

A Disturbance in the Force
I am new member of the forum. I wrote first post on 29.12. Since then I am everyday guest on the SOTT and start reading, reading, reading. But this week some coincidences happened to me that I would like to describe. Once something happened with electricity in my room(last weekend), I expleined it in technical way, that it must have been some short-circuit. Next time (this wednesday)it was very early in the morning 5 am when I woke up before work, first thing that I did when I woke up was switching on computer to check if there were any new replies for me on the forum, when computer was "waking up" I went to bathroom switch on the light and suddenly was short-circuit and electricty in all flat just broke down. Then when I was on the way to work I was trapped by bus door when I was getting in. (when I got to work I checked forum, and in fact there were meanigful replies for me).
Another thing, mabye not connected but I feel that I schould write about it as well. I have a friend that I am having a crush on him, he doesn't know. Rationally I know that the last thing that I need now is emotional problems with another emotionally problematic person. Once when I was with this guy , just before pedestrian crossing, I wanted to go not having noticed a car, I had a luck, that in last moment I just moved back. Today after having a meeting, he gave me a lift to railway, I got out and he turned round his car. When I was on pedestrian crossing, passing on a green light, suddenly I noticed that someone stopped his car about 50 cm from me, mabye a driver didn't see me becouse a car next to him was much bigger. But this "crazy" driver was my friend.
Maybe I exaggerate meaning of this coincidences, maybe I just wanna make myslef feel and think about myself like someone "special"- "wooo, strange things happens to me" or mabye there are some signs, messages, that I schould pay attention to.
veronica said:
Maybe I exaggerate meaning of this coincidences, maybe I just wanna make myslef feel and think about myself like someone "special"- "wooo, strange things happens to me" or mabye there are some signs, messages, that I schould pay attention to.
These are not mutually exclusive - to the contrary. You probably experience some sense of "self aggrandizement" because that's how our "predator mind" works. However, it doesn't mean you are not "special". Provided you are trully searching for truth, you are "special", only not MORE OR LESS special than others, but simply.."special" - if that makes sense :D

Definately, you SHOULD PAY ATTENTION, but in a way that a warrior is paying attention on a hostile territory. He isn't seeking "magic messages", he isn't reading "miracles" in ordinary occurences, he isn't counting bullet holes in a wall to determine if it will be raining next day. Such warrior is DEADLY SERIOUS and uses everything he knows about "Art of War" to stay alive and succed in his task. Learn the "Art of War" and you'll know how to PAY ATTENTION.

While previously suggested reading (Wave and Adventure Series) would provide most extensive information, you might be interested in these two rather recent threads:

These rules are worth mentioning right away.

1) Always expect attack.
2) Know the modes of same.
3) Know how to counteract same.

Speaking in more specific manner and using accidents you have provided I'd say that vigilant truth seeker would:

a)Appropriately estimate importance of data stored on his computer and knowing that loosing that important data would impede him in his everyday life he would make sure that he is ready for complete failure of this equipement. Backup copies of data are a must.

b)Be aware that since he is now more prone to "misfortunes" he can not allow himself to just rely on "luck". Daydreaming while crossing the street might have been fatal. I think that this particular "accident" should serve as serious "wake up call" for you, veronica, especially if it's not a first time...

The fact that you've been ALMOST hit by a car DRIVEN BY YOUR "FRIEND" might ba alarmingly telling about the nature of this relationship, but to really appreciate seriousness of the situation, reading Laura's books is neccessary.
j0da said:
Definately, you SHOULD PAY ATTENTION, but in a way that a warrior is paying attention on a hostile territory. He isn't seeking "magic messages", he isn't reading "miracles" in ordinary occurences, he isn't counting bullet holes in a wall to determine if it will be raining next day. Such warrior is DEADLY SERIOUS and uses everything he knows about "Art of War" to stay alive and succed in his task. Learn the "Art of War" and you'll know how to PAY ATTENTION.
Good point. It's best not to react to these 'coincidences' and give them your emotional energy. You can, perhaps, note them (maybe in a notebook) if they should so happen to emerge within your general field of awareness. Later, perhaps, connections may be seen, or perhaps not. But to actively look for them or want them is a precursor to drawing totally subjective and erroneous conclusions based on wishful and emotional thinking concerning something that one knows nothing about. Then you react to this unknown and the subjective quagmire will just get worse from all the emotional energy input. It's like in Judo. Your emotional force will be used against you. One needs one's attention and energy and "inner presence" for right living in this world while simultaneously utilizing this energy to make those inner efforts to see objectively how one relates (and reacts) to "the world of the known" and then later to actually do something about it. Working a 9 to 5 job really does not take up or require much (quality) energy. But inner work does.
I can empathize - Today I received my copy of the Secret History and sat it unopened on the table. I resumed working on my writing and suddenly I heard this honking sound like a car horn but extremely close to my window (I'm on the third floor of a fairly tall 3 level building) I look up and see a flock of Canada geese flying directly towards my window, exactly level with it. I sat there in horror for a few seconds thinking "oh my god are they gonna crash right into the glass!?!" but thankfully birds are not as stupid as all that, they tilted upwards at the last second and flew directly over my window honking and carrying on. I could hear their wings beating against the air and I saw these beautiful creatures up close in flight like never before. The strange part of all this is that I was under the impression that all of the Canada geese in this area had migrated back in December. Before it got so god awful cold I would ride my bike around the river and I was thinking to myself towards the middle of December, 'why are the geese still here?' I know in urban areas the migration patterns are somewhat different but I thought it was a little strange, and plus I was tired of swerving to avoid goose droppings every three minutes lol. Anyway, sometime around Christmas I looked up and saw several large flocks of Canadian geese finally migrating south. I felt relieved somehow. The last few times I rode my bike around the river I saw not a single feather of these birds. Then today, I look out my window and the geese are flying due north directly towards my window barely twenty - thirty minutes after the delivery of 'The Secret History' from the Red Pill Press in Canada. hmmmm......
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