all your weapons and therefore you cannot even force your way out of the circle as they will shoot you and explain that this was necessary as you compromised the safety of the group. In other words, you're now a slave, and all information about your "enemies" you receive from your group as you cannot be allowed to see for yourself as it is deemed a risk, and you cannot of course argue because after all, you gave them your guns.

Of course, if this group just wanted to control you to begin with, it is clearly obvious that giving all your weapons to them enables them to do just that. But I fail to see how people can laugh at the idea that someone is naive enough to give all their weapons to some random people they met in some alley at night, but they themselves do the exact same thing by allowing their governments to have power over them and trusting that the reasons are exactly what is claimed. Of course, as it was in the story, you didn't really have a problem with it until they told you you can't move or talk. But by then it was too late because you had already given all your weapons to them. Similarly, it won't be a real problem to receive those chips and the patriot act and many other things until a "terrorist emergency" causes laws to change. Of course due to immense secrecy and national security you won't know who the terrorists are, you'll have no proof or any real way to find out, you'll just see explosions and people dying and will have only the word of your government for who is responsible. And by then, when you can no longer live life as you did before, cannot read or buy or sell or talk or do anything that is deemed dangerous in any way, thanks to all those powers you gave to your government when things were still officially "normal", you're literally screwed. And all you'll have left is to sit there and contemplate your stupidity and naivete as you are submitted to complete control over all aspects of your life.

And have no doubt in your mind that if this comes around, people like Laura and SOTT will not just be attacked by psychopaths and various agents. No, they will be rounded up and shot as enemies of the state. As it has always been in tyrannies it will always be - but this time with technology that makes fighting back practically impossible. If anything can be done it MUST BE DONE NOW - not when the thugs get into a tight circle around you or your life begins to be impacted directly because by then it is too late. :(

I guess this is similar to self remembering. If self remembering is using "hindsight is 20-20" only in real-time and doing exactly what before you only realised you should've done upon thinking about the situation later, then this is self-remembering on the global scale. It is DOING exactly what you KNOW must be done and you KNOW is real and the only thing that matters, instead of sitting there in shackles later (most of us on this forum already shot together with the SOTT team by then) wishing you could go back in time because you now know it is real and serious so you'd not squander the precious minutes you had and wasted before. Wishfully thinking that Laura and the SOTT will just take care of things and triumph in the end with the help of the C's so you shouldn't worry about it too much is exactly the effect of general law. NO they won't - not without all of us, ALL of us. Just like the C's cannot do anything without us because they work through us, and just as the 4th density STS and our governments cannot do anything without our consent and allowance, neither can SOTT do anything without us - it truly truly depends on us, all of us - not any single group or source. We're conditioned to think that there are "heroes" and there are "villains" and they are the major players who make any difference, while the rest of us are just observers. But in reality both sides work through us, and without us, nothing happens. But not to confuse that with "doing nothing" means nothing happens - doing nothing means evil wins and our worst nightmares hit us and if we're still not getting it, shock the living crap out of us in terms of just how REAL all this is. Evil wins by default, good requires conscious effort. It's just the way it is and always has been.

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