Childhood's End -A.C. Clarke


Padawan Learner
Childhood's End -A.C. Clarke

I read this over the weekend for fun. Just to take a break form mind the bending stuff I have been attacking lately. The book has been lying around for years, I never read it cause the cover looked so corny. There I go judging a book by it's cover.

any who

it creeped me out, big time. If I had read it back when I got it I would have just thought, "weird" story.

the way so much of the story goes along with so many of the concepts we discuss here, and it being written over 40 years ago I found really cool. At the same time typical of Clarke's abilities, and then at the end to have these dragon/reptile creature's manipulative presence be portrayed as benevolent. I spent the rest of the Sunday in a semi-daze pondering who was whispering in Clarke's ear all those years...
I had the same feeling when I read it some years ago... I asked the Cs about it right after reading it:

Q: (L) Did Arthur Clarke channel "Childhood's End"?
A: No. Used imagination.

but then, a few years later they also said:

Q: Well, no. Well, is this reference to Alton Towers that
Ark found on the internet, about psychic projectors. That
was the only unusual thing we have found about this. Are
we talking about some sort of place where they have
rotating shifts of psychic projectors?
A: As you know... fiction is often the guise for the
deliverance of the deepest of truths.
Could not read it to the end, deleted from memory, deleted from lap top.
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