Chiropractic Nerve Function Chart.


FOTCM Member
Thought this chart might be helpful for those who are suffering various conditions, have attempted other means of dealing with them with limited success. I've seen chiropractors in the past, but went for a fresh assessment with a new chiro today to address some neurological symptoms I've been dealing with. Waiting on his report on the x-rays that he ordered, but at the initial assessment he has identified areas that might need attention. Thing is, I've been seeing a neurologist and they know there is something going on with my nerves, but their approach to reading images doesn't reveal any site of pathology in my thoracic spine. The chiropractor feels that I have misalignments at a number of levels at this stage, so am hopeful that adjustments might help. Wish me luck!

For those interested in polyvagal theory, note that the sympathetic ganglion is between T1 and T5 and the lines from the first pink diamond from the top of the page show how that area is sympathetically linked to the head, face and chest.

nerve function.png
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