
Henchman 21

Jedi Master
A band outa DC. These guys are perfect for providing great music for house cleaning. Heavy but they have a great love for Greek mythology and the work at large. ;D. Look em up if you like hard rock and great music. That's clutch. If you missed it. Clutch. Clutch.
Not trying to be a lackey got them but they even give big ups to casseopia. :cool2:
Messed up my last sentence but I was just trying to say that they produce good music, without outlandish pride. Honest band. That is all.
Agreed Captainmurphy :)! - my all time favourite Clutch song is "Burning Beard" ! - Neil Fallon's vocals : priceless !
I really like the 'Transnational speedway league' album. Great stuff.

Even the EP before that is ok 'Pitchfork and Lost Needles'

After that they mellowed a bit too much for my taste :)

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