Child with Koran quotes on it's body


Jedi Council Member
This is a video but it's in russian so here is english subtitling:

0:07/0.12: The Yakubov family which lives in the village of Krasnoktia prskaya in the region of Kizlar in Dagestan gave birth to a strange baby
0.13/0.17: On various parts of his body appeared religious sentences in Arabic language
0.18/0.25: The parents of Ali which has 9 months now agreed to reveal these writings on his body and to mask the face in the broadcasting
0.26/0.30: His mother said that these inscriptions appeared since his birth
0.31/0.38: And at the approach of the sacred month Ramadan, these Koranic verses appeared on the skin
0.39/0.47: The last verses that we filmed mean that Allah (Unique God) is the Creator of everything.
0.48/0.54: When these inscriptions begin to appear, the temperature of the child rises and he begins to cry
0.55/1.02: The nurse Rasulova said: " from a medical point of view, I cannot explain that "
1.03/1.16: These appearances of these Koranic verses remain a phenomenon which one can explain scientifically. All that we can say it is that they appear with an ascent of the temperature
1.17/1.28: Ali is the 2nd child of this family and we did not notice this phenomenon with his sister and until this day, the scientific authorities remain silent.

I think this is typical example of 4d manipulation. Something like this:Believe in Allah(in other words keep sleeping), the gugment day is coming. Inducing fear im muslims so they can fead by it and keep people in ignornce. Is high temperature sign of possession?
dannybananny said:
0.48/0.54: When these inscriptions begin to appear, the temperature of the child rises and he begins to cry

Heat waves (can be individual) is associated with either the UFO and poltergeist phenomenon.
It would be interesting to find out if there is an audible buzzing sound when this child gets the inscriptions as that is also something that usually occurs in similar cases.

dannybananny said:
I think this is typical example of 4d manipulation. Something like this:Believe in Allah(in other words keep sleeping), the gugment day is coming. Inducing fear im muslims so they can fead by it and keep people in ignornce. Is high temperature sign of possession?

Not necessarily. Heat waves have been associated with UFO's as well (per Keel in Operation Trojan Horse).
It's also classic for this to happen to a child. Keel posits that children are more susceptible to ESP phenomenon.

Thanks for posting. I was just reading about all this and it is further proof that incidents even to this day still follow the same meme.

dannybananny said:
I think this is typical example of 4d manipulation. Something like this:Believe in Allah(in other words keep sleeping), the gugment day is coming.

I don't have any explanations for it, but we know that the eyes can see whatever it believes, and 'conventional perceivers (social coercion)' can influence people's perceptions. domi's idea sounds reasonable.

As an aside, I've mentioned in the past about my affinity for the concept of "Jesus discerning the strategy of his accusers", so when I read some things, I try to connect fundamental aspects of it into this framework. For example:

It seems to me that the more such 'mysterious' phenomenon occurs, and the more it may be used as 'proof' of anything religious, the better for the strategic enclosure. If I accidentally let myself get backed into a situation where I had to make a clear statement about my beliefs, I could probably use this example and examples of the 'stigmata', and examples of the so-called evangelical faith-healers and any others I can think of as proof that "God is not a respecter of persons"...The Divine spark of The Divine Cosmic Mind flows up from the root of all religions and gets interpreted according to the 'abilities' or 'inabilities' of individuals.

dannybananny said:
Inducing fear im muslims so they can fead by it...

Or encouraging a more militant 'faith' by some, for the purpose of inducing more suffering that can be fed on? What are all the possibilities?

dannybananny said:
Is high temperature sign of possession?

A question that vague can only have an equally vague answer, and 'possession' can be by a 'virus' or 'bacteria' or something else as well, in this context. I don't know, let's see.
I know know nothing specific about this, so take what I say with a grain of salt. :)
What strikes me in this story (there are a lot of God signatures and everyday miracles in the Muslim world and this one on a baby is above them all) is the reference to the Ramadan month. In the Muslim faith, this particular month in the lunar calendar has a special night (some say the 27th night but usually they say it's a random night between the 19th and the 27th) when the "sky opens" and a special connection is made with the spiritual world. It is believed also that demons are released and the children are used to be painted with a strong oil on their feet's to protect them from possession.
Anyway. When I was a child I heard a lot of people describing some bright light in the sky on that particular night, and some villagers having their sons miraculously circumcised when those lights in the sky do appear. All the descriptions I heard over the years resemble the UFO cases with a religious distorted interpretation (wishfull thinking). My guess is that there is something in the Muslim faith, in a form of a covenant, that allow these direct physical interventions of the 4D STS entities at certain dates. Just a hypothesis, but this occurrence seem to follow a scheme.
The other possibility is that the parents, or somebody else, di that to the child, and that's worse!

edit : the last sentence
What is amazing to me is that this whole planet - the whole Cosmos, in fact - is just a hothouse of paranormal activity... WE are paranormal events, for that matter - and yet those crazy psychopaths with their 4D STS overlords who worship the physical universe, are still denying it and have shaped our entire culture around the idea that only matter is "real."

Talk about schizoid!
Peter Douglas Kuriakose suggested this:
"Allergen painting. Simple task, all you need is a mild allergen, a fine paint brush, and smooth skin.
This is one of the oldest tricks in the book.
I wonder if the Arabic is from Muhammad's time, or after the language was standardised in 1100s AD, LOL!"

I think he's some sort of "islamofobic" though...
Your comment is the most accurate.

The fact is that the Islamic civilisation (many different trends in different locations on earth from Albania to China via Senegal, recently attacked by the Whahabis, Muslim Brotherhood, Salafis... CIA sponsored groups) aknowledge these phenomenon and when you meet with ethical Muslims they describe reality as having many different levels with all kind of creature. This is obvious to all Muslims.

I remember once a conversation between an Algerian and a Senegalese who were both university student. The Algerian was shocked about the fact that the Senegalese fed protecting spirits with offerings like milk in a family temple place (All Africans Muslims are Animist/Muslim).

The argument was that if one is monotheistic, he should not indulge in dealing with entities of other realms (they usually use the word 'sky')but deal directly with Allah, the above all principe.

The Senegalese answered: "We have tried to stop these practices but we had so many problems in return that we started again and thing went better. So you can say whatever, we will keep making offerings and worship the above all Allah in the same time. We must deal with the spirit world."
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