Chomski "How to Ruin an Economy"


FOTCM Member
02/12/14 Chomsky talks (with Q&A at the end) from campus on the wreaking balls of economic society - political masters, the wealthy, corporate rich, lobbies & lawyers.

Noam Chomsky (2014) "How to Ruin an Economy; Some Simple Ways"


Published on Feb 12, 2014

Filmed and edited by Leigha Cohen _

Noam Chomsky spoke at Third Boston Symposium on Economics on February 10th 2014, sponsored by the Northeastern University Economics Society _ in Boston, MA.

Chomsky argued that certain factors, among them cutting federal funding for research and development and the growing gap between the richest 1 percent and everybody else, have led to the country's current economic climate.

"The system is so dysfunctional that it cannot put eager hands to needed work using the resources that would be available if the economy were designed for human needs," Chomsky said. "These things didn't just happen like a tornado, they are the results of deliberate policies over roughly the past generation."

Chomsky focuses on what economic actions that government, the super rich and corporations are doing that insures the US and other economies fail for the overwhelming majority of people. We're a nation whose leaders are pursuing policies that amount to economic suicide.

This video also includes an extended 14 minute question and answer period with Dr. Chomsky..
Noam Chomsky lays it out very well.
But he's putting the cart before the horse. A big hole, in this lecture anyway, is his ignorance of psychopathy and the role of pathocrats in the destruction of humanity vis a vis the M-I-C, vulture capitalism, corporatocracy (the corporate welfare state), the grossly unequal distribution of wealth.
In other words, he identifies the symptoms of a ruined economy very well, but fails to identify the root cause: psychopathy.
Redrock12 said:
Noam Chomsky lays it out very well.
But he's putting the cart before the horse. A big hole, in this lecture anyway, is his ignorance of psychopathy and the role of pathocrats in the destruction of humanity vis a vis the M-I-C, vulture capitalism, corporatocracy (the corporate welfare state), the grossly unequal distribution of wealth.
In other words, he identifies the symptoms of a ruined economy very well, but fails to identify the root cause: psychopathy.

I thought the same thing. Every analysis of nearly every ill in society seems incomplete without it. All roads lead to... psychopathy.

Having said that, the video reminded me a bit of Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt a graphic novel written by the excellent Chris Hedges and illustrated by Joe Sacco who's Palestine I read a while back and which gives a detailed journalistic description of life under the occupation. Days of Destruction is on my to-read list and is an account of the actual effects of the economic "policies" Chomsky discusses on communities, towns and cities in the U.S. It looks like it contains some very sobering depictions.

Incidentally, next Sunday the SOTT Talk Radio team will be interviewing John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Now that promises to be a darned interesting show.
Ennio said:
Redrock12 said:
Noam Chomsky lays it out very well.
But he's putting the cart before the horse. A big hole, in this lecture anyway, is his ignorance of psychopathy and the role of pathocrats in the destruction of humanity vis a vis the M-I-C, vulture capitalism, corporatocracy (the corporate welfare state), the grossly unequal distribution of wealth.
In other words, he identifies the symptoms of a ruined economy very well, but fails to identify the root cause: psychopathy.

I thought the same thing. Every analysis of nearly every ill in society seems incomplete without it. All roads lead to... psychopathy.

Having said that, the video reminded me a bit of Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt a graphic novel written by the excellent Chris Hedges and illustrated by Joe Sacco who's Palestine I read a while back and which gives a detailed journalistic description of life under the occupation. Days of Destruction is on my to-read list and is an account of the actual effects of the economic "policies" Chomsky discusses on communities, towns and cities in the U.S. It looks like it contains some very sobering depictions.

Incidentally, next Sunday the SOTT Talk Radio team will be interviewing John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Now that promises to be a darned interesting show.

For sure. This one is definitely a "do not miss."
What with everything that's happening in Ukraine/Crimea, the meltdown of the US economy, the crazy weather, sinkholes, earthquakes, volcanic acticity, meteors, etc., it seems the Wave is on the way.
Ennio said:
Incidentally, next Sunday the SOTT Talk Radio team will be interviewing John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Now that promises to be a darned interesting show.

I think so too, and looking forward to it. I was unaware until a couple of weeks ago that besides his political books, John Perkins has also authored several books on shamanism -- you can see a full list of his books on his Amazon page:
Shijing said:
I was unaware until a couple of weeks ago that besides his political books, John Perkins has also authored several books on shamanism -- you can see a full list of his books on his Amazon page:

Interesting. With two hours to chat with him maybe this area of his interests will come up in the show. This other dimension to Perkins reminds me a little of another very well known author in the 'truth movement' - David Ray Griffin. He's probably best known to many as one of the first and most credible people to write about 911 with his book The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. But he has also penned a number of books that delve into questions of faith, spirituality, philosophy, etc. One of which was actually prescribed reading for a college course I took way back when.

Here's his Amazon page:

Redrock12 said:
Ennio said:
Redrock12 said:
Noam Chomsky lays it out very well.
But he's putting the cart before the horse. A big hole, in this lecture anyway, is his ignorance of psychopathy and the role of pathocrats in the destruction of humanity vis a vis the M-I-C, vulture capitalism, corporatocracy (the corporate welfare state), the grossly unequal distribution of wealth.
In other words, he identifies the symptoms of a ruined economy very well, but fails to identify the root cause: psychopathy.

I thought the same thing. Every analysis of nearly every ill in society seems incomplete without it. All roads lead to... psychopathy.

Having said that, the video reminded me a bit of Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt a graphic novel written by the excellent Chris Hedges and illustrated by Joe Sacco who's Palestine I read a while back and which gives a detailed journalistic description of life under the occupation. Days of Destruction is on my to-read list and is an account of the actual effects of the economic "policies" Chomsky discusses on communities, towns and cities in the U.S. It looks like it contains some very sobering depictions.

Incidentally, next Sunday the SOTT Talk Radio team will be interviewing John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Now that promises to be a darned interesting show.

For sure. This one is definitely a "do not miss."
What with everything that's happening in Ukraine/Crimea, the meltdown of the US economy, the crazy weather, sinkholes, earthquakes, volcanic acticity, meteors, etc., it seems the Wave is on the way.

Just bolding what you said, agreed. Was also thinking in Chomski's case, he understands the mindset of corporations, intelligence groups, the all rich and powerful and the linkage, if unsaid, to an illness-much to the detriment of society. Knowing that when talk of psychopathology, equating it in its proper order of the horse pulling the cart, such as has been front and center of Laura, SoTT and the forum, much attack came forth. People like Chomski say a lot, yet he must know that there are boundaries for him, boundaries that may mean he is invited to speak or not, to be quoted or not. I get the sense that his view does not preclude this illness, yet he measures its value, the value for him in stating it. Speaking at the university, I wonder if the correct order of things would not just go over everyone's head, without them having a good foundation on the subject? It takes a great deal of study on this subject for people to see the picture, even if it is apparent that things are grossly wrong.

Very much looking forward to Perkins talk.
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