Cloning, the New Age response to OPs


The Cosmic Force
The following arrived in my mailbox today from a SOTT reader who obviously doesn't get it. However, it serves as an interesting look at how the idea of individuals without souls has been picked up and is being twisted: they're clones!

Disnfo sites galore... said:
....... A Cloning Question.......
From: Cara McKennon ................

It is my understanding that the president has three clones of him in existence at all times who accompany him to various functions in case of an assassination from an outside threat. This is why he has such a large entourage go with him everywhere.

Bush Jr. is at present the most hated President in the history of this country, so do not believe the popularity polls. They are lies. Even the press hate him, but must do as they are told to keep their jobs. The protection around him is very high to prevent a possible public assassination attempt. Those are very hard to explain away.

The candidates can not be in the position they are in presently without being part of the club. They also must have a personal wealth of 100 million dollars to be allowed to run on a Democratic and Republican ticket. Party rules.

Colin Powell was supposed to have been our Presidential Designate when NESARA was announced on 9/11/2001. He was later killed and cloned. That's how he was turned from being a White Knight to a Dark Knight. He is not aware he is a clone.

It's possible many of who was assumed to be White Knight, were killed and cloned and became Dark Knights, or double agents, or simply put under mind control with computer chips under the skin so they would change their allegiance to the Illuminati.

The clones are programmed. The real person can be mind controlled through various means. One way is by inserting computer chips under the skin.

Cloning now only takes 16 days. It used to take about 400 days because the clone developed from a baby and was given a growth hormone that made them age rapidly. But there was a flaw in the procedure. The clone continued the rapid aging so they had to be replaced frequently. With the new process, the clone is a copy of the person and doesn't need to grow up and be aged to the same age as the person being cloned.

This could be why Colin Powell doesn't know he's a clone. The clones wouldn't need to be replaced as often either...if at all, unless they were killed like two of Clinton's clones were in an attempt to try to kill Clinton...the two clones were killed instead by accident.

I hope this helps answer some of your questions about cloning.

Love, Peace and Harmon, Cara .


(S - is for Suzy)

S: Maybe-well, probably-you know that a sheep has just been cloned and some fear has been expressed about this leading to attempts at human cloning. What do you say about this?

MATTHEW: Mother, you would be amazed at all I could say about this! Cloning is a relatively new process on Earth, but elsewhere in the universe it has been used for eons to keep civilizations from dying out. Furthermore, cloning is not as new there as publicly announced- adult humans have been reproduced by this process for some time.

S: Matthew, are you completely certain about this?

MATTHEW: Yes, Mother, I am. I've mentioned my friend Hugo. Because of his work with the plant and animal life on Jupiter, he's very familiar with cloning. I don't mean that he's the source of my knowl-edge- the reality of cloning is widely known except on Earth-but if you would like a thorough explanation of the human cloning process, I'll ask him to tell you about it.

S: Please do.

MATTHEW: Mother, Hugo is here in response to my energy beep. Go ahead, Hugo............................

You can notice the abrupt and considerable change in appearance toward vibrant health and youthfulness of some world leaders as seen in TV films or photographs. Usually this high robustness and stamina immediately follows a day or a few days of absence from the public eye after a period of increasingly evident aging appearance. You attribute those remarkable differences to the person's brief vacation or recovery from a proclaimed illness, but here it is known that, simply, a new clone has replaced the old one. Yes, several clones are produced at the same time, educated as I previously explained, and kept in various places on your planet to be ever ready as needed for the up-to-the-moment knowledge insertion process. Many versions of the clones are necessary because the art of this science has not been perfected on Earth.

The cloned individual's family members are, of course, aware of the existence of the clone or clones, and they participate in both the educational process and the "cover-up." If they resist, they themselves are cloned, usually against their will, and their clones carry on with public functions. In some cases the original persons have died naturally, or they have been killed if it served the purpose of still more powerful people. Others are still living, although never seen in public. Only the clones are seen publicly. To quiet your mind of its question, Madam, five countries have developed the cloning with just about the same level of success with the reproductions, and one other country is still experimenting with earlier stages.

Now, to continue. I shall address the very important matter of a soul in a cloned body. As for a soul being or not being in these man-made bodies, most definitely, no soul is "born" in a cloned individual, but a soul may choose to enter one. There is good reason for a soul to enter, just as there is good reason for a soul not to. For a soul who has been waiting to experience in physical form, it is an opportunity to do so in these waning days before great changes within God's plan for raising consciousness of the planet and all of you who are receptive. However, any soul who enters these cloned bodies knows the risk of becoming trapped by the dark forces that have per-vaded the psyche of the original person and any predecessor clones.

Now you are thinking, how can any body live without a soul? The chemical makeup of a physical body is such that it is an independently functioning entity. Its life force is sustained by its own energetic mo-mentum derived from the elements and interacting processes of nor-mal organic functioning. Therefore, a clone without a soul has the same mobility and thinking capacity as any normal body. Let us address what is not in a clone without a soul. First, emotions are not the givens they are in a naturally created human. A soul-less clone has to acquire the appearance of emotions in accordance with its surroundings, perhaps what is expected of a "regular guy" or maybe a member of high society. It is only conformance to the circle in which the clone moves that gives it the appearance of having emotions. But the most essential lack in a clone is the spiritual aspect that is inherent in a baby born from the egg and sperm of its parents. The soul life force encompasses those aspects of beingness that are the bonding with God-conscience, intuition, sense of self at a higher plane than normal conscious functioning. So, neither those ties with God nor natu-ral emotions are within the soul-less cloned individual. Instead, there is a mechanical and mental aspect of what is appropriate to do or say.

S: Thank you for your opinion, Hugo. What do you know about the aliens called "little grays"? HUGO: Well, Madam, respectfully, we know all there is to know about them. With pertinence to Earth, we know that in underground laboratories, primarily in your Southwest United States, they are using their genetic material to reproduce themselves. When they arrived on Earth several decades past, they taught the cloning technology to your government-selected scientists, and that was the introduction of clon-ing to your civilization.

Ever since those beings arrived there they have done little except misuse their high level of intellectual and technological abilities. They had not intended to remain long, but they became trapped in Earth's density and realized that they couldn't leave the planet because their systems no longer were of the higher density from which they came. To keep their strain pure and to guarantee numbers sufficient to survive any attempts to exterminate them, they have been cloning them-selves at a great rate. No, Madam, not exactly an army, as combat is not their immediate intention, but an army in numbers, yes.

There is vastness in living areas underground on Earth that citizens would find incredible if they could become aware of it. It would be equally as-tounding if they could know that non-Earth beings are permanent resi-dents on the planet.

Your major world leaders would like everyone to fear real extrater-restrials. They have considered producing the "little grays" in such ag-gressive exhibition that it would prove their stance that public fear of "extraterrestrials" is justified. Those leaders know that nothing is to be feared from the extraterrestrials in this part of the solar system!

All space brothers in your area are friendly and have let this be known to government leaders. Most are there expressively to SAVE your planet! Cooperatively, they are preventing Earth from losing or-bital regularity and are assisting you in myriad other ways. This service in universal friendship has been ongoing for many years and will con-tinue during the heavier cleansing episodes ahead. Nevertheless, official statements continue to explain away sightings of the authentic extrater-restrial spacecraft by "logical" means.

Such foolishness, such childish games! But the consequences have been tragic for those space beings who some time ago came only in peace and offering technology and other assistance to preserve your planet. In exchange, they asked the world leaders to cease building nuclear armaments and planning for nuclear war that would destroy the planet. The government leaders would not give up their dark con-trol, and they killed or held in captivity those peaceful emissaries. De-spite that, those emissaries' fellow space beings STILL are helping you.

for more:


( from Ascension Lessons From Lady Masters )

"Cloning" Master Lady Lemlet

The following lesson was given on November 8, 2007 by Sehaji Master Lady Lemlet:

I am Lemlet and today I would like to speak to you about clones. Discovering if any clones are in your current day life and, if so, how you might want to consider working with them.

First of all I would like to state that clones are real. They have been in existence for eons and the fact that you don't know about them to any great extent is due to the lack of truth given to you by way of your media, which is greatly controlled by those with their own personal agendas.

Almost everything has already been cloned on your world...people, animals, plants, name it. This has been kept a secret from you because those scientists who are cloning fear that if or when you find out, that you will violently rebel against their actions. There is probably great truth in that. Especially since it is now fairly widely recognized that clones do not have souls and cannot, unless by direct order by Creator God Itself.

Since it is known that soulless creatures do not have the direct connection with Creator God Itself, it is also known that clones even though they "look" exactly like they original, they are not. For not only is the soul missing, but also missing is the ability to greatly love, feel compassion and receive intuition from your higher self. A clone is only interested in its survival and the objectives that were programmed into it and clones do not have the life longevity of a souled being.

Now, you might ask why clones were created in the first place. My point of view or perspective is that they serve a great purpose in helping to create the conditions necessary for soul growth. In other words, without clones in positions of power on this planet, it would have taken a very long time for souled beings to create challenges for themselves in which they can learn the lessons necessary for them to realize that they truly are a piece of Creator God, with many of the abilities of creation, compassion and love that that implies.

Clones in reality are just a speeding up of biology with a little programming thrown in. Your scientists have been able to do this for almost 50 years. Yes, almost 50 years!

I am not saying these things to frighten you at all, but it is time for everyone to wake up and to see things more clearly.

Those of you with a spark of Creator God have nothing to fear. Even if attacked by someone, anyone, if you follow your instincts and react without thought in self-defense, you will be fine. Your Guide or Guardian Angel is always with you. As I said, clones have very strong survival instincts. If a souled individual says to his attacker,

"I call upon the God within you to stop this!"

a souled attacker might truly stop.

A clone will not stop his attack.

So, are there any clones that you might need to be warned of? YES. There are many clones in your governments and military especially. And, yes, many of them are in leadership positions.

Perhaps some of you saw the photo on the Internet about a year ago showing President Bush in his pickup truck in Texas with a black box on the back of his shirt. Well, that box, although rumored to be a receiver for advice from someone telling him what to say to the press and other people, was really part of a programming device because this was a new clone put in place. As of today, President Bush has had 47 replacement clones activated to keep the illusion going that he is still alive and functioning. The soul that was this president, is no longer in this realm. Some might say he is in "limbo" while others would explain that he has gone to where all souls go upon death of their physical body. Anyway, he is dead and so are his mother, father and wife.
I know this will come as a shock to many of you, maybe even most of you, but Dhyana asked me to speak honestly and with as much detail as I thought wise. After all, our goal here is ascension by increased consciousness of All That Is and clones are a part of All That Is.

Again I state, there is nothing to fear about clones, even though they now exercise great power over you in all aspects of your lives. They could, however, present a danger should you allow their continuance in such power, because they will always use power for self gain and not for the good of the whole. So, what can you do about it? TAKE THEIR POWER AWAY. STAND IN YOUR OWN POWER AND TAKE THEIRS AWAY!

This is actually a very timely message because you are about to hear about massive banking fraud on a global basis that perhaps you had the inkling of an idea about or a gut feeling about, but felt that it was a crazy idea and probably not true. Well, I am here to tell you today that it IS true and most of this has been created by the programmed clones.

Mother Earth and her inhabitants have now come to the point where each one must decide for his or herself whether s/he wants to ascend or to stay behind with the clones and the 3-D world. For the most part, you have already ascended, for ascension is about the raising of vibrations and not about instantly disappearing from the face of the earth. You can tell you have shifted your vibrations because you are more awake and no longer satisfied being lead around by your nose by the so called "powers that be". You are starting to realize that they have greatly misused the powers you gave them and that you are constantly and consistently lied to by all of them.

Almost all of the most powerful people in the world are clones: the U.S. President, the U.S. Vice President, almost all of the U.S. Senate, almost all of the U.S. Congress, most heads of government on a State and even City level, especially the big cities. The Queen of England is a clone, the Pope, the heads of "most" religions and evangelical movements, the heads of major banks, Henry Kissinger, etc. In other words, if any souled being gets to a position of power and refuses to follow all of the rules given to them by the true controllers of this planet, they are killed and replaced by a clone of them.( In truth, your famous Constitution of the United States of America has been undermined since about 15 years after it was created. But that is another story.)

Humans are basically all LOVE. Anything that is not love is very difficult to be around... or at least it was back then.

Anyway, the people started to be really manipulated about 1945. The dark has been active much, much longer, but their efforts were more subtle then.

To continue, since about 1945 the dark has made great strides in lulling the public into a false sense of security, while robbing them blind on almost all fronts, from banking to drugs, to health care, to education, to media information, to wars and the true reasons for them, to inventions that could get you off oil and even give you free energy, to the discovery of important historical artifacts which would inform you of your true place not only as spiritual beings, but as brothers and sisters of many galactic races.
I don't have the time or space to go into all of the lies you've been told when what I really want for you is to WAKE UP! Get on your computers, go to your libraries and read some controversial books, not just main stream ones that tout old ideas and old ways of doing things. I'm not saying to just jump toward something because it is new, but to at least learn about what is available out there and decide for yourself if you want it in your life. You won't get much truth from your media, so you must seek it out yourself then discern whether or not it is true for you.

Clones can be programmed to be extremely compatible to you and perhaps seem to be a perfect mate. However, I must warn you that any children from such a bonding would probably be soulless and unchallenged by another soul, you would probably not learn much about yourself that would help you to quickly continue your spiritual ascension.

Hoping you are not all in shock,

I am Lemlet and I thank you for sharing this time with me.


This may be shared freely as long as it remains in its entirety and proper credit is given. Thank you.

DM ...Dhyana Markley



Who Will Be Our Next President? How Many Will Survive the Coming Earth Changes?

TO: GK DATE: Oct. 18, 2007


Dear GK: Thank you for writing. The next president of the U.S. will not be anyone presently running for the office. The person must be of integrity and Truth and enlightenment. Because time has been speeded up by the Photon Belt energy, we passed 2012 a year ago (Dec., 2006). We are now on "borrowed time" or overtime, and the end of the Age is whenever Earth Shan tips over to do major cleansing and move into 5D. Our current population on Earth Shan stands at 5 billion. Many are leaving, and the wars and disease have taken their toll.

According to Hatonn the clones living on Earth Shan in 1992 made up approximately two-thirds of the population. Genetic engineering in this present civilization began around the time of Noah, and clones begat clone children. Over time the make-up of the human population changes.

At this time the souled beings on Earth Shan compose only about 25% of the population. The other 75% are clones with no soul or God-connection. This explains why evil and immorality are so ramped on our planet today. Only a small percentage of those now living on our planet will survive the coming earth changes. All children under the age of accountability, or knowing right from wrong according to the Laws of God and Creation, will be taken to safety aboard the starships, upon evacuation. It is unknown how many souled beings will choose to board the starships to safety, when the time comes to do so, but Hatonn estimates probably less than 1%. In the final count there could be as few as fifty million children, and five million adults, who choose to be taken to safety. That number could vary greatly, depending upon last minute choices.

We are to avoid fear and anxiety, and to live in joy and anticipation of the future.

We are in good hands, as we continue to walk the Lighted Path to the "end of the Age". From deep within your Spirit, know it. In Love and Light, Patrick H. Bellringer

full text:
Almost everything has already been cloned on your world...people, animals, plants, name it. This has been kept a secret from you because those scientists who are cloning fear that if or when you find out, that you will violently rebel against their actions. There is probably great truth in that. Especially since it is now fairly widely recognized that clones do not have souls and cannot, unless by direct order by Creator God Itself.
I've been taking part in this secret cloning activity for some time. I thought I'd mention it MUCH later down the track but it appears the cat is out of the bag. I come from a long line of ascended masters masquerading as scientists (known as the Priory of le Jardin) who have been cloning plants by pulling a stem off, dipping it in a special hormonal powder and planting it. We refer to it in our secret society as "taking cuttings". Roses, lavender, oregano...... we've done it all.

Alas our devious cloning activities are out, thank's a relief in a way.

Anyhow.....back to the lab. I've got to prepare a fresh batch of Hibiscus in my quest for world domination.
This cloning craze reminds me about the Dr.Beter audio letters, and how much he was crazy about Jimmy Carter. He supposedly became a clone after daring to cure his hemorrhoids by surgery ;-)))

The voice of the Jimmy Carter "double" which was
reproduced last month in Audio Letter No. 45 is the voice of a
robotoid. That robotoid was the one who was dazzling everyone
with his vigorous new image. Only a few months ago Carter had
been limping around with what we were told were severe
hemorrhoids; but now, out of the blue, here was a Carter who was
a powerhouse--hiking, fishing, and jogging ten miles a day, he
also looked and sounded younger than before-
And then, here's the proof!!! Directly from!

Hemorrhoids bother about 89% of all Americans at some time in their lives. Hemorrhoids caused Napoleon to sit side-saddle, sent President Jimmy Carter to the operating room, and benched baseball star George Brett during the 1980 World Series.
Lol! Sometimes this COINTELPRO is very funny :-)

P.S.: have to tell you another secret here... later on, Jimmy Carter's double, the most efficient among the robotoids, acquired a soul-imprint so strong to let him zoom out of the Matrix. The result (and undeniable proof!) was his latest book: "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid".

That book is much better that any channelled material so far... now if you're able to prove you've bought a copy of it, I can mention your name to the Real Jimmy Carter ascended double dwelling in underground Real Zion. Don't loose this great occasion!!!
Interesting that I heard on my local Clearchannel disinfo station just last week that scientists have made a human cloning breakthrough and are only about eighteen months from accomplishing it. Also, synchronistically, I just read a bit of channeling on clones, myself. I can't remember the source or channeler, but it said that clones have, sort of, screwed up souls that hinder their learning of the lessons down here. It was so badly written -- claiming that clones had a tougher time than "naturally incarnating" souls. So, souls can enter bodies naturally or unnaturally? There was no explanation given.

Also, I may as well mention that the claim that the next president "must be of integrity and Truth and enlightenment" is very common among channeled sources these days. In fact, there ought to be some major scrambling for explanations among a lot of channelers if Bush leaves in '08 and is replaced by someone who continues his belligerent policies, which seems to be the most likely outcome as of right now.

Patrick Bellringer made a very bold and risky prediction that the next president is not someone who is currently running. One possible interpretation is that there won't be any election in 2008.
AdPop said:
Also, synchronistically, I just read a bit of channeling on clones, myself. I can't remember the source or channeler, but it said that clones have, sort of, screwed up souls that hinder their learning of the lessons down here. It was so badly written -- claiming that clones had a tougher time than "naturally incarnating" souls. So, souls can enter bodies naturally or unnaturally? There was no explanation given.
Maybe the person channelling was a clone messing up another learning lesson.
henry said:
AdPop said:
Also, synchronistically, I just read a bit of channeling on clones, myself. I can't remember the source or channeler, but it said that clones have, sort of, screwed up souls that hinder their learning of the lessons down here. It was so badly written -- claiming that clones had a tougher time than "naturally incarnating" souls. So, souls can enter bodies naturally or unnaturally? There was no explanation given.
Maybe the person channelling was a clone messing up another learning lesson.
Didn't take any notice of Astrology, did they?
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