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The NOAA of the United States admits to produce a registration of CO2, that "doesn't contain any real data overtly." ( The way of which the stations of temperature of the NOAA are installed ( to inflate the temperatures artificially has been unveiled during these last two years. The sites of measure of the CO2 have similar shortcomings. Two of the five stations" of basis" of the NOAA are downwind of volcanos in eruption. All five are submitted to sources of local or regional CO2.
Dr Andrew Manning, one of the accomplices of the Climategate, worked with the Dr David Keeling, founding of the observatory of Mauna Loa, where the atmospheric CO2 is measured.
* The objective to the departure of the measures was to see if it was possible to follow what was only to this time a suspicion: that the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere could be in increase because of the combustion of fossil energies.
* For that to make, a site was necessary very far from the contamination and the pollution of the local broadcasts of the cities, therefore the station of the Mauna Loa, situated in altitude on a volcano in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, has been chosen.
* Without this curve and the untiring work of professor Keeling, there is not any doubt that our understanding and our acceptance of the warming up global anthropique would be 10-20 years less advanced than those that they are today.
The station of the Mauna Loa produced the summaries that correspond to the objective predetermined of Manning while showing the constant growth of the atmospheric concentrations of CO2 since 1959. This registration, put in light by the movie discredited of Al Gore A truth that disturbs, is known as the curve of Keeling. This curve engraved on marble on a plate of bronze fixed to the entry in the building of the observatory of keeling.
Just to 50 km of the observatory, the crater of Been able to it 'u OH' oh some Kilauea sends 3,3 millions of tons of CO2 in the atmosphere every year. It is sufficient to change the local concentrations of CO2 but without the volume of SO2 that would have some effects on the global temperature.
The volcanologists measured concentrations of CO2 as elevated as 48,9% (NdT: of air) to the hot point to the summit of the Kilauea.
If the localized volcanic activity affects the measures of CO2 in the Mauna Loa, why would the" world network" have it the same shortcomings?
Maybe because all stations of measure of the CO2 amosphérique. including the other stations of reference of the NOAA to the South Pole, in Samoa American, in Trinidad Head (California) and in the Point Barrow, (Alaska). are also sujettes to local influences for the CO2, and in some cases to regional influences.