Colleen Johnston - Malevolent Alien Lizard Sex Cult


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Messages from Colleen Johnston's "Malevolent Alien Abduction Research" discussion list.

maarcolleen · MAAR Malevolent Alien Abduction Research Discussion Group Posts 1-51

From: "maarcolleen" <malevolentabduct@...>
Date: Sat Apr 26, 2003 12:11 pm
Subject: A sharing a experience
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Hi all,

I am testing the list and to say that it seems my experiences are
starting to pick up again. Last night before bed (which I was so
paranoid I didn't sleep until 4:00 am) I felt a presence, which was
much more than me being spooked. I have a very long closet/storage
area and I saw movement out from the corner of my left eye.

I can't seem to remember what I was doing between 2:00 am to about
3:30 or so. I briefly remember a black U shaped energy form appearing
over the bed and prayed with Christ authority for it to be removed.
That's all I remember at this time. I find it interesting that
one of our list members had a dream dealing with abduction.

I don't have any marks or bruising but do have soreness over right
Kidney. Will post more as memory develops. At this point I'm not
a happy camper because everytime I start to get well -- this happens!

From:[deleted for privacy]
Date: Sat Apr 26, 2003 6:09 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] A sharing a experience lorgen@...
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I think activity in my own family has picked up as well. With my siblings about a month or so ago with one of my sisters having a black eye and soreness in the female area, thigh bruises and no memory. I had something last Sunday night but not an abduction just a spooky presence that I now felt was connected to a certain hosty HIVE manipulated e mail person who suddenly popped up. This guy brouht up all kinds of synchronistic stuff he should not know then kept pushing urls of stupid ass culty shit that I wont bother with. He acts like he wants my opinion and likes my work, but what he is really doing is fishing for information HIVE style and then pushing on his own opinions of what he thinks the solutions are, while staying in a labyrinth of confusion and manipulation. I'm amazed at how these people work. Its like they have this veil over their eyes and keep going back to the same "vomit" over and over again.

It seems to me this is a repeat of certain distracting/disrupting interactions. A person who is HIVE manipulated giving unsolicited advice, trying to flatter you, but not really wanting anything other than to hook you to project their own shit, and drain your energy. Then they act like they want your opinion, when they really would rather do all this unsolicited advice. All the while, the spooky psychic links are created and before you know it this person serves as a link to some weird beaming shit or reptilian spiritual warfare crap. Or possible OMAG crap. It never ceases to amaze me how this stuff goes on and on. I was fine for a long while, and then BAM! But at least I could identify how it snuck in and by whom. My friend did a trace on the e mail address and it changes from place to place which is a bit questionable. Often OMAG disruptors e mail addresses and domains will do this.

Sorry to rant on with alot of stuff some may not know what I'm talking about!

From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Sun Apr 27, 2003 6:48 am
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] A sharing a experience

Hi Colleen....

I am hoping that you don't relapse. You know I have for the past two months kept you on the prayer list at church and also privately. I haven't been to church this past week...but I'll continue what I was doing before and hope it helps. I am wondering if the u shape could be like the mothman's wings...?

I had a night of great anxiety last week...maybe a week ago. My computer would go off and would crack...and my son was having terrible dreams. I couldn't remember mine. I woke up that next morning with red bands around my upper arms like someone had grabbed my arms hard. That was once of those nights a xanax didn't help at all. Well...we are being visited I am sure. I am just sensing a second wave of terror to come.... We need to be strong and healthy.

love, Cassie
From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Tue Apr 29, 2003 6:17 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Re: A sharing a experience


Speaking of portals, I was speaking with a friend the other day who mentioned there are alot of anomalies going on in Brazil that have to do with large portals opening up with lights and odd things. Like big ones in the sky, as if huge interdimensional portals are opening and getting active in Brazil.

You think its possible to get some hypnosis with [deleted for privacy] in New Mexico? I bet alot has gone on and even post hypnotic suggestions when in trance for healthy coping or healing would be helpful. It does sound like you had a major experience. Oftentimes it happnens when you are undergoing a major physical change or an illness.

I hope you can sleep better, cause I know how hard it is to sleep. I toss and turn alot and most nights myself.

From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Tue Apr 29, 2003 7:02 pm
Subject: Re: A sharing a experience

Eve I think everyones activity is picking up! Amazing indeed because
so many women are complaining about sexual infections and bruisings.
This is reptilian mating season someone once said to me. It seems rep
or drac experiences pick up in the spring. But the sexual intensity
seems to be picking locast or something.

Next batch:

From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Tue Apr 29, 2003 7:25 pm
Subject: (No subject)

Evie, i lost the original post to this to I am improvising! I wish I
could get some hypnosis. According to Keating, way back when, that
the holes opening up in the sky ( I think maybe some type dimensional
shifting, barriers disolving between our third dimension and others)
That the Fatama Prophetcies fortold of this, starting over Brazil.

Way too much paranormal happening and doorway for entities to wallow


From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Wed Apr 30, 2003 7:22 am
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Re: A sharing a experience

In a message dated 4/29/03 07:30:28 PM, writes:

Amazing indeed because
so many women are complaining about sexual infections and bruisings.
This is reptilian mating season someone once said to me. It seems rep
or drac experiences pick up in the spring. But the sexual intensity
seems to be picking locast or something.


Hey now I didn't even think of that . Reptilian mating season. Do you ever smell any kind of pissy or strong scent when they have been around or were messing with you? Guess we also need to stay away from swampy pools and such! LOL

From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Thu May 1, 2003 7:18 pm
Subject: Re: A sharing a experience

Yes, I have...almost like a wet dog who lives outside pee smell! In
the past I have smelled something akin to old musty books, like a old
house that's damp and musty.

Maybe there is some type of mating cycle...dunno because I am not
aware much research has been done in that area. It might be a good
idea to research it.

Yesterday morning I was awakened around 4:33 am (still dark outside)
and felt two slithery arms slide accross my chest and was blown awake
as the hands touched my arm.

I swear I could feel this thing, moving away in the darkness even
though it could have been a dream - It felt very real and alien, not

From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Thu May 1, 2003 7:23 pm
Subject: New member

Hi everyone,
I want to take this time to welcome and introduce our newest member
Laura to the discussion list.

Laura, welcome aboard! :)

List owner and moderator
Note: this is not me...

From: "Cassie" [deleted for privacy]
Date: Thu May 1, 2003 7:42 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Re: A sharing a experience


That is creepy you know!

I occasionally smell that male tom cat pee smell in my has a musty smell to it too. I haven't in several weeks. Right now I am enjoying a repreive from the beings!!! or maybe they don't like me as much right now...

Today I have noticed an itchy sensation...all over...but it could be because I gave an inspection tour at work of all of our groups homes...and we walked outside in the yards too. But it seems more general an it's in my scalp as well.

What did you do when you felt the "alien" type?? Was he cold to touch? Maybe you could draw what you saw...

From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Thu May 1, 2003 7:58 pm
Subject: Re: A sharing a experience

Cassie, lucky you! I don't know what's up because I am usually more
lucid than of late. Maybe they figure drugging me is their best
defense because( hoping like hell I inflict a little pain back, haha!)
I fight them so hard.

I equate that tomcat smell to Reptilian entities, most likely aquatic
variety, as in the winged Serpent groups. Big time yuck!

I will try to draw the creature; it was cold and kind of slimy, like
how a dead jellyfish or squid might feel. I have felt this before but
not since the mid 90's.

I have to ask myself a question, what has been stirred up to promote
current abductions? What have I done, written lately? The only thing
I have completed was the chapter for inclusion in The Universal
Seduction. Which I haven't heard back about.

It WAS creepy - also it felt like it was mocking me as it slithered
away - if that makes sense!

From: Laura [deleted for privacy]
Date: Thu May 1, 2003 9:30 pm
Subject: ORBS

I wondered if anyone in the group sees lights. Also, when I am photographed, orbs show up a large percentage of the time. Does anyone know why this happens? Thanks, Laura
From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Fri May 2, 2003 6:52 am
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] (unknown)

In a message dated 5/1/03 6:49:45 PM, writes:

That the Fatama Prophetcies fortold of this, starting over Brazil.

Way too much paranormal happening and doorway for entities to wallow

I had no idea about that prophecy. Sounds like strange things happening. wow.

From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Fri May 2, 2003 6:54 am
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Re: A sharing a experience

Maybe the aliens are concerned about your health status. They seem to poke around when we have any major health crises going on.

From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Fri May 2, 2003 10:46 am
Subject: ORBS


Yes! I know many abductees who've photographed and have this anomaly
show up in their photos. I can only speculate on the causes, one
theory is that the abductions cause dimensional openings which allows
for other paranormal phenomenon to occur. I know personally orbs have
shown up in my photographs.

The orbs, are often thought of as 'spirit lights' by
paraspsychologists, tend to show up in places that are haunted. But
which comes first is the interesting question, kind of like the old
preverbal question of which comes first chicken or the egg. Do we
experience phenomenon because we've been abducted or are we abducted
because we experience paranormal events?

Maybe a bit of both!
From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Fri May 2, 2003 10:50 am
Subject: Re: (unknown)

-- In, [deleted for privacy] wrote:
> Colleen,
> I had no idea about that prophecy. Sounds like strange things
happening. wow.
> Eve

Eve, yes I also thought of the rash UFO sightings happening in Brazil
the last couple of years.

From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Fri May 2, 2003 10:52 am
Subject: Re: A sharing a experience

--- In, [deleted for privacy]. wrote:
> Colleen,
> Maybe the aliens are concerned about your health status. They seem
to poke
> around when we have any major health crises going on.
> eve

Yeah maybe so, but I always feel worse afterwards because it makes
the sleep anomaly much worse so I doubt it is for my benefit.

From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Mon May 5, 2003 6:56 am
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] ORBS

In a message dated 5/4/03 03:54:40 PM, writes:

Do we
experience phenomenon because we've been abducted or are we abducted
because we experience paranormal events?

Maybe a bit of both!

I've also had orbs show up on a aura photograph of me many years ago. Someone told me they were "entities" or guides. I also can sometimes see energy lights surrounding certain pieces of art like oil paintings where the artist had a powerful aura/energy field. But in that case they weren't orbs but like little twinkly lights in a cloud around or near the painting.

From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Mon May 5, 2003 6:58 am
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Re: A sharing a experience

In a message dated 5/4/03 03:55:04 PM, writes:
Yeah maybe so, but I always feel worse afterwards because it makes
the sleep anomaly much worse so I doubt it is for my benefit.


I'm often amazed at how little sleep many of us actually get due to insomnia. I had the prodromal heebie geebies last night. Or it could have been triggered by the Alias show last night too.

Whenever I do get 8 hours of sleep, its like a wonderful miracle to actually feel good enough not to want to sleep during the day or just be plain tired most of the time. Amazing what enough sleep can do for you. Gee--do most people actually feel WELL?

From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Mon May 5, 2003 12:37 pm
Subject: Re: A sharing an experience - sleep anomalies

Hiya Eve,

The sleep anomaly which is a glitch in my brain, I sincerely think
was a by product from alien abduction. I used to sleep so well that I
needed a very loud blaster alarm just to wake up. I say stuff
like "you could explode a building without me waking up." Even with
abduction happening.

The sleeplessness didn't occur until April of 97 when I had a reeling
experience that sent me to the hospital with my ear bleeding and head
spinning - but no infection. I haven't slept soundly since. During
the abduction, I had two beings , one looking like Emmit Miller who
hosted the show 'Strange Universe' and Capitan Janeway, the actress
who was on the 'Star Trek Voyager' series, trying to convince me of
the 'reason' for trying to possess and hosts humans.

They showed me (or let me say, forced me to view) this elaborate
Steven Spielberg type of visual production, which was dealing with
the loss of their planet and how they ours to survive. As I became
more lucid, it became clear that the two beings were wearing crude

My fear turned into anger, so I tried to grab the Miller character's
mask when he hisses at me and zaps me with something. I woke up in
total vertigo, I haven't sleep decently since.

The brain anomaly was found last year August 2002, with a sleep
study. It shows that when my brain naturally starts to go into the
last two deepest stages of deep sleep, my brain sends a signal to
pull up out of it and go back to Alpha.

So my question is, how many other abductees have this same anomaly or
was mine given for my lack of cooperation and acceptance? Regardless,
It isn't a naturally occuring incidence.

From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Mon May 5, 2003 12:06 pm
Subject: Re: ORBS

-- In, [deleted for privacy] wrote:
> > Do we
> > experience phenomenon because we've been abducted or are we
> > because we experience paranormal events?

Agreed Eve, this phenomenon could be such things. I can remember when
my daughter was about 6 or so, there was an extreme presence of orbs
around her too. They physically manifested (beyond film) in the late
80's, when she was 12-13.

Although she is in denial she is psychically gifted, she's also part
of this alien "acclimation" project.

From: "Cassie" [deleted for privacy]
Date: Mon May 5, 2003 4:07 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Re: A sharing a experience anangelunawares
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I think you were feeling the tornados...I was but didn't know what was happening. I thought it was fear due to my cardiologist day of testing today. I am a chicken you know...a scaredy of needles and doctors.
The tornados were devistating...I am sure that was what I was feeling. Colleen, did you have any where you are?? I am worried for Leah too...had her on my mind all day.

love, Cassie
From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Mon May 5, 2003 3:02 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Re: A sharing an experience - sleep anomalies

wow...that experience is worth brodcasting all over the internet and especially to culty groups who have this thing for sympathizing for the poor aliens who need our world. Damn parasites! At least you saw through their bullshit screens that others easily fall for hook line and sinker!

I wonder though if this sleep disorder is caused by an implant or can be remedied with any deep neurlinguistic programming or other methods. I do know that certain yoga savasnas can aleviate some of the fatigue as if you get deep sleep. yoga would be good for you and Qi gong. Its awful to be fatigued and unable to sleep. In Oriental medicine part of the reason why we canot rest as deeply or sleep as long as we did when we were younger is the gradual loss of Yin. So there are certain tonic suplements you can take to replenosh the Yin so we sleep more full. Ask your health food/organic store if they have any Chinese tonics that have the Polygonum Multiflorum components. Its a combination of herbs, I will find the exact combination and send it to you for reference.

From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Mon May 5, 2003 5:02 pm
Subject: Re: A sharing an experience - sleep anomalies

Eve I start my book out with that experience! Because of UFO cult
experience I went into total seclusion for a couple of years; mostly
went into denial that alien experience was occuring. I had such a bad
taste in my mouth from cult guru and any of her teachings - the
entities that controlled the group are the same as in my experience!

This experience single handedly threw me back into full blown
abduction research. They are damn parasites and think of us as
nothing more than pawns on a chess board!

There isn't much that can be done about my brain and if it's not some
type of implant, I'd be very shocked.

From: "maarcolleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Tue May 6, 2003 12:25 pm
Subject: Laura's Dreams!

Folks this is from a dream list member Laura. With her permission
she's allowed me to post her dreams. They parallel my own
experiences, so much I thought you all needed to hear this! My
responce to her is at the bottom. Colleen

Lauras dreams:

I had a horrible nightmare night before last. I write them down. I
will just tell the end of it. I'm at my destination (another world)
inside a vehicle, and I've gotten away from _______. Something. Then
the windows fog up and there's this skittering scratchy claws,
scratching clawing the windows. I think it's the 'whatever' that has
found me, and I am inside, hoping it doesn't know I am in there. I
sense the evil so strongly. I look at the fogged up glass and it's
writing messages about me, all sorts of things about me personally,
and I am thinking it knows me. Omygod. And this isn't a normal fear,
it's a familiar bad one. At this point my wonderful husband woke me
up from my screaming. JEEZ!

Another nightmare. I get a recurring one that's not really scary, but
I am rounded up with many others and put on a space ship. I feel very
sad, empty. My life here is over, I've died, and I thought I was
going to the light. But no, I am on this space ship. And there are
individual compartments that are filled up with this gel substance. I
am not afraid, it's familiar, yet I think, 'how do they get it so I
can breathe, once the gel fills this whole compartment?

Colleens responce:
I have had similar experience with the gel substance, it was glow
green with a thick jello like appearance and used to intimidate me
into compliance and submission. It was one of the few hybrid / alien
reptilian scenarios I can remember. I was shown a dead hybrid alien
baby submerged in this substance - then showed my daughter would be
next if I didn't cooperate. So I backed down. These creatures were
holding members of my family in a small cage.

I have also heard the claws tap on glass, while in a holding area. I
hate the eyes and the claws - horrible, vile beings! They have a
sinister aura about them.

Laura they have popped the eyeballs out of my head - to prove I could
still see, so they obviously have the ability to take the soul,
separate it from the body, nothing like looking down to see your own
eyes back at you.

I am so vocally outspoken on abduction - they would rather have me
silent. I have had hell since putting up the MAAR website.

Laura added:
I forgot. When they clawed at the glass, did they ever write
anything? This creature was writing all kinds of facts about me, all
about my life. It was freakier than Stephen King's worst nightmare
writings. . . .Also, the way they popped your eyes out. God, I am
glad they are good at causing amnesia in me. I just remember bits &
pieces. Another thing, from the time I was about 20, I have been able
to astral project. I was trying to do that the other night when I had
that bad dream of the claws scratching. I didn't sleep that night,
and when I did sleep, it was right into that dream. So, I decided not
to astral project anymore. I think they are in the lower astral
realms or something.
From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Sun May 11, 2003 10:31 am
Subject: to group from new member/ introduction and some questions.

Hello everyone,

I am new to this group and a bit worried how to begin as i have a
complex history and my experiences are mixed with other stuff which
seems intertwined with alien, ufo type abduction and encounter

since i am also a survivor of sexual , emotional and ritualistic type

abuses within a group of people during my childhood , who were my
parents, a select set of relatives and some longtime friends of my
family since their childhood, i need to explain how the ufo, alien
scenerios were mixed in and quite possibly connected in ways i am very
confused about, even after alot of therapy.

parts of my experiences do not seem to fit the ritualistic abuse
format experiences or strictly alien abduction , yet both have some
elements of each.

I guess the best thing is to explain some of the bizarre events which
i have gone through for years and then see if anyone here can help
clarify or confirm any of it.

starting at about age 3 or 4 , i recall experiences when i was
outside and i encountered a bright starlike object which seemmed to
have an ability to communicate to me telepathically.

I remember i would stand in front of it and it seemed to teach me to
use my mind to pull myself up and fly off the ground. this experience
was unpleasant but i felt compelled to continue to submit to it as a

my parents also told me that during this period of time they would put
me to bed and later would find i was gone .

we lived out in the country in n.y state and they said they would find
me out bby the trees in the edge of the woods lying on the ground with
a high fever, which within a short time would break and thery would
put me back to bed.

nothing was ever found wrong to cause it , and i do not know how
often it happerned , but i know it was more than once.

as i grew older i recall many incidences in which i was taken by
various means , strange aircraft , sometimes it looked like regular
planes, other times round objects with what looked like a tall
smokestack on the top and they wobbled as they flew.

the men who took me had dark suits on, an emblen on one arm of the
jacket and tall stovepipe hats. they were very whitened on the skin,
almost like albinos, and had what we called an electric eye which was
over their real eye on thwe right side. it could connect to my eye as
they put one in mine on the right side too. this was telepathic.

at the places they took me, some i know the location in general, some
i do not, they as well as doinng some kind of weird experiments
involving electrical shocking and putting in the eye device, exposed
me to small creatures , all white and tiny childlike in appearance.

they appeared to hve no physically outstanding parts but smooth in
their body , no clothes and all white.

the name of them was THE CONADS. they showed me and my male cousin who
often was taken too, bottles on a table with what was explained
telepathically to be genetic material of themselves called 0-1

they said we were made up of this as well as our own genetics and
that someday all people would be 0-1s

i did not like any of this and was very upset , but they did not seem
to understand why i was!

they also bathed in a yellow green substance which was in a vatlike
tub and we had to do it too.

i was afraid of it and before we departed from the blds. we were in we
had to wash it off. it made my skin peel like a sunburn, and i was
fearful my face would be damaged.

other times we were taken and i was shown a book with strange writing
which the adult beings or men? said i must stare at and it would
glow and then the words would enter my mind, though i did not
understand them and they said many years later i would remember it and

i also was placed under a golden light on a slab and given something

the childhood experiences have been replaced by others similar , but
not the same exactly.

it goes in cycles of periods when i do not have anything and then it
starts again. my son has had these experiences too.

a few years ago in lincolnton n.c where we were living, i again a an
adult and mother, encountered this same starlike light which returned
repeatedly night after night for a period of time and during that time
i experienced dreams of similar places which i had encountered a a
child . i would wake up at the same time after each dream to find the
starlike object spinning and oscillating outside in the sky . from my
window i saw it enlarge and then suddenly grew to a narrow slit. then
large again, sometimes standing still othere times oscillating in a
wobbly fashion . it made me feel hypnotised and always i felt
compelled to salute it and make my mind communicate to it
telepathically through a shocking like sensation in my right eye.

whenever i have encountered this phenomana i find a strange red
marking on my neck on the right side , like a bloodmark but irt fades

these events are very unnerving and unpleasant and seenm to keep
following me, my son and in my family, my mom described similar stuff.

i was born in n.y state in the fingerlakes region . in 1943.

i recall that one place i encountered such stuff was somewhere in an
area of n.y city near water and in danbury ct.

the others seemed in underground places too but i do not know where.

this was in my childhood. as an adult they seem to take a similar
form but more dreamlike in the encounters .

much other weird stuff is constantly following us . stomping sounds in
the house we cannot acount for, in some places we have lived, the TAOS
HUM phenomana others have experienced has been plagueing me since at
least 10 or 11 years in every state we have lived.

electrical disturbances , supernatural experiences in forms i do
not understand as yet. it is like spiritual attacks with white light
static electrical fields . hard to explain?

when they put the electric eye in me they said it would control my
mind, my sexual responses and my spiritual self.

i believe they are evil and soul snatchers!

the MAARS SITE is so helpful.

i am worried that my experiences may not fit with others in the group
exactly but if anyone here has any thoughts on what i have written
here i would be so glad for the input. thanks. i hope i fit in for i
need help.

therapy is helpful to a point but still it does not seem to address
the more bizarre stuff. some say this is all the ritual abuse stuff,
others say government black ops stuff, and i believe the alien stuff
is real too but i do not understand how they all go together. help!

sincerely. [deleted]
What is shocking is that someone as disturbed as Colleen Johnston appears to be is setting herself up as a counselor to people with obvious psychological problems as those described above.

From: "Colleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Sun May 11, 2003 6:02 pm
Subject: Re: to group from new member/ introduction and some questions.

Hello [deleted]

Again , welcome to the MAAR discussion group. Please don't worry
about how to begin a discussion or be nervous. We may not post every
day, but will post fairly frequently. I think most people on this
list has had some type of brush with the paranormal side of things,
so what you talk about here will stay here. Most of us on the list
have some of the complexities within the paranormal/alien abduction
realms happening. I have also had underground experiences.

Sounds like you are really having a hard time right now. Seems there
isn't much difference in ritual abuse and reptilian encounters. I
believe such experiences go hand in hand, especially with what I call
alien demonics. I also believe that the entities can
potentially 'host' a person actually take over, and affect the
abductee very negatively, like in RA cases. The aliens you describe
are called 'Neonate', they are almost infant like in appearance.

Paranormal events such as the house activity you describe are
synomous with alien abduction. Hopefully all of us can benefit in
some way from each others experiences.

Thank you for sharing yours with the list. I know it's hard to open

From: "Colleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Sun May 11, 2003 6:13 pm
Subject: Upcoming MAAR chat - getting to know each other

Hello List Members!

I want to remind list members who wish to come chat, that on the 1st
and 3rd Thursday nights, I am opening up our chat room so everyone
can get acquainted.

In the future, we'll have abduction related topic chats and on
occasion, special chat guest who are adept in their field of research
or another experiencer that can answer many questions.

Please let me know If you'd like to be notified about these chats.
You can go to our list page and get chat schedule.The first one will
be at 10 PM EST, Thursday May 15th. in our discussion list chat room:
please bookmark the url!


Best Regards,
Colleen Johnston
From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Tue May 13, 2003 8:12 am
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] to group from new member/ introduction and some questions.


Your experiences are facscinating. Ive heard of some of the aspects you mention. Like the yellow green substance in a vat that you bathe in or go in a tub. I had an underground like experience years ago where they had large pools of this substance, actually two separate ones. One was gel like and when you entered it would not make your skin wet when you got out. It was like a cleansing thing perhaps but only for hybrids if that makes any sense. But of course this was a dream that I feel was mixed in with a kind of memory of underground base experience. The pale MIB type of character reminds me of a kind of underground race. Tall, pale and very thin? One man who i met and interviewed several years ago, had a device like what you describe in his left eye, and I've heard theories that they do what you describe.

Maybe because of your genetics/bloodline these alien groups are tracking you and your family is involved in some Illuminati organization network where they included you in other activities which compouds your experiences.

Therapy is useful, especially with one who understands dissociation, and any form of trauma based mind control and spiritual warfare. Ive found that many of my own memories include definite alien abduction themes, spiritual encounters, and also spiritual warfare and some hint of certain aspects of ritual abuse, but its not what others (like Monarch programming) describe exactly, either.

I feel there are many covert genetic projects going on. With different alien races. One thing I forgot to mention too--the flying thing. Ive met at least two or three other abductees who claimed that as children they could fly-literally. This was not astral projection but a kind of levitation. One gal in particular had a sister around the same age who did it also. This woman is now in her 50's and had serious substance abuse problems as a means of coping with alot of this high strangeness.

From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Mon May 12, 2003 1:14 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Upcoming MAAR chat - getting to know each other

dear colleen,
thanks so much for answering my first post and helping me to feel so welcome and comfortable.
you bolled me over with your information about the NEONATES that we apparantly saw in these underground facilities. we always remembered how small and white they were and that they seemed very intelligent and telepathic. i do not know why the name CONAD stuck with us as what they were called but the neonate species surely sounds like what we saw and interacted with. my impression was that they were like children of the adult albino beings which were doing these experiments. the men in the black suits came and took us to these places, but sometimes some of them also seemed to be the albino beings with suits on.
i was also taken by a friend of my family up to saranac lake in n,y state. for somekind of sexual abusive programming with electrical shocking via a machine which had headsets and pictures of abusive events were rushing by at fast speed in my mind somehow along with inappropriate sexual stimulation through this electrical device.

the reason i mention THIS incident is that the man who did this stuff was also an albino man dressed in regular clothing and his hair was white though he was really not that old. he took photos of my male cousin also which were pornagraphic. we were still just children and it was highly traumatic.

i also remember the albino being at a ceremony of an egyptian ritualistic event at st. boniventures cemetary in olean n.y which involved this unclothed albino being with a sickle he ran with in an overhand motion through the cemetary . my cousin and i called him the REAPER when he participated in these ritualistic acrtivities.

i see that there IS a connection amongst the ritual abuse , certain bloodlines in familys for generations AND THE ALIEN agenda .

i have always felt that they were connected but now i am much more certain . your site and your group have already in this short time, helped me clarify some bits and pieces of memories and tie some loose ends together. i look forward to finding more clarity and support and validation in this group and i would like to be notified of the chat schedule when it comes up. i never did that before but i would like to try.

i also wanted to ask you if the roswell aliens, the neonates, were ever at the montauk base in n.y city.

i am certain i was taken around that area and danbury ct. where i saw them. ?

my stuff started about the time of the roswell incident, around 1947, and that is of interesting note to me.
i also found of startling note last night when i was looking at your site in the section of ALIEN SPECIES that you listed THE SONS OF DARKNESS AND THE SONS OF LIGHT.

i have many fragmented and dissociated mental states which of some have names and some have a section of a complex personality systen which we have colored and labeled maps for, in which there is an area of a cedar tree of life , an underwiorl;d and heavenly realms , in which we have angels , both dark and light. they are fighting a war called THE SONS OF DARKNESS AND THE SONS OF LIGHT.

the leader of the dark side is called PHOENIX, and he is said by some of my alter personalitys to be an evil fallen angel . the light side is led by an angel of good, the MICHAEL.


all this was given as part of the PLANETARY VISION i spoke of in my other posts to you. i was shocked but excited to find this was actually on your list of alien , or angel species . i cannot fathom how it got in an mmultiple personality systen such as mine but i was trying for years to figure it out in therapy .
to find it is really known by someone besides me is a shock to say the least.

this no. system 0-1 to 0-10 is related it seems to some esoteric, ideas.

it involves the spiritual upward climb to the spirit , angelic worlds above in something called THE MERKABA SHIP, . it was named THE ALDEBARAN .

the enemy PHOENIX lives in the unerworld below.

the codes, briefly, are that 0-1 involves genetic mixing of human and alien, or angelic beings.

o-2 is bloodlines of scotland. o-3 is the testings and experiments at facilities .

0-4 is where something called the cedar tree programs begin and the climb up the tree begins. 0-5 is something , amongst other stuff called SEXUAL MAGIC which propells the merkaba climberupward . 0-6 is the ALCHEMICAL MARRIAGE OF THE GRAIL KING AND QUEEN.

O-7 is the royal french bloodlines AND THE CHOSEN GRAIL PRINCESS.


there is alot more and i hope i do not overstep to tell you all this, but when i saw that you actually listed these alien species with the names of my own systems and maps i was so overwhelmed.

i hope you do not think i am crazy for all this but i wanted to share with you as it seems so much a breakthrough to me. some of this even the best therapists have trouble with and one is left with material that is so bizarre and you feel that nobody will ever believe it. thank you. plese if you can let me know what you feel about what i have shared when you have the time.

i pnly really gave you SOME DETAILS of a very complex system. sincerely [deleted]
From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Wed May 14, 2003 3:00 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Upcoming MAAR chat - getting to know each other

Thank you for sharing so much. You seem to have a better idea of what your system entails than most persons who have had the alien abduction themes--with real aliens. Some people in the MK ultra mind control research and some survivors of Monarch programming insist there are no aliens, just alien programming. But I beleive you are actually more clear on what is happening with regards to certain aliens, angels and beings who have interacted genetically with humans and these bloodlines are watched and controlled.

You describe what appears to be a Kabbalistic system of compartmentalization. With certain light and dark parts that may war with each other or at least they represent the warring factions/aspects that are represented in the Kabbalistic system.

I recall another MK Ultra researcher, talk about the flashing images of traumatic, gory stuff in virtual reality headsets , but done by human Illuminati programmers. Apparently they have to do the trauma splitting by or before age 6 to get the core split, then they can furthur split with trauma or codes/triggers later in other abductions/accessing. I bet the higher personalites on the kabbablistic tree are the ones with super psi ablities, and there may be some whose function is to do a kind of tantric sexual magic with others they set you up with.

Hope Im not annoying you with my comments here. But you've hit on quite a few pertinent self discoveries.

From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Thu May 15, 2003 4:57 pm
Subject: to eve from [deleted]/ a couple of comments on another post you made to me.

dear eve,

I was re reading one of your other posts to me and i wanted to
briefly comment on several things you mentioned.

the levitation that this other woman experienced is exactly what

we remember happening when my little bonnie of the TINY EYES was ,
as she puts it , little in the body.

to a multiple this means when me, the host personality was little
and she dwelt in my body!

bonnie calls this her STAR LESSONS.

IT appears she was being taught a method of levitation through the
use of her mind.

there are many incidences of flying through the air too for this
alter, but you are correct in saying it was NOT astral projection,
but simply what seemed to be flying.

we also recall very strange incidences of flying objects which had
odd appearances , including something down on cayuga lake out on the
water which happened to my male cousin and i .

we were looking at the lake and playing when we saw an airplane
flying low across the water toward us heading to the shore near where
we were. we were afraid and hid behind some trees and as it reached
the shore , it actually turned into a truck , a long one , and drove
rapidly up the road and out of sight.

i realize i am taking a risk in telling this as it sounds like the
tale of a mad woman, but the incident and others like it sticks in my
memory so much so that we have drawn pictures of it.

other flying objects had tall smokestack tops and they wobbled as
they flew. these often accompanied the phoenix men who took us
places , though they did not seem to get out of them, but out of what
looked like planes with a kind of high tail on the back which stuck
up .

the yellow green substance we bathed in , according to bonnie had
something t do with the experiments and to enable us to be in th e
presence of the alien beings.

well, that is all for now. i hope i can be sat the chat, but i am
worried i cannot figure out how to do it. sincerely. [deleted]
From: "Cassie" [deleted for privacy]
Date: Thu May 15, 2003 10:09 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] to group from new member/ introduction and some questions.

Hello Susan,

You fit in perfectly!!! I am behind in my I am trying to start at the top. Those men sound similar to other abductions...but their costumes are a bit different. I have often wondered about these beings...who seem to change like a wave after every so many years.

Greys, reptilians, doctors, military....makes one wonder whether we are getting more lucid and the truth is finally revealed...or if it is different beings.

I see Middle Eastern men in many of my dream experiences...used to be reptilians...and sometimes it people with reptilian spirits in armies of cloned people.

My most recent episode has been the discovery that I have taken up sleep walking again and eating in my sleep! I was shocked (and embarrassed) to find a piece of mashed buttered bread that I had laid on in my sleep. I got up and found three knives with butter on them. My son said I had gotten up three times to eat...and was looking for a foiled topped pan... He said I was dreaming. We haven't had foil in the house in a month.

A few nights ago I found an empty cereal box that had had frosted flakes in it. I thought the kids had left it there from the weekend...but now I know it was me. I am going to the doctor Monday...I am a little old to be sleepwalking. Colleen suggested it might be military zapping or something along those lines. Maybe I am remotely being split off...I just know I am exhausted...not resting at night and my work is really stressful.

You sound as if you have had a lifetime of these experiences. I bet you get those prodromal sensations too just before an experience.

I think the trauma enhances the psi ability...

Anyway....happy to meet you!!

From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Thu May 15, 2003 1:50 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Upcoming MAAR chat - getting to know each other

dear eve,

You are not annoying me at all with your comments.

I find them very helpful and often validating to me as i continue to piece together my complex set of experiences andto decipher my systems intricate

programming and match it with the alien, angelic and illuminati materials , all the while pulling ALL of it , the mpd , ritual abuse , alien angelic AND ILLUMINATI agendas together into one common set of events which really DO NOT contradict one another at all.

I truly believe that ALL of this stuff goes together in one piece and i have been so excited and hopeful since joining this group that i will gain much more insight into how it does connect together.

I am glad to share anything which i have been through if it would help someone else to gain more insight and cope with such strange events as we have been exposed to.

it is so hard to be a person who has gone through things which seem so bizarre that nobody will believe you, or very few do. the isolation and fear are terrible and then trying to get some validation so you can believe you are not going crazy, it is very painful.

yes, i think you are right when you said i seem to have a better grasp than most people of what my system involves, yet eve, i am not certain why that is, but i can tell you how it all was revealed to me as accurately as i am able . i will tell it just as it evolved and be as accurate and honest as i possibly can be always.

there is alot to tell so if i leave out somethings i will tell it in future posts as we go along, but most of it came spontaneously over a period of time and alot of the material in the area of the angelic, alien and kabbalistic material came in response to specific celtic songs i happened to encounter , seemingly by accident which triggered the responses of a revelation of more system mapping areas.

we, my systems, draw intricate maps in color of all these different concepts and each time more is revealed, they draw new maps.

i realize that monarch and mk ultra people often do not believe that the alien, angelic senerio is real, but i think that much of it is real, perhaps mixed in with some simulation to distort aand confuse the victum, so reality is further brought into question years later when they try to make sense of it and tell people what happened.

just a theory .

i do not know what you think, but i believe that our governments may be working together with illuminati , bloodline families and alien, angelic beings of the dark side in some black ops projects of highly sinister nature and that the light side DO represent the righteous unfallen beings who are fighting this evil agenda.

i realize that these illuminati programmers are placing this material into the victums they choose to program but there is i am certain a spiritual agenda of vast proportions going on which is interwoven into the fabric of this all.

i believe it is bigger than anyone can imagine and very sinister for mankind.

my memories seem similar to monarch and other programs too, yet as you put it, not quite the same either.

yes the kabbalistic system is involved in this system i have within me and i have an angel within the system who has other personas which he says are cloaks or covers for his real identity , which is that he is the leader of the sons of light , THE MICHAEL, and he is fighting the leader of the sons of darkness , a fallen being, an angel, who is named PHOENIX.

I want to stress here before i go on that i am NOT talking here about some new age , channeling experiences at all , though i am fearful you will interpret this as such.

this angel has always been with me , though i was not aware of his true nature until several years ago when in response to a piece of celtic music i happened to hear in a book store playing , he then revealed to me that in addition to being my protector , an alter , so my therapists thought, he was an angel with an agenda to not only protect me and my systems , but fight a preordained war against therse SONS OF DARKNESS BOTH IN THE SPIRITUAL REALMS , BUT WITHIN MY VERY DAMAGED MPD SYSTEM. HE EXPLAINED TO ME THAT WHEN THE MEN WHO USED ME, THE PROGRAMMERS , TO DO THE EXPERIMENTS , THE SHOCKING AND TRAUMA that he protected us and our mind and did not allow them to take us , our soul andmind completely .

I do not nor ever have , thought of this angelic being who speaks to me and my alters in my mpd system, as a channeled entity , but only as a protector who apparently somehow kept our soul and mind protected during the traumatic events with the riual abuses the programming and the alien beings of evil so he could later down the road many years up ahead, when through therapy and various triggers , reveal the material within my system and release it so he could fight this war against those who are responsible for these agendas.

one of several things enters my mind when i see what i have told you. either i am totally deceived, crazy, or all this including this angel , is a programmed alter in my mpd system or it is real.
i choose to believe he is a real angel with a real agenda but how i came to be the recipient of this , i do not fully know, yet because of what i was put through in the traumas , it seemed to happen and because the material the programmers were dealing with perhaops invited not only the dark beings , but the light one as well. something they did not know expect would happen and did not know had happened to me as we di not tell them all we saw and experienced.

i have never felt anything but goodness and humility and a desire to serve the light and God from this angel , and he has always been my protector and friend. he has been to my therapist a very good help in my healing but never does he try to be in the limelight.

i trust he is from GOD. i trust he hates these evil alien and angelic beings . he often explainsd planetary journies to me in which he fights various battles in the celestial realms against these fallen beings and i also have an alter , a child , part of this grail family they refer to, who is very knowedgeable about the heavenly regions, the celestial journies and battles . and what happens in relationship to this kabbalistic tree in our system.

the first celtic song which triggered out the initial revelation of this o-1 through o-10 and kabbalistic stuff in the system was THE SEPARATION OF SOUL AND BODY.

OTHERS are CINNUINT , TARYLLER. THE SKYE BOAT SONG, THE ALDABARON on an ENYA TAPE. THERE ARE OTHERS i will list later in other posts . this is just to give examples of how celtic melodys have triggered theactivation of areas of our mpd system when it involves angelic , kabbalistic codes and programs.

yes , the description of the virtual reality headsets surely sounds like what i was put through up at the saranac lake area. the man was an albino type, an illuminati programmer or alien being , i am not sure?

i think they were working side by side , or if what i suspect might be true, the bloodlines themselves ARE INFUSED with alien, or fallen angelic dna , some pure , some mixed and that is staggering in its implications. what does that make me ?

i was selected by my bloodlines , so i have mixed in me their dna too i guess as they said, but i still have free will and i have chosen , me and the angel, to fight and expose them. !

yes, the trauma splitting is done early. the initial splits before age 6 . actually before birth too in some ways.

i recall that the last material was put in was codes , and the planetary vision stuff . alot of the kabbalistic codes and such like. i t was right before i was a teen . then i was whisked away in the night to fla. by my folks and the scenerios for all this began to take a different form as i became an adult as i earlier explained to you.

i do have several alters who are extremely psychic in certain respects and one has something she calls HER TINY EYES.

this enables her to view the celestial, angelic realms , see the spiritual journies , see all up and down the kabbalistic tree, the various worlds. shetalks alot to my family about what she sees with those tiny eyes! i guess it would be like a sort of remote sensing , but specific to certain specialties. she is age 3 up to age 12 and she goes back and forth amonst the ages.

she is 0-3 in the codes and was the one who had the electrical shocking done at n.y city and danbury ct. so she could as she puts it, SEE THE WORLDS.

others had the sexual magic andother psychic experiences andspecialities .

i will give more info. as we go along but i do not want to confuse or overwhelm you. thanks for believing me and caring to ask me to explain all of this, yo have helped me so much not only by furnishing info. and validation, but by believing me and wanting me to share in this group. thank you eve. i would love to hear about your experiences and that of all the others here too. i hope i can be at the chat. i never did it before so i am not sure i know how it works. if i am not there it is because i do not know how to do it. sincerely [deleted]
From: lorgen@...
Date: Mon May 19, 2003 6:10 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] to eve from [deleted] a couple of comments on another post you made to me.

Thanks for sharing those memories. I've heard of the Star lessons before or references to star selves. I think many of us have alters and even astral ones who are trained and taught to do psi abilities and even flying. but its hard to know for sure what is dream and what is real memory from real physical experiences. Ive had some where there is a definite--or what feels to be an astral alter responsive to telepathic cuing. But it may also be a kind of bilocation ability.

ive also seen the neonate aliens in a few interdimensional types of encounters that felt "dreamlike" . Also tall thin ones with white robes, bald heads and very large blue eyes--who seemed benevolent. I think there are many alien types.

Have you ever had the alter that speaks the other alien language? Or its used to communicate with aliens?

From: Colleen Johnston <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Mon May 19, 2003 2:05 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] to eve from [deleted] / a couple of comments on another post you made to me.

Hi [deleted],
You don't sound like mad woman at all. Also know your posts are read by all group members, so don't be surprised when you get a reply from others when you address the letter to an individual. :-)

Many abductees or paranormal experiencers have described what you have, including the greenish glowing substance you were bathed in.

It seems they can use the luminous gel for multiple reasons, to de-germ us, or to harm us as well, to store others bodies in. It's a strange substance and it has manifested within abductees homes! A typical programmed responce for the abductee is to clean it up and get rid of it upon seeing it! I have had that happen to me as well!

Take care,
list owner and moderator
From: Colleen Johnston <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Mon May 19, 2003 1:45 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] to group from new member/ introduction and some questions.

Cassie, yes I agree. Susan, don't feel alone in your experiences, many of us have had similar ones. I also want to appologise to the list for not getting posts up sooner. I have had a fibromyalgia flare since Thursday.

We can't allow ourselves to get boxed into a corner dealing with this stuff and have to be open to all possibilities. All of us are seemingly having multiple ufo/paranormal anomalies happen including MILABS, ghostly presences, growls escaping these nocturnal creatures in the dark.

The interesting thing about some of the new levels of these beings is - they are not demonic, yet have very demonic attributes. When prayerfulness works with demonic entities - it does dittley squat against these demonic lookalikes.

Whew! What a wild ride it's been.
From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Tue May 20, 2003 3:04 pm
Subject: to cassie from[deleted] / about your last post. night eating, dreams ect.

dear cassie,

Thanks for your post and saying that i fit in, but i am not sure as
many of my experiences, though similar, still take a quite different
form in my life.

you see, i am a multiple personality due to traumatic abuses
involving familial , ritualistic and illuminati type abuses in which
i was traumatized , sexually, uses of mind control progrramming and
such like experiences , and the mind control stuff seemed to involve
human official type men and women AND what appeared as alien , or
angelic ? i am not sure beings in underground type facilities .

however , i will stress that most times i was fully awake, not taken
in my sleep, with the exceptions of very early childhood when it
first began, and then i was found out of my bed at the age of 3 and
4, out lying on the ground with a fever which would break suddenly
and i would be ok. the dr. never found what caused it.

these waking experiences stopped abruptly around my early teens and
then other supernatural type stuff began to plague my life ,
including dreams, and these dreams held bits and pieces of the places
and experiences i had encountered in real time as a child, yet i
never had the daytime waking experiences again, though i have
encountered strange people i felt were hybrids ect. they often
engaged me in odd conversations and i always feel a shocking in my
right eye to their right eye when i am with them, so i know they are
involved in this phenomena.

the multitude of psychic phenomena and weird experiences are
something i will over time share with you and the group but it is
lengthy and complex and goes over my lifetime of 58 years as well as
my 33 year old son .

i too, have had spells of nocturnal eating without my knowledge and
finding food in the bed, and sleepwalking episodes off and on since
my childhood.

the dr, explained they are dissociative states in which the person
does things they do NOT recall or only partially recall and are the
result of deep seated conflicts, or an acting out of some traumatic
experiences that the person cannot deal with during the waking state.

i believe that a high number of ufo alien abductees may have had
abuse in childhood or other traumatic events whih makes them more
prone to dissociation, and this leaves them more vulnerable to the
influence and accessing of the spirit realms, the supernatural and
other anomalous occurrences such as the ufo alien phenomena .

i think also that genetics and illuminati bloodlines , the fallen
angels and all that stuff are mixed into the whole senerio together.
it is very complex and scarey i know.
i think you are acting out events which have frightened you alot
such as these abductions, and the eating in bed, and sleepwalking are
symptoms of this trauma.

i often find strange marks on my neck in the same spot everytime,
like a bloodmark and3 marks like teeth . it really makes me feel
unclean . as to a government targeting device, yes, many people
believe that this is happening too along with all this other strange
stuff. it is so hard to sort out isn,t it? i belong to a yahoo group
which deals just with psychotronic mind control technology and people
who believe they are being targeted .

some of it is very interesting and this might be a part of the whole
process i think but just how it figures in i am not sure yet.

well, cassie, i am glad to visit with you and post me anytime . i
hope we can help one another. sincerely [deleted]
From: "Cassie" [deleted for privacy]
Date: Wed May 21, 2003 5:02 am
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] to cassie from [deleted] / about your last post. night eating, dreams ect.


Thank you for your kind letter. The abductions themselves can cause dissociation but in my case, I had two alcoholic parents and a very abusive military step father and it seems my sleepwalking as a child increased with my trouble with him as did my abductions. I am not a multiple but I do have altering personalities that i have been aware of...but I know this is not nearly as severe as what you are describing.

I don't drink alcohol very often due to "Lucy" popping out...;)

I think Eve saw Lucy once! but this sleepwalking, eating housekeeper...don't know if she has a name. I realize the whole point of dissociation is to protect the core personality from becoming psychotic when dealing with very stressful events...and that some people have this tendency more than other...use it as a coping mechanism. With the intense dreams I have...experiences and really bad work stress...then of course the alert state we are in in the world...lack of deep sleep has become a problem.

On another topic...have you ladies noticed that most of us remain isolated? and that when we do allow someone into our lives they turn out to be military or operatives sent to monitor us or control us?? Pardon me if I sound paranoid...but my life just isn't normal anymore...and hasn't been for most of my life. After six years of being alone, I started dating a guy in April 2002...for a couple of months. He turned out to be a secret service investigator...and a spook. He had persued me for a year at least. All sorts of weird helicopter and beaming activity stirred I just broke it off after two months.

Just wondered about the ladies on the list. Susan, I have seen the underground facilities but in dreams..both here and in other parts of the world. My dreams have been my portal to other realities and also to future events. I feel fortunate to have such lucid dreams but when I am can be a sort of hell.

Thank you for sharing with us...all of you!

(((hugs))) Cassie
From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Thu May 22, 2003 7:21 am
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Upcoming MAAR chat - getting to know each other

Thanks for sharing so much. It helps me understand what i had thoerized about the intricate and inmeshed involvement of alien, angel and the descendents of the Watchers, maybe even Nephilim and others with specific bloodlines of humans within the Illuminati families. There is an angel and alien component and they use the young splits to do alot of the psychic spiritual work for them. I get the feeling so much of it is beyond most persons understanding in terms of mind control because they do not take into consideration the spiritual aspects.

I do want to get a hold of the music you mentioned by Enya. Do you know which CD's this music is on?

Oftentimes in my own life I've had the number 333 be shown to me in visions in association with American Indian copper pennies with the silowette of an American Indian chief. Ive also become aware of things like certain codes tranmitted telepathically and responses to these. These surprised me when I first discovered them. Even though I have a history of alien abductions and have had some strange milab types of experiences I have been protected and do not experience the numbers of abductions like other abductees get. I feel I have angelic protection and this keeps me sane. Its a kind of knowing that has been of great benefit to me in all of this research.

From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Wed May 21, 2003 6:53 am
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] to eve from [deleted] a couple of comments on another post you made to me.

I enjoy your comments and they are a breath of fresh air because you have an awareness many have not experienced in this alien abduction related genre. I think many of us probably have compartmentalized aspects of our own personality that recall all abductions and what we may do within these "environments". What is helpful for me is how to access these parts in safety. Its nice to have a helper/angel along the way. I believe we all have guardian angels anyway, and when we are perceptive sometimes we can communicate with them from time to time--especially when we are in need.

From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Tue May 20, 2003 10:44 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] to eve from [deleted] a couple of comments on another post you made to me.

It is rather difficult to explain , but the experiences with the ufo, alien government mind control material was something which began at age 3 or 4 and continued until about 13 or 14 .

each event as i was taken to these places, was a progressive situation where new experimentation and programming took place . it appeared to be a series of experiences in which information, material and experimentation of different types but ALL built into one overall system within me , and then it was done.

later when i was an adult i was triggered into creating a series of drawings of the experiences , as well as the abuses of all types incld. the ritualistic abuses ansd games, holy grail and egyptian mythology games which the family group enacted at various spots in n.y state.

alot of what happened with the places i was taken seemed to somehow connect with what my familys group was doing . the materials were the same .

i have stacks of drawings and system maps by the box fulls! all in colors.

however once they drew all their experiences they never rew again. my therapist called the pictures, PROGRAMMED DRAWINGS.


the angel who is in charge of the system speaks to us and my family often but no special language is used by him or any of them .

they do have alot of psychic gifts andabilitys to see into other realms in detail and they say it is partly because of the mind control experimentations and the ritualistic games but also because of the angels presence in our system.

it is hard to explain but we just see all up and down the kabbalistic tree all the worlds and what is i them as if it was a bright colorful set of photos . we see the angels journies andthebattles he performs against the sons of darkness. all the grail family systems participate in the spiritual realms and i see it in my mind yet i can go about my business, cook clean , whatever with no interference from what i see in my innere vision, or the TINY EYES MY childalter says she has.

this is NOT something i try to make happen i just see them, my alters who are in that area of the system , perform these things.

i cannot explain it yet i know it happens. they often talk to muy son and give him extensive accounts of the GRAIL FAMILYS JOURNIES AND BATTLES .

my impression of all this is that it is aworking outward , an externalization of, somethingwhich was within us waiting to be released, fulfilled, set in motion?that is the best i can describe it and certain celtic melodys set it off too.

or we just know in our inner being when it is time for us to see more and it happens like a set of photos clicking into action.

i am a weird sort of girl i think!

all that odd stuff packed into my brain.

i feel often like a carrier of informatio , like a mental briefcase!

well i will go now. take care. [deleted]
Date: Fri May 23, 2003 10:16 am
Subject: New poll for maarcolleen

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
maarcolleen group:

Many people are having psychic visions
dealing with N Korea and China. Do you
think there will be a war between the
USA and N Korea or China?

o Yes on China
o Yes On North Korea
o No , I don't have visions or psychic ability
o Just North Korea
o Just China
o Maybe Both!

To vote, please visit the following web page:

From: [deleted for privacy]
Date: Fri May 23, 2003 5:13 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Upcoming MAAR chat - getting to know each other

dear eve,

hi again!

i just got done with dishes and feeding a dozen cats and two men! wow! i guess i am wonder women!

so, now i can answer your post and tell you the names of the ENYA TAPES i have.

these are cassette tapes , i do not have a cd player, but you can get her music on the cds too.

i have 4 of her tapes , but only two contain the several songs which have acted as triggers within my mpd system. all her music is lovely though just for pure enjoyment.







You can obtain them at the barnes and noble book stores either in the store or by ordering. i think borders books has them too.

any fair size bookstore with a music dept. or music store should be able to get them.

another singer of celtic music you might like is LOREENA MCKENNETT. her music is lovely andsshe composes alot herself i believe.



another tape i love is BY RAPHAEL. TITLE, ANGELS OF THE DEEP.

the first song i ever had trigger my deep coded alters in my system was called SEPARATION OF SOUL AND BODY. ON A TAPE CALLED EMERALD CASTLES.


i agree with you that without an understanding of th deep spiritual implications in the mind control aspect, this whole complex agenda which is so intricately involved in the entire agenda being played out in all of this stuff, it can become much harder to sort out and deal with.

it all goes together and it is an agenda which , i believe , reaches back before time itself and will end in a final battle , both spiritual and perhaps physical , for the souls of mankind on a mass scale.

i hope more and more people begin to piece this together and wake up because we can win , one on one alittle at a time . we who understand at all can help to educate others .

i enjoy talking to you and hope you can find the enya tapes. let me know how you like them ok?

sincerely susan.
I guess by now the reader may realize that I have literally hundreds of pages of Colleen Johnston's discussion group messages. Now, ya'll keep in mind that this is the woman who wrote the following about me:

Laura Knight Jadczyk - Grand Master Channel of the Cassiopaean Apocalypse

By Colleen Johnston © 2004


Authors note: I am an ex-cult member as well as one of the lead channels for a cult in which I was involved for about eight years. I was not the leader but was in what was called ‘The Triad’ (which was the group leader, another lead channel, and myself) within a similar group and feel fully qualified to speak out about the Cassiopaeans an the channelings of Laura Knight Jadczyk. I left the Council group in 1995 and have continuously researched similar groups. I can attest to the similarities and the betrayal by these group leaders, including the money scams the ‘Cassiopaeans’ and Laura Jadczyk perpetuates. It is similar to the group I was apart of because the ideologies are so similar. Even the catch phrase of ‘Knowledge Protects’ is similar to ‘Knowledge is Power’ that the guru I was involved with used. Because of my extensive knowledge into the trappings one gets into in such groups I see very similar’ revelations’ from the Council verses the Cassiopaeans. If I receive a response from the Jadczyk’s or other irate cult members I will also post them here. It’s time to expose these group leaders for exactly what they are – unscrupulous frauds with potential life threatening psychosis. This particular group is far from being a love and light - airy fairy type of ideology - they pose a real threat to people who are searching for something to explain odd events.~Colleen

The Web Weaved by the Master Channel on the Internet

My personal brush with Laura Knight Jadczyk was in 2001 while doing the radio show Nightsearch that aired on the Internet’s Nightsearch Paranormal Network (NSPN). I refused to have her on the Nightsearch show as a guest contrary to the pre arranged invite by ex-co-host Eddie Middleton. Middleton knowing my personal views and my very vocal stance on abusive cult agendas had the discernment of a rock to invite her on our show. I was angry and refused to propagate this insane woman’s confusing mixed bag of atrocious gloom and doom ideologies.

As far as the radio show that Mr. Middleton interviewed her on - to me it was obvious that she was making up details as she went along. I sat and listened to the whole interview and have it on CD as the Nightsearch Network was coming from my den. I have listened to it several times and can absolutely identify with her mind-controlled head-trip – she is a mirror image of my former guru as far as the paranoia and bad habits go.

I have been investigating her cult (as well as others) for a couple of years, and in very private communication with a few former members. Those members are going to remain anonymous in order to protect their identities. It’s take’s a great deal of courage to come forward and to report such information.

According to her Laura, in 1994, after the Shoemaker-Levy comet slammed into Jupiter, Laura Knight Martin began to channel the Cassiopaeans via a trumped up version of an Ouija Board with fellow board experimenter Fred Ireland. The board used the same type of communication techniques as the original Ouija. In 1996 she divorced the father of her five children Lewis Martin claiming he was a reptilian zombie replacement sent to destroy her ability to evolve on her pathway with the Cassiopaeans.

In 1997 she met and married a man named Arkadiusz Jadczyk who is a theoretical physicist from Poland whom she met over the Internet. He seems to be a legitimate physicist but is enamored with the channelings. Laura and her husband (they married in 1998) Ark lead a few dedicated followers of the cult after the move to France and all live on a small farm. It is unclear just how many members live on this farm to date.

Repeatedly Laura has used typical brain washing and mind control tactics over her members with strategies listed below:

* Leadership comes in a pyramidal structure with all information coming from the top leadership (meaning Laura).
* Blends ideologies such as Christian, so called Divine mastering, etc., and other types of spiritualities, including a dangerous pro-apocalyptic agenda.
* Leaders uses hypnosis as a tool to further ‘Cassiopaean’ agenda by removing disembodied spirits from clients. (This was also done in the group I was in)
* Leader uses disaster scenarios via writings to keep and obtain membership.
* Claims exclusiveness of The Cassiopaean Experiment and a ‘you’ll miss the boat’ ideology if you do not become involved.
* Uses personal neediness, charisma to gain income and dedicated followers.
* Uses knowledge that comes from the exclusive channelings from Laura so called communications, as factual and other interpretations of channeled information are either ignored or not valid.
* Uses anger, humiliation on members when they ask questions she cannot answer.
* Uses outright lies to maintain belief structure and manipulates as well as twists what others Members say.
* Uses times-line events but quickly changes ‘channeled’ information to suit the situation as supposed ‘event’ nears.

Reality Roll Call

Former members that wish to remain anonymous, also claim they were scammed out of large sums of money when the Jadczyk’s suddenly uprooted the Perseus Foundation from New Port Richey, Florida and moved it to France leaving many a bewildered cult member feeling emotionally raped by their experience and financially taken advantage of.

The Jadczyk’s raised well over $100,000.00 to $150,000.00 from a bogus raffle to sell their home (AKA the Perseus Foundation) via PayPal then split with the money, leaving an unverified winner unknown to members but close to Laura. According to 2003 documents the home is still up for sale and a former devoted member lives there as caretaker showing the property. Laura is in legal trouble with fraud and embezzlement if she returns to the USA. Many members would sue her if they could get her back here.

As one member told me they began to wake up as soon as prediction dates that came from the Cassiopaean channelings came and went, and began to speculate that Laura was making things up via her channeling board just to keep the paranoia going and the money flowing. Laura was noticeably unable to follow her own set of lies and began to trap herself in them by getting dates confused and changing previous information.

Quantum Schools and Borrowed Tools

I have noted that although Laura is fairly intelligent, a majority of her info is a rip-off from other similar groups. On the Cassiopaean website (which is pretty slick looking) Laura has a newsletter called, ‘Signs of the Times’, filled with apocalyptic ‘what ifs’ which are ominous enough to influence an already depressed society and especially those who have anomalous trauma and are trying to find answers to unusual events. The Cassiopaean web site is full of articles and other threatening messages of the end are near. One of her many scams that she (via the Cassiopaeans) has answers to earthly ailments and needs humanities help via her PayPal donation to continue onward. She has actively solicited funds from her website. BEWARE if a raffle is launched – there are absolutely no winners and the scam has been used before. Below are some of the tools she’s I believe borrowed from others.

* Edgar Casey – similar ‘sleeping prophet’ channeling ( which in my opinion may have been the ONLY legitimate channel).
* JJ Hurtak – ‘Academy of Future Sciences’ and the Quantum based ‘Academy of Light’ Teachings
* Christian prophecy – the book of Revelation
* Melchadezek Teachings from other gurus and books on the subject
* Edith Fore – spirit attachment and deposession's ( she calls them

Her Quantum Future School (not unlike JJ Hurtak Academy of Future Sciences School but less technical) is a serious undertaking in which she claims “None of us are going to get out of here alive”. She seriously banks on people who are at the end of their own personal ropes, emotionally bankrupt and are looking for answers.

In the kingdom of cult-dom, leaders prey on the folks who are easily manipulated due to their depression or desperate situations. They give them hope and continue to rape trust from them, often badgering members to give all they have for the cause. The school appears to be nothing more than a pricey message board type set up with a list of rules that govern what can be talked about. On the site she notes that there are prerequisites and conditions for acceptance to the school.

Some of those are:

* A subscription to Casschat – a chatroom discussion headed by Laura or another designated member
* A person must put all their sacred beliefs aside.
* A person must have read all of the wave series and adventures series on Laura’s website
* Suggested (although not a requirement) buying and reading Laura’s books.
* A requirement of a being monitored by the Admission Committee a minimum of three month's participation in the public Cassiopaea Forum, Casschat..

Rules of Engagement:
1. No insults and vulgar posts (which is reasonable)
2. Open Discussion of sharing the ‘free will’ Cassiopaean information (other discussion off topic or between individual people is discouraged and told to be done in private).
3. Discussion of topics related to the cosmos, sex, angels, demons, good verses evil, etc are posted (IF it follows her ‘Knowledge Protects’ policy and is based on the Cassiopaean Initiatory Teachings.
4. No post on belief systems outside of the Cassiopaean guidelines.
5. Postings are monitored and deleted if objectionable.
6. Disinformation Operatives (people who complain or abject to Cassiopaean materials) are warned then expelled from the school and banned from the list.

Laura also claims on her own website as a precursor to getting involved in her ‘school’ that a choice has to be made now, without question! That statement is enough to call her a dangerous threat to others.

According to an ex-member, Laura uses extreme mind control by plucking out the headlines from the unrest within the world news then 'channels’ disastrous information dealing with worst case scenarios of apocalyptic weather, the September 11,2001 tragedy, terrorism and plays upon the fears and hopes of her followers. This ex-member was chastised for bringing up a valid question in which Laura made an example of by scorning her in front of others. This is A-typical of abusive tactics used to control others if they begin to think for themselves.

On her website at, she readily admits that people want to be stupid and deceived against learning the truth. Perhaps this is a Freudian slip and that ‘truth’, depends on the truth of the giver. Laura has clearly (an repeatedly) demonstrated her inability to tell the truth and is mealy-mouthed about her own crooked and disturbing past filled with child abuse and trauma according to several former members who knew about it. I would also recommend that that one search her background too. There are several sites on the Internet which discuss the dangers she imposes.

Trail of Lies - A Wake-up Call

In my personal observation and because of living in the midst of a cult in my own past for about eight years, I found her mental instability to be verging on paranoid psychosis; it's manifested in a similar way to my past guru whereas people or an unseen enemy are out to get her and to destroy her and group members. She is as large of a threat, as was Heavens Gate cult led by Marshall Applewhite, or David Koresh’s Branch Davidians and Jim Jones as leader of The Peoples Temple. I seriously believe she has suicidal self-destructive tendencies, because of several previous attempts of suicide and might in time – potentially create a fearful scenario for the cult members to join her in ascension by leaving their bodies.

Hopefully one day we’ll not read about the death of the Cassiopaean Experiment members. Her record of mental abuse, monetary infidelity, getting caught up in lies and general discord stands as a testament to just how dangerous she and her ideology can be.

According to some of the ex-cult members Laura is very high strung, smokes and drinks while ‘channeling’. She then creates very frightful scenarios for followers. Her website reeks of tales of disaster situations coming in the future. It is almost verbatim of some of the info given via channeling to the group I was involved with in which I have 12 volumes of the channelings BEFORE the entities allowed their true nature to become known.

Laura Jadczyk’s channelings are made up and falsely influenced by what she reads, which, again is exactly what my former guru did. There's a cookie cutter ideology being pushed as well as a pro agenda by these creatures. It’s possible that a dark entity attachment resides within her - is indeed giving her information to pass on to followers to keep IT empowered.

She has recanted some of her earlier claims and now claims that the information is coming to her from the future her. The endless lies just keep getting bigger and the twists in this parody just keep getting more insane. Laura saga isn’t over – her website is alive and well in France and she is gearing up the illusions of grandeur dealing with the Cassiopaean Experiment once more. Lets all watch what happens!

If you are an ex Cassiopaean follower, please email me below: I am interested in publishing your survival story in an upcoming book. All info will remain confidential as alias's can be substituted.

I also believe that dark alien forces are behind ALL groups who channel without exception. They can and will take over a person to bring about their own sordid agendas. I discuss this in great detail within my book ‘Surviving the Fall: A Journey within the UFO Cult Mindset’ to which in part with this website is about. Email me if you'd like the book information.

Laura said:
If you are an ex Cassiopaean follower, please email me below: I am interested in publishing your survival story in an upcoming book. All info will remain confidential as alias's can be substituted.
geez , when are these retards finally going to get it ?!

following is not the modus vivendi amongst this crowd

critical thinking is the only approach that is being employed especially when it comes to clues received through Cassiopea channeling.

Of course if they could see this then they would loose any ground for calling you a cult.
From: [deleted]
Date: Fri May 23, 2003 1:43 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] to eve from susan[deleted]/ a couple of comments on another post you made to me. silverbranch...
Send Email

hi eve!

yes, angels are such a comfort and help in life, especially atbtimes of trauma andsevere stress, or when we encounter events that are fearful and hard to explain , out of thevrealm of the ordinary , likealien abductions.

that is so evil that we need the added protection and comfort of angelic beings then i think.

i have my resident angel, alter, whatever you want to label it, but he has been there since early childhood and without him i would not perhaps have survived as intact and able to be more aware of some of this difficult and confusing material inside o me and all the weird phenomana i have erxperienced in my life. an excellent therapist who understood at least some of this helped alot , he did believe and treat mpd , ritualistic abuses and illuminati programming hoever i kept reading and doing research along with putting it together with my internalmpd system programmings and what my angel tells me of what happened and i found linkages amongst all th is stuff together.

the illuminati mind control, ritual abuse in families for generations alien ufo , angelic nephillim , genetics material and government mind control stuff. i do not pretend to have discovered all the answers , but i am CONVINCED they all go together in one piece.

well eve, i hope to talk with you soon again and post me anytime forsupport or whatever you need. ok? sincerely, [deleted]
From: [deleted]
Date: Fri May 23, 2003 1:27 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] to cassie from [deleted]/ about your last post. night eating, dreams ect.

dear cassie,

hi! so glad to hear from you again.

I am so sorry you were exposed to such abuses in childhood , the alchoholic parent situation is so hard on children to bear i can imagine , and the cruel stepdad certainly did not help either.

i was wondering, just a thought, but maybe your stepdad, if he was military, might have had contacts within the government balck ops, covert mind control programs , and arranged to put you in some experimental stuff you dissociated from,and do not now recall fully, only in dreams, sleepwalking states and of course the ufo alien stuff , i feel, may well be connected to all that government projects stuff as well?

they did create multiple personality states deliberately in children and adults too.

it is just a thought, toss it out if it does not sound right to you.

you say you do have alternating personalitys who are named?

that could be mpd states. you can have mpd even if youdid not have government or illunminati created personality systems you know.

severe ansd prolonged abuse and traumatic experiences of any type can create the need for a child to dissociate into mpd states.

abuse is abuse , and it can create mpd even when it is not deliberately done by mind control programming.

when a child who is traumatized starts to dissociate, they are opened up to accessing other realities, ufo, aliens , spirit worlds ect. and i think that there may be a high number of abuse victms amongst the alien agenda experiencers. because of this side affect of trauma.

when illuminati and government programmers want to use people for experimental uses they do this splitting deliberately so the other worldly realms can be more readily accessed for whatwever purposes. theywish. also, they split people in order to use them for other reasons .

i am glad you can share what you have been through with all of us here and together we can compare experiences and learn. hopefully, someday we will know all the truth. at last!

yes, cassie , i agree that the experiences we are going through do isolate us andwe are subject to monitering by operatives. i have been monitered andaccessed for info. all my life.

i am approached whenever i try to live a normal life andhave friends , groups whatever, and it usually causes me towithdraw out o fear and intimidation, but i am learning more to persevere and NOT back off of everything iwant to do in life i just have to be careful andgo slowly with folks until iascertain they are safe.

it takes work to learn to handle it. cult, illuminati families andabusive familys also monirer alot , illuminati and cult familys do it heaviliy too as do folks from the government mind control programs .

it is meant to make thevictum of this feel that they can never escape or be free. it is harrassmentand intimidation and is a form of psychological terrorism.

i will not allow myself to remain under it and i am working to be more free of fear.

you are notalone cassie and remember that!

you might benefit from some of the groups which give support to ritualistic and mind control vuctums too. this group is so grat here and i think a big help to all of us!

for me, the other groups add to what is dealt with here in maars group too.

i need all the help i can get!!!!!!!!!!!

oh, yes, the black helicopters buzz us for years too. at certain key times it is stepped up. whenever we would move we are folllowed by this phenomena , when i would go to and from therapy, when i visit myfamily of abuseres.

to nane several times.

another intimidation, don,t talk message i think!

so good to talk to you and hope we talk again soon . anytime you need support i am here cassie ok? sincerely [deleted]
From: "Colleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Sat May 24, 2003 6:27 pm
Subject: Activity is up.

Hi all, I am getting several reports that UFO sightings as well as
abduction activity is steadily increasing and has been for the last
month. Anyone having such anomalies happen?

From: "Colleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Mon May 26, 2003 2:05 pm
Subject: Please read immediately - Topic Postings

Hi Everyone,
I hope everyone has had a good Memorial weekend here in the states
and abroad.

I just wanted to remind everyone to please try to stick on the
subject of alien abductions in your postings.

Many topics that have been recently discussed such as MPD's,
illuminati, blood lines, etc., these topics are a fragment of the
abduction equation and by all means not what the whole alien agenda
is about. Again, the list is for people to discuss malevolent alien
abductions and the traumas associated but not to stay focused on the
aforementioned topics.

I am going to suggest if others wish to continue to post such topics
to continue the conversation in private email's.

There are also many other Yahoo lists for MPD's and the discussion of
the Illuminati blood lines.

The list is for everyone to feel they can share experiences. I have
noted that others simply are not posting to the list and my concern
is that others feel they have nothing to offer or feel they are too
intimidated to post.

I want everyone to feel they can share their experiences and still
feel comfortable with posting to this list.

If anyone has a problem with my discussion and wishes to be unsubbed,
please email me directly. I hate to do this but feel I must in order
to get folks back on topics of abduction.

Also, there have been new areas added to our homepage. I have
included drawings and a poll! Please feel free to contribute to the
webpage. Only members can see what we do.

Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Moderator and List Owner
Colleen Johnston
From: [deleted]
Date: Mon May 26, 2003 2:37 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Please read immediately - Topic Postings

i hit too close to home it seems! if you did not like what i was saying why did you praise and encourage my posts? perehaps YOU want to keep your members under your control and in the dark. you knew what my background was when i joined and you let me post anyway.

this group sounds like a cult to me.

i am unjoining immediately. as for other groups. i belong to those already and for your info. they have lots of members who have the alien, illuminati agendas mixed in with their mpd and ritual abuse issues. you know the truth as you ARE ILLUMINATI YOURSELF no doubt. you want to keep members in the dark. what other group members anyway. this group just started and i do not think there are that many members!

you do NOT INTIMIDATE ME, as a matter of fact, i found out what i needed to know just by your response here today.

From: "Colleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Mon May 26, 2003 3:21 pm
Subject: Re: Please read immediately - Topic Postings

Before I could post this message Susan unsubbed. Folks I am obviously
not illuminati or a cult guru. Most of you on this list know me
anyway and know what I am about.

Sorry this got so messy!
From: "Cassie" [deleted]
Date: Mon May 26, 2003 3:52 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Please read immediately - Topic Postings

Hello Susan...I am posting this to the MAAR group as well as your [deleted] email. Susan...this was for us all. I was also talking about my lush Lucy personality, remember? Anyway...I have known Colleen for a long time and she is so far away from cultish that I was a little taken by your accusation.

If this list is for abductions...then that topic is what we need to focus on. I personally feel that you over reacted...and childishly too I might add. If we get so touchy over the small stuff, what are we going to do when the tough shit hits the fan?

I just met you...told you a bit about me in confidence and now you are gone...poof! and another thing...Colleen's posts were praising you...not the things you wrote.

and she isn't illuminati...and while I am from red neck Texas...I am NOT ILLUMINATI either! Anyway...I am dissappointed...but I'll get over it...(grumble....grumble...)

From: "Cassie" [deleted]
Date: Mon May 26, 2003 3:53 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Re: Please read immediately - Topic Postings


Colleen...don't take it too personal.


From: "Colleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Mon May 26, 2003 4:17 pm
Subject: Re: Please read immediately - Topic Postings

I didn't Cassie, just need to remind folks keep this on topics for
this group.

From: Laura [deleted]
Date: Mon May 26, 2003 9:57 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Re: Please read immediately - Topic Postings

I think what Colleen posted is appropriate. I mean, let's say this was a group focus on alcoholism. It would seem appropriate to keep the subject on alcohol, rather than drugs, and eating disorders, and addictive gambling. I don't have that much to contribute, and I am not afraid ot say what has happened to me.

Anyway, the one who unsubscribed got upset, took it really personal. Lashed out. Actually, people that do that are toxic to me, and I am glad when they move on. Colleen has totally validated me. Never controlling, not cultish. The stuff was interesting that I was reading, but it didn't have much to do with the alien abduction experience that I could see. Hey, did anyone see DreamCatcher yet? The movie? It has some pretty mean aliens in it!!! I think Stephen King knows about abduction. His books really show it.

From: Steven [deleted]
Date: Tue May 27, 2003 8:53 pm
Subject: Re: [maarcolleen] Re: Please read immediately - Topic Postings


Wow! I'm so terribly sorry. I had no idea that this was getting out of control. I know that this person has had a one minded attitude from the start. Sorry it had to come to this. Are you okay?

From: "Colleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Wed May 28, 2003 1:56 pm
Subject: Re: Please read immediately - Topic Postings

No big deal, Steve I am fine. Thank you for your kind words.

From: "Colleen" <maarcolleen@...>
Date: Mon Jun 16, 2003 5:43 pm
Subject: Current happenings

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to say that activity has been picking up with me,
including a terrifying alien whispering, which is waking me up,
sometimes several times a night. I t may be a recall situation or an
actual abduction. A couple of times i have woke with so much muscle
stiffness I can't move much! If it's not the sounds then it's been
really terrifying dreams of explosions and people being on fire. I am
absolutely experiencing symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress.

I have that old familiar beat up feeling that I know is a typical
signature that occurs with abduction for me. I have also noted a lot
of 'high strangeness' like when certain abduction topics are
discussed over the phone, suddenly odd static break-ups or the phone
will drop silent and the call having to be reconnected. Then these
high pitched beeps screaming over the phone. Really odd stuff.

Back a week ago, I meant to post a possible experience - it was wiped
from my mind until last night. That happens to me frequently because
i often have no one to share them with, at least that understands.
The only think I remember is a rustle of the air and feeling like
there was something making a quick movement next to the bed in the
dark - just after I turned the light out.

It was about 1:30 a.m. I turned the light back on and felt nothing.
As soon as the light went out again all I remember the same rustling
then I felt a shot to my arm, like a hot needle was put in, the same
feeling as in a Feb 2003 experience posted on the MAAR Website. I do
not recall any alien entity this time but felt like i was beaten with
a base ball bat and extreme soreness were my tail bone is so injured.

For some of you who don't know this - I was awake and lucid enough to
see two reptilian beings coming into the room via the patio doors
with a green billowing smoke like glow all over the ceiling. I felt
my arm being pulled out and this hot needle feeling go in then
blackness which immediately followed.

I have been so fatigued lately from this sleep disturbance that it's
hard to keep my Fibromyalgia at bay. I hope everyone is well and
undisturbed right now.

On a positive note friend and colleague Leah Haley has a new book
out, called 'Unlocking Alien Closets: Abduction, Mind Control and

She absolutely lets it all hang out, covering the A to Z of her
personal experience with Military Abductions. I would recommend
everyone read it. Leah is a very sincere person and dynamic writer.

Here is a review that Eve Lorgen wrote:


I will get my review up as well soon. Anyway there you have it. Also
would you guys be interested in scheduling another chat session soon?
Please let me know and keep in touch!

Take care,
Enough for today. I've got several more huge files... wait until it gets into the alien sex part... YUUUCK! These women love to hate it or hate to love it, I'm not sure which!
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