Collective city of the soul and Network of the future


The Living Force
A dream - somewhat unusual and possibly even interesting - I had on the 22nd of May. The below writeup is based on the notes I made after I woke up:

The first of the two parts that I remember (in a place "sometimes seen" in the dream, so probably several times returned to) of the dream took place in a "place" that was as a symbolical "city" of stone representing the collective affairs of our souls, or at any any rate "something at soul level". (a speculation at the time of writing note, regarding the place: "A perpendicular reality?")

We, presently in that place, were given a message (from a consciousness that was us in the future). The message concerned matters of the near future; there was evil in this place, a result of what humanity had been involved with throughout its history. At present this evil lay "dormant" and was also not visible to us; we were not capable of feeling its presence, not being "there" yet, though it was all around. As such, though "seeing" through this communication what we would ultimately have to confront, we couldn't yet confront it directly. For now, we were simply to keep doing what we could, that being continuing to work with ourselves and prepare ourselves for the future; there would come a time of change when the dormant evil would "come alive", and it would be as if the place itself was oozing with nasty attachments and vicious goo - which we would then have to confront and defeat in bringing about the purification that was ultimately to take place.

The final part of the dream took place in part of what seemed to have been an ordinary city, at some point in the future following the collapse of the old civilization but before the time of transition. The network, now extending into a fair portion of humanity were about in the world, trying to make strides. I was in an area probably once used as a parking lot; there were several small crowds (part of the "extended network") each gathered around a couple of us "oldtimers", who were working in small groups each informing the surrounding crowd on issues concerning life in the world as it now was. The dream ended with a discussion among two in a group of speakers concerning an information source (person) that one of them objected to due to that source's behavior and the other considered fine, brushing off what was said about the behavior of the source; outcome unknown.
Hi Psalehesost. I'd be interested in your take on an interpretation of that dream, if you have one.

I liked the idea of the network being together...if only in a 'place' on the soul level.
The first part I wrote of I think is a symbolical description quite close to reality; ever since the fall, humanity has been involved with certain entropic forces, a clash with which is to be expected during transition, they "hoping to rule" us in 4D. Moreover, there is all manner of nasty stuff going on at a soul level that we are presently unable to perceive, some covered in The Wave; and once the Wave hits, we are to experience all this as we suddenly come into conscious contact with it in one big blast. Add to this all the things that have gone on during human existence and whatever remnants and repercussions there may be of this to deal with, and I think the idea of that "evil in the city" is quite close.

That "city of the soul" was not really lived in during that part of the dream; it was more like it was repeatedly visited and explored in the quest to learn. It already existed - and it is likely that we are in some way connected on soul level in interacting as we do in this life, and moreover, C's indicated in one session both that connections are forming at a higher level and that the Fellowship is a 3D symbol of 4D connections being formed - still, that "city of the soul" seemed to be more of a potential; perhaps for what was described in the Ra material as a Social Memory Complex, something formed by 4D civilizations (and thereafter developing through the densities, being ultimately the form of existence in 6D, it seems).

So, it seems a symbolic overview of future challenges and future potential.

The last part of the dream shows, I think, the potential for awakening on a larger scale following (perhaps in response to) large enough changes in our world; the end seems a warning that what has been learned about pathology and its significance can easily be forgotten or underestimated. I guess this must at all times be kept in mind, this knowledge kept both alive and active. No "breathing out" and thinking it all over just because the present corrupt "elite" disappears.
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