There was a subject about cold weather upon West Europe on february 17 on the french TV.
After a review of weather in several country they said "Scientists think that the problem comes from La Niña"
Capture of the show (1'42) :
1998 07 04
After a review of weather in several country they said "Scientists think that the problem comes from La Niña"
Capture of the show (1'42) :
1998 07 04
A: All areas experience accelerating "freak weather patterns."
Q: (L) Okay, all of these freaky weather patterns and bizarre things going on the planet, how does it relate to the comet cluster and the brown star? Is it related?
A: Human experiential cycle intersects.
Q: (L) Any specific physical manifestation of either this brown star or this comet cluster or this realm border, that is related to these events on the planet?
A: Approach of wave stimulates precursor activity which in turn causes effects which in turn stimulates further "heating up" of activity...
Q: (L) I thought it was curious that you used the term 'birth of the spike.' Is there something or someone that was born at that particular time?
A: No. Spike is as on a graph...
Q: (L) Okay, is there anyway we could graph this ourselves, and if so, what types of events would we include to create the background data?
A: "El Nino, La Nina," etc...
Q: (L) Is this El Nino thing connected to sunspot cycles?
A: No.