Now that I've mellowed out a bit . . . what I'm perceiving is the same ole same ole "human evil" that corrupts any kind of system of thought or deed. No matter the original ideal, individuals who seek to have power over the intimate aspects of other people's lives will seek positions where this kind of "power" is a possibility.
Because most juvenile and "dependency" court activity is closed to the public, evil individuals can dig themselves in and operate without oversight. People are hired, and either stay or go based upon their personal tolerance or "agreement" with the prevailing mindset.
As an RN I've worked in many different "settings", and after a while you can walk onto a unit and get a whiff of the prevailing mindset. I walked off the job in the middle of the night once (lol, I was young and LUCKY) when I was told about a revenge plot against me and my co-worker for reporting a staff member for sleeping on the job. I turned down a job offer once when the nurse manager interviewing me raised her voice at me because I'd already committed to working weekends elsewhere :D . That was a no-brainer. Usually it's a lot more subtle and if you have any personal desire for the opportunities or money the job offers, it's easy to talk yourself out of noticing that something stinks.
CPS is a great example of a humanitarian idea, which is why when it does evil things it is that much more "evil".
If your state or jurisdiction has "closed" juvenile and family court proceedings, the lack of public scrutiny creates a potential for misuse of power. It may or may not be there, but finding out if it IS ought to be a priority!
I might as well admit I am one of those types who off the cuff assumes "the best" in others. Here's the logic
: Since you work for CPS, you must wish to protect children and preserve families by offering services and support to those ends.
When the results of CPS intervention are long term foster care, termination of parental rights and "adopting out" in the ABSENCE of criminal offense . . . well, by their fruits and all that :( That is what is happening to my friend in Kentucky. She expects her parental rights to be terminated on the fifteenth of February, a year after her fourteen year old daughter was removed because the apartment she'd just moved into was so messy it was "unsafe". My friend's therapist has given the court her professional assessment, that her client is NOT a hoarder (a "diagnosis" made by the undergraduate social worker whose report allowed the child to be seized), had consistently rectified the mess over the last year, and has no mental illness necessitating psychiatric treatment.
I've seen the court documents my friend has in her possession, which don't include the documents the court has refused to give her copies of due to the "closed" nature of the proceedings. I even saw the letter written by the therapist TO the court admitting she is "confused" by the continued foster care in spite of the mother's cooperation with the case plan, and lack of evidence supporting an untreated mental disorder (the other "diagnosis" provided by the undergraduate social worker).
When the mother found out (at the one year mark) her daughter would not be returned home, she posted a blog about her experience and what she felt was unfair or outright lies. The judge put a gag order on her, so that she had to take down the blog and risks contempt of court to even VENT her fear and concerns in a support forum!
CPS isn't evil . . . but the judge is, and so is the Master's level social worker who must co-sign the undergraduate social worker's documentation, and so is the undergraduate social worker who lacks the basic conscience and empathy for a fellow human being who's had her only child taken away. In fact, the undergraduate social worker formally, in court, recommended custody remain with the state of Kentucky because, and I quote "XXXX (mother's name) is disingenuous, meeting the case plan requirements only to regain custody of her daughter. She denies the gravity of her prior situation, and will likely return to it without supervision."
This, to me, is unchecked insanity?