Children's Storybook


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Since my daughter is 1 year I read a story every night. She, who is now 8 years old, and his brother in five years, do not let me spend a night without being read or tell a story.

For over a year, taking advantage of the enthusiasm they have, I tried to find stories and texts that have a value beyond simple entertainment. So I've compiled some, invented others, and reformed many others.

I recently started thinking about the idea of ​​putting all the stories in a book and ask my sons to make the illustrations (they love to draw). My intention is to create the book in pdf format at the beginning so that everyone can print at home.

But this morning I thought it would be great to transform this little personal project in a form of networking.

So I thought that if anyone has a story, parable, allegory, metaphor, or a story suitable for children who want to share, would greatly enrich the book. Also if anyone has a son / daughter who wants to collaborate with illustrations would be great :)

Clarification: my native language is Spanish but if the stories are in another language does not matter, I can try to translate. The idea is that they are not very long stories. Similarly, then someone else can translate stories from Spanish to other languages.
Hi msante
great idea..
I've also a daughter of 8 yo and a bigger of 11.. also a son of 5 and an other of 2 (next month)..
I don't know if we can use existing story for your PDF, but anyway , two of my favorites shorts stories that I've read sometimes to my children (in french)
are "l'oiseau de pluie" the rainbird en english, (el parajo de la lluvia, historia africana, pais Gabon) (can translate if you need)
and "le rêve de Mia", the Mia's dream in english ( el sueno de Mia, historia verdadera en latin america, Chile)
the nice book with nice drawings the story (and can also translate (in spanish first)if you need ;) ) (Sorry, I've not find the really same stories translated in english)
They are the two first come in my mind.. we have a lot of tales, mostly in french, but also in spanish
I've also invented a serie, linked with my travels around the worlds.. 'n the children suspect they are the "actors" ;) they are the prefered for the children .. And also repeat and reform some old one that my father tell me 30years ago.. (in italian)

..Will speak with my two daughters (and my wife) , maybe they want to take part for the illustration, in the drawing time of the homeschooling,why not, can be nice..

one more time.. great idea.

we stay in contact

freesurfer said:
I've also a daughter of 8 yo and a bigger of 11.. also a son of 5 and an other of 2 (next month)..
I don't know if we can use existing story for your PDF, but anyway , two of my favorites shorts stories that I've read sometimes to my children (in french)
are "l'oiseau de pluie" the rainbird en english, (el parajo de la lluvia, historia africana, pais Gabon) (can translate if you need)
and "le rêve de Mia", the Mia's dream in english ( el sueno de Mia, historia verdadera en latin america, Chile)
the nice book with nice drawings the story (and can also translate (in spanish first)if you need ;) ) (Sorry, I've not find the really same stories translated in english)
They are the two first come in my mind.. we have a lot of tales, mostly in french, but also in spanish
I've also invented a serie, linked with my travels around the worlds.. 'n the children suspect they are the "actors" ;) they are the prefered for the children .. And also repeat and reform some old one that my father tell me 30years ago.. (in italian)

Thanks, added. I will search spanish version of both. :)

freesurfer said:
..Will speak with my two daughters (and my wife) , maybe they want to take part for the illustration, in the drawing time of the homeschooling,why not, can be nice..

Great!!! It's beautiful and interesting to see how the childrens imagine the world that we attempt to describe in the stories.

Hi msante,
I'm not sure if you have seen this thread, but there are suggestions for stories in there.,30140.0.html

I was thinking about when my husband and I decided we needed to leave the catholic religion and how my children were very young. I wanted to still do something as a family that allowed us to sit, exchange ideas and learn something. I started collecting story books that I felt taught us important lessons. Aesop's fables was one I used often. Looking back now at that time, I think it helped to develop the relationship I have now with them, especially my boys who are teenagers. They like to discuss a wide range of topics with me like history, current events, etc.

I spoke to my daughter this morning about your idea and she was very excited. She would like to take part in the illustrations. She's 9 and likes to write and illustrate her own stories. We discussed the idea of doing line drawings so that if they were printed from a computer, the children would have opportunity to color them in.

I asked her if there were any stories she could think of that taught a good lesson. She suggested The Three Little Pigs. When I asked what the moral was, she said "you know Mom, it takes hard work to make progress." Out of the mouth's of babes and so true. :)
Chrissy said:
Hi msante,
I'm not sure if you have seen this thread, but there are suggestions for stories in there.,30140.0.html

No, I did not see it. Thanks :)

Chrissy said:
I was thinking about when my husband and I decided we needed to leave the catholic religion and how my children were very young. I wanted to still do something as a family that allowed us to sit, exchange ideas and learn something. I started collecting story books that I felt taught us important lessons. Aesop's fables was one I used often. Looking back now at that time, I think it helped to develop the relationship I have now with them, especially my boys who are teenagers. They like to discuss a wide range of topics with me like history, current events, etc.

Yes, the stories are a great trigger thoughts, emotions, and it piques them curiosity. They make question and learn in a funny way.

Chrissy said:
I spoke to my daughter this morning about your idea and she was very excited. She would like to take part in the illustrations. She's 9 and likes to write and illustrate her own stories. We discussed the idea of doing line drawings so that if they were printed from a computer, the children would have opportunity to color them in.

Great !! I in this moment have 2 o 3 dozens of stories. There are zen stories, legends, and small narrations.

Tell to your daugther that send all her illustrations and her ideas. There is yet quite work sorting, adapting, and collating.

Chrissy said:
I asked her if there were any stories she could think of that taught a good lesson. She suggested The Three Little Pigs. When I asked what the moral was, she said "you know Mom, it takes hard work to make progress." Out of the mouth's of babes and so true. :)

Yes, it's beautiful to see them learn, see how they make their own way :)
Hi msante:

The first story that I have come to my mind is one that my father told me and I loved it. It is a Spanish folktale, " El cuento de Medio Pollito", "The tale of Half Chick" (I supposed it's the translation). Maybe you know it. Attached is a version en google
There are many versions. The second is more familiar to me.

I also like "Las zapatillas rojas" "Red Slippers". This story has analyzed in Clarissa Pinkola's book "Woman who run with the wolves" if you want to take a look.

Very good idea indeed. I have a boy of 11 years old.

:D :thup:
Ariadna said:
Hi msante:

The first story that I have come to my mind is one that my father told me and I loved it. It is a Spanish folktale, " El cuento de Medio Pollito", "The tale of Half Chick" (I supposed it's the translation). Maybe you know it. Attached is a version en google
There are many versions. The second is more familiar to me.

I also like "Las zapatillas rojas" "Red Slippers". This story has analyzed in Clarissa Pinkola's book "Woman who run with the wolves" if you want to take a look.

Very good idea indeed. I have a boy of 11 years old.

:D :thup:

Thanks Ariadna, I took note of them ;)
Thanks, added. I will search spanish version of both.

I'm not sure you will find that.. so here the translation of my 3 st link..
if somebody will make the effort for english.. it's a very nice and true story

Traduccion, algo por ahi.. (lo siento por adelante y repito.. no tengo tecla (acentos)castellana, ya saben.. )

Nunca olvidare el dia que encontre Mia. Mi bus se dano en su pueblo.
simpaticemos muy pronto, y quisiera contarle su historia, la historia de mia.


El pueblo se llama Campamento San francisco y se encuentra entre la gran ciudad y los nevados.
En verdad no es un pueblo, pero es ahi que vive, que esta en casa.
No hay lindos jardines, ni arboles. No hay una verdadera carretera, solo una pista de tierrra.

El papa de Mia, se va todos los dias a la ciudad con su camioneta por vender chatarra (pedazos de hierros)
A los tiempos, estas tierras eran cultivables, pero la ciudad crecio excesivamente y, hoy, lo unico que queda de cosechar,
es lo que tira.
las casa estan hecha de cualquier cosa, de todo tipo de material de recuperacion.A los ninos les encanta jugar futbol delante de la escuela.
Los aldeanos son muy fuerte para reparar lo que encuentran en el basural.

Cada tarde (noche) Mia corre encontrar a su papa. A veces vuelve feliz con algo de dinero en el borsillo; a veces regresa triste, porque no hay.
El papa de Mia sonaba en aquel dia, que podria construirse una casa de ladrillos.

Una noche (evening), al inicio del otono, el papa de Mia volvio con una sonrisa rara. Cuando abrio su chaqueta, un cachorito saco su carita!
Papa lo encontro en la ciudad, solo y abandonado.
Mia hizo un besito sobre el hocico de su cachorito. Decidio llamarlo Poco, porque era pequeno. Mia mostro su chachoro a toda la gente, y pronto se volvieron inseparables.

A poco le encanta su nueva familia, lamio la cara de Mia, la de su mama y de su papa.

Mia presenta Poco a Sancho, su caballo. Poco la sigue donde sea, aun en la escuela. Es muy educado y espera a fuera el fin de las clases.

Pero es un invierno muy frio, y un dia, Poco desaparecio. Mia lo busco en todo el pueblo, despues se fue con Sancho a dar la vuelta a todos los basural, buscandolo.

"Nadie vio mi perrito? Es pequenito, marron, con manchas" preguntaba a la gente.

Mia se alejaba siempre mas de su pueblo. Hasta que llego en cima de la montana, era la primera vez que hiba tan alto. De ahi, podia ver la nube negra
que flotaba siempre sobre el valle.
Por en cima de la nube, el aire era tan puro, que Mia tenia problemas para respirar. Estaba mareada por todo el blanco al rededor..
Se bajo de Sancho, tomo un punado de nieve y la provo. Luego rodo sobre la imensa alfombra blanca.
Sancho la mirava y no tardo a imitarla, rodando en la nieve, batiendo el aire con sus viejas piernas cansadas . Luego Mia se acosto de espalda, brazos y piernas abiertos en cruz sobre la nieve. Nunca el cielo le habia parecido tan azul y tan cerca. llamaron a Poco y lo buscaron hasta que vino la noche, y que aparecieron las primeras estrellas. Mia era cansada pero sabia que Sancho la llevaria a casa sana y salva.
Regresaban tranquilamente, cuando de repente pancho se paro para olfatear el suelo.
Mia miro a su rededor. No habia mas nieve, pero flores hasta perderse de vista.
Mia cosecho todo un racimo, con las raices. Sabia que, sea como sea, estas flores le recordarian el dia que tanto busco a Poco y que descubrio este lugar bajo las estrellas.
el dia siguiente, Mia trasplanto las flores. Pone algunas otras en unas latas. las cuida y las riega todos los dias. Las flores crecen muy bien, crecen vigorosamente, y se extienden todo el verano. En otono el viento dispersa las semilla al rededor de todo el pueblo.
Las flores se multiplicaron rapidamente, la siguiente primavera, habian invadido todo el pueblo, y cubrian todos los basurales de una abrigo tan blanco como la nieve de las montanas.
Mia adoraba admirar sus flores, pero no se olvidaba de poco, que seguia llamando todos los dias.
Una linda manana, mientre su padre salia a la ciudad con un monton de cosas para vender, Mia le pregunto si lo podia acompanar para provar de vender sus flores. Tenia decenas plantadas en lata . Su padre se rio y accepto que venga a provar suerte.
Mia instalo sus flores sobre las gradas de la catedral y papa, su chatarra a su lado.
Mia no tardo por hacerse una clientela tan numerosa, que papa tuvo que dejar su pequeno negocio para ayudarla.
" Pero de donde vienen estas flores?" preguntaba la gente
"Son las flores de Poco" se contentaba de contestar Mia.
Desde aquel dia, Mia vende flores con su papa, y suena con el de tener un dia, una casa de ladrillos.
Cada vez que pasa una manada de perros, Mia no podia dejar de pensar a Poco. Hasta el dia que un perro se paro para olfatear las flores.
Lamio la cara de Mia y se acosto a su pies.
"estas flores vienen de las estrellas" murmuro.


Venia de Santiago de chile, y me dirigia a la cordillera, cuando encontre un terreno vacio, un erial que era en realidad un basural a cielo abierto donde toda la ciudad botaba sus basuras. Pero Manuel, que vivia ahi, me demostro que era el contrario de un erial. Por los habitantes de su pueblo, ese terreno producia una cosecha de asuntos de rebuscar, reciclar y reponer en circulacion.

The second one is for tomorrow ;)
(or other of this next days, depend.)

Citation de: freesurfer le Hier à 07:13:52 am
..Will speak with my two daughters (and my wife) , maybe they want to take part for the illustration, in the drawing time of the homeschooling,why not, can be nice..

Great!!! It's beautiful and interesting to see how the childrens imagine the world that we attempt to describe in the stories.


I spoke to my daughter this morning about your idea and she was very excited. She would like to take part in the illustrations.

So me too.. they are excited too.. :)

Thank's Chrissy for the thread.. never read too.

Thank's Ariadna for this link, Never ear , nice.. magic.. funny :)

some tales, I Like (love) a lot too, are in this book, a pearl that we have at home :
since A, as Amour (love) to Z, as Zèle (zeal)
just the first one, for example, A (so love) it's really simply nice, is a tales of Norway, "The Animals in front of the door"
story Sorry don't find in english :(

Very nice too, for read nice things in french, is rather rare this days, isn't? ;D
or also for make a REAL "present" to our generation of hope! ( well, to the parents, first..) :)

hasta pronto.

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freesurfer said:
I'm not sure you will find that.. so here the translation of my 3 st link..
if somebody will make the effort for english.. it's a very nice and true story

Traduccion, algo por ahi.. (lo siento por adelante y repito.. no tengo tecla (acentos)castellana, ya saben.. )

Thanks freesurfer :thup:. Indeed, I did not find it in Spanish. I was trying with google translate :P .
msante said:
Chrissy said:
I spoke to my daughter this morning about your idea and she was very excited. She would like to take part in the illustrations. She's 9 and likes to write and illustrate her own stories. We discussed the idea of doing line drawings so that if they were printed from a computer, the children would have opportunity to color them in.

Great !! I in this moment have 2 o 3 dozens of stories. There are zen stories, legends, and small narrations.

Tell to your daugther that send all her illustrations and her ideas. There is yet quite work sorting, adapting, and collating.

I was thinking about this project which would involve, on my end, uploading drawings. Out of consideration and respect for the owners of the forum, I wanted to just check to make sure that that would be ok to use the forum in this way. My excitement got the better of me yesterday with my first post, because this involved something my daughter would enjoy. I guess I was viewing this as a way to introduce her to the idea of networking. I take very seriously this privilege to be apart of this forum and that I am a guest in someones home, hence my questioning whether it's ok.
I'm not sure you will find that.. so here the translation of my 3 st link..
if somebody will make the effort for english.. it's a very nice and true story

Traduccion, algo por ahi.. (lo siento por adelante y repito.. no tengo tecla (acentos)castellana, ya saben.. )

Thanks freesurfer . Indeed, I did not find it in Spanish. I was trying with google translate .

here the story in english, just in the case ;)
Chrissy said:
I was thinking about this project which would involve, on my end, uploading drawings. Out of consideration and respect for the owners of the forum, I wanted to just check to make sure that that would be ok to use the forum in this way. My excitement got the better of me yesterday with my first post, because this involved something my daughter would enjoy. I guess I was viewing this as a way to introduce her to the idea of networking. I take very seriously this privilege to be apart of this forum and that I am a guest in someones home, hence my questioning whether it's ok.

Chrissy, now I am working in stories selection and adapting it for childrens. Soon I will post the stories (sorry, in spanish) and then it would be great that your daughter create freely the desired illustrations. Only then we see how to send them.

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