Q: (L) I have drawn a sort of conclusion about some of the activities of the Lizzies and their abductions through the Grays and so forth, and it seems to me that
these excessive numbers of exams, gynecological, reproductive or whatever exams might possibly be a screen for a process that is used to extract life force or
energy from the human being, through the basal chakra, the sexual chakra, as I understand where the life force enters in. Is this idea correct or on track?
A: Close.
Q: (L) It does seem that the Grays and Lizzies are abnormally interested in sexual activities of human beings, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why are they so inordinately interested in this and why do they practice sex, sexual aberrations, or do they have a tremendous sex drive even though
they are fourth density beings?
A: Too many questions; one at a time.
Q: (L) Do they have tremendous sex drives even though they are in fourth density?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they interested in sexual energy simply because it is life force?
A: Partly and also desperately to stave off change in order to retain control.
Q: (L) What changes are they desperate to stave off?
A: To 4th level.
Q: (L) They are trying to stave off the 4th level change. Can they do that?
A: No. Also hoping to retain control even if change occurs.
Q: (L) By what means do they do this through these gynecological exams? Is there some technical activity they undertake?
A: Yes. Too complex.
Q: (L) Are these supposed memories people have from their abductions of these exams just screens of procedures used to take life force from them?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) When they sample an abductee's tissue and take the little scoops or chunks out of them, what do they take these chunks of flesh for?
A: Cloning.
Q: (L) If they clone, why do they need such a large chunks?
A: You don't know all details of cloning process yet.
Q: (L) Do they take twins, or one of a pair of twins, and raise one artificially?
A: Have done so.
Q: (L) Have they done this to a great extent?
A: Define.
Q: (L) Is this done frequently?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of taking one of a pair of twins?
A: Study to determine which is best soul receptacle: one of twins or clone. [This raises the question as to why the choice has to be either. Is there some
connection between clones and the original body and one twin and another that is vital to the purpose of the Lizzies?]
Q: (L) Do these twins they raise, do they raise them on their ships or in their enclave wherever they are?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And do they treat them well?
A: Open.
Q: (L) Do they teach them a great deal?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they do this to test the brain capacity of the human being?
A: And other reasons.
Q: (L) Was I one of a pair of twins?
A: No.
Q: (L) For what purpose are they trying to decide which is the best receptacle, the clone or the twin? Receptacle for what?
A: Future project.
Q: (L) To do what?
A: Switch physical realities.
Q: (L) And who is going to switch physical realities? Are they going to enter into bodies they have prepared for themselves and force human souls to enter into
their bodies?
A: No.
Q: (L) They are going to enter into the bodies themselves so that they can switch their reality?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, they are preparing a bunch of soulless bodies into which they can enter in themselves?
A: Will try.