Children Exp Dream

luke wilson

The Living Force
I felt this dream was about experimenting on children.

In part if the dream, one of the ordeals involved being put in 1 of 3 groups. The setting was a sort of disused building, like a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Some person(s) will come to you and assign your group number. If you are in the first, you are stood right by the edge of the outer wall, looking outside. Infront of you, there are some open doorways leading outside and some open windows where you can see outside. Behind you there is a wall covering the whole breadth of the building with some open doorways. Each doorway maybe can let in 1 or 2 at a max in any given time if you both squeeze through.

Second group is just by that second wall and third group is on the other side of the wall. Outside, just in front of the 1st group is a bunch of rabid dogs. At the giving of a signal, these dogs charge in... If you are in the first group of kids, you are obviously in a bit of a bind, given that their is a second group infront of you and that in the event of getting to a doorway, only one or two can pass through at a time. Yes, the dogs will maul you if they catch you.

The latter part of this particular exp involved me being in the 3rd group, having survived the first. In the 3rd, we just ran out, into the landscape and running as fast as possible away from the place. At some point, dogs which appeared to come from somewhere else, gave chase. They can run fast! Faster than kids. Kids were being taken left, right and centre.

In both situations, in this group and the 3rs, when it dawned on me the futility of my situation, either in not being able to get to a doorway or outrun a dog in the field, a very childish thought descended on my head. That 'its all going to be ok, I'll make it through even though I didn't know how', very childish and very innocent. In the first group, made it through the door somehow, in the 3rd group, no dog managed to catch me plus me & another boy found some metallic rods that if you hit a dog with, they would die instantly. I felt this was more the area just cutting me some slack...

Anyways, made it through this particular experiment and found our way to a town, where sadly the ordeal of children being put in difficult situations wasn't over....

What could this area possibly mean?
I would say that the dream is entirely within the context of the other thread you started:,40794.0.html
Unfortunately I am not able to access the thread that Laura linked. It gives me an error message that it is missing or I am not allowed in that part of the forum.

Other than that, many years ago, I had a dream that was very similar to part of your dream. In my dream, I was in a barren landscape, with the soil cracked from dehydration, and dead trees sparsely distributed, with nowhere to hide or climb. I was being chased by two huge "demon" dogs that were trying to make me their food. As the chase goes on, I begin to realize that those dogs could not possibly be normal, and it dawned on me that I was dreaming. Immediately following that realization, I decided to try flying away, and after a neo-like take-off I was among the clouds. This may be the first lucid dream that I remember having. It didn't have the context of your dream, so I'm not sure how related they can be in meaning, although they do share that similar imagery.
Guille said:
Unfortunately I am not able to access the thread that Laura linked. It gives me an error message that it is missing or I am not allowed in that part of the forum.

It's because that thread is in The Swamp, most of which is off-limits to members who haven't exceeded 50 posts, I believe. The Swamp is where members can either consciously vent and blow off some steam for the sake of venting, or can vent and request mirrors and feedback from other members - it's the part of the forum where one can seek help working through negative emotions, habits, addictions, etc. I think it's off limits until reaching 50 posts simply because of the extremely personal content of the threads there.
PhoenixToEmber said:
Guille said:
Unfortunately I am not able to access the thread that Laura linked. It gives me an error message that it is missing or I am not allowed in that part of the forum.

It's because that thread is in The Swamp, most of which is off-limits to members who haven't exceeded 50 posts, I believe. The Swamp is where members can either consciously vent and blow off some steam for the sake of venting, or can vent and request mirrors and feedback from other members - it's the part of the forum where one can seek help working through negative emotions, habits, addictions, etc. I think it's off limits until reaching 50 posts simply because of the extremely personal content of the threads there.

Thanks, i'll come back and check the link once I have access. Hopefully soon. :D
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