Cheney the Target of Attach


FOTCM Member
More diversions... "target of attack?".... Cheney?... sounds like false flag to me.... and afghanistan? well, this is supposed to be a Canadian paper... ...

and more wheels turn~

Star P.M.

Cheney the target of attack

VP escapes Taliban blast that kills 23, injures 20
Feb 27, 2007 04:06 PM

BAGRAM, Afghanistan–A suicide bomber attacked the entrance to the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan today during a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney, killing up to 23 people and wounding 20.

Cheney was unhurt in the attack, which was claimed by the Taliban and was the closest that militants have come to a top U.S. official visiting Afghanistan. At least one U.S. soldier, an American contractor and a South Korean soldier were among the dead, NATO said.

Cheney said the attackers were trying "to find ways to question the authority of the central government." A Taliban spokesman said Cheney was the target.

About two hours after the blast, Cheney left on a military flight for Kabul to meet with President Hamid Karzai and other officials, then left Afghanistan.

The vice president had spent the night at the sprawling Bagram Air Base, ate breakfast with the troops, and met with Maj. Gen. David Rodriguez, the commander of U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

He was preparing to leave for a meeting with Karzai when the suicide bomber struck.


..oops.. the title should say "attack" not'h

is there anyway to fix typos in thread titles?
I agree - it's a ridiculous story - if Cheney was the target of the attack, they would've gone after more than the gate - it even resulted in minimal U.S. casualties. It does sound like a 'we need an attack show, now'. I have to admit, though, that the incessant lies that spew out of Cheney's crooked mouth never cease to amaze me. Cloven-hoofed, crooked-mouthed, weak-hearted (no-hearted) minion - indeed.
One thing about this story sticks in my head.

The fact that Cheney had come straight from an unscheduled meeting with Pakistan's Musharaff, which the US NeoCons have been pressuring to secure the tribal areas and fight the Taleban in control of them (Warziristan province in particular).

In most of the flase flag events the blame is usually shifted to the CIA/Mossad/MI5 baby Al-Qaeda, but this attack has been blamed on the Taliban, the same group the US is pressuring Pakistan to clamp down on.

After Musharaffs revelations following Chavez's UN speech about the GW (the devil speech), and how Pakistan was threatened to be "Bombed back to the stone age", it makes me wonder if there may be a link to the current climate between US interests and Pakistani Interests on behalf of Musharaff. Could this have been a warning to the Neo-Con from the Pakistani Secret Services to lay-off, or retribution for all the media inches about how Pakistan (according to the NeoCons) should be doing more to combat the terrorists in their country?

Im probably way off here, but it is starting to feel from the media stories that the US and Pakistan are no longer seeing eye-to-eye, and with mounting pressure from the US and a Cheney visit (likely the ole bulldog spouting off and barking orders at Musharaff as usual) maybe they've had orders from higher up to send a message not unlike the BBC and CNN videos to the US NeoCons. They haven't been towing the line and attacking Iran, so time is almost up and some secrets they would rather keep buried may be revealed.

Also this takes away a lot of the attention from the failing/falling markets at the moment, so well timed whoever ordered it.
A suicide bomber attacked the entrance to the main U.S. military base in Afghanistan today during a visit by Vice President Dick Cheney, killing up to 23 people and wounding 20.
With this half-hearted and somewhat feeble 'attempt' on Chenney's life, might it have been a direct warning to Chenney to get a move on with the program. The same as it's been pointed out that the BBC/WTC7 video could have been released for. Like giving him a very personal message saying, "look Dick, we can get you anywhere, even at a secure U.S. military base! So get on with it!"
The funniest part of this story lies in a mainsream news story posted online curiously by FOX (in the henhouse) News Service on Yahoo News. This by the way was a Headline story. "Some Americans dissapointed in failure of suicide bomber to do the job.". Maybe Bush forgot to pay the bill this month.

The story was a result of an online cross section FOX Poll titled :Question: Do you feel the President and top Administration officials should do less traveling in known anti- U.S. countries? 82% responded this way. Their response: They wished the suicide bomber had not been so incompetent. Are we getting tired of this "incompetance theme yet? examples can be found in many well known current eventsB: Bush's comment when finally help arrived a day late and a dollar short, "We wern't aware of the scope of this damage . We only learned of it this morning."; When they bungled capturing both Osama Bin Laudin and Zarquarie 4, 5 or 6 different times...and the list goes on. Someone should shore up the failures in the CIA's Al Quida special OPs training program so this doesn't happen again. :}

Leslie K.
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